End of A Journey, See You Again

The end of a journey, a bittersweet time,

A moment to reflect, to pause and to rhyme.

To look back at all the steps that were taken,

And ponder the moments that were both joyful and shaken.

The road was winding, the path was steep,

With obstacles and challenges that made us weep.

But we marched on, with hope in our hearts,

And every setback was a chance for a fresh start.

The journey was long, but it had to end,

And as we approach the finish line, we can't pretend.

That we're not a little sad to say goodbye,

To the memories we've made and the lessons we've learned by.

Yet we're also proud of all that we've achieved,

The milestones we've reached, the battles we've relieved.

And as we close this chapter, we do so with grace,

Knowing that the end of a journey is also a new place.

A new adventure awaits, a fresh start,

And as we move forward, we'll take with us a part.

Of all that we've gained from this journey we've done,

And cherish the memories of the battles we've won.

So let us embrace this ending, this closure so sweet,

And look forward to the next journey we'll meet.

For every end is a chance for a new beginning,

And the possibilities ahead are truly stunning.


#poem #journey #end #beginning #memories #battle #sweet #closure