
S T O P ~ how to deal with anger/anxiety/depression. Follow these steps when you: * Have and anxiety attack * Get angry/upset * Have a fight with anyone S ~ Stop, physically stop, step back and take a breath. If someone or something is making you stressed, anxious, sad, or upset, etc. in any way just walk away. T ~ Take a breath/break. If you aren’t feeling okay or if you can’t deal with something or someone just take a break from them/it and revisit the topic when you are feeling more comfortable. O ~ Observe, pay attention to any clues that your body gives you. Look at the way that other people are acting. If you are feeling uncomfortable of unsafe then get to a safe place or be with someone that makes you feel safe. P ~ Proceed with purpose, what do YOU need. Is it rest? Is it a bath? Is it to be around friends or family? And what is manageable to your circumstances. And once you have done whatever you need to feel safe and happy, confront the situation and locate what the problem is. * Just don’t worry about anything until you feel safe and happy worrying about work, homework, friends, of family will just make the situation worse so put everything aside and focus on yourself