
Street Prostitutes

There are a bunch different levels of street prostitutes (hookers). When I began to work as a high-class escort, I also encountered high-track women. High-track is slang for high-class street prostitutes. These women all have pimps. Most of these elite girls work as escorts in private, or on the high part of a designated outdoor area (or some do both). Again, they may do not be high-class in the context of being educated and delicate. In the sex industry, high-class one is more associated with expensive women more so than actual class. Many expensive prostitutes actually come from poverty and working class backgrounds, yet their beauty makes it possible to be associated with high-prices and status men. http://www.echoescortsnewyork.com -end street prostitutes I met were quite beautiful. I could never understand why these beautiful women would work in the pub and have pimps (men who take their money). Later I learned these women had a poor concept of self-governance, and were totally dependent their very own pimps for survival (sad, indeed). One young beauty I met was from Eastern Europe. She immigrated to the West, alone, without any family. She told me the story about how she met her pimp. She was clueless that about the word pimp until she got manipulated by a so-called boyfriend. This boyfriend took advantage of her vulnerable situation and got her into escorting. Years ago in the U.S., one with a high-class street prostitute could range from 500 to 700 $ $ $ $. The rule remains that only women with pimps are allowed to stroll in the designated high-track area but this practice of high-class track has almost disappeared in recent years. Moreover, high-class street workers start from country to country. For instance, in Amsterdams Red Light District some high-class girls showcase themselves in windows, while in Bangkok the girls wait outside clubs to solicit his or her self. In what seems for being a completely different world, there is low-track. Low-track is the slums, or the worst district/street in a town (usually associated with homeless and drug-addicted people). Low-track sex workers are what many people assume is part of the common prostitute: drug-addicted women selling their bodies for next-to-nothing or for drugs. These women might be homeless, and are enslaved by lethal drugs such as heroin, crack, meth, and so on. I have never encountered one associated with women, as they appear in another world totally better than the high-class world of prostitution. Yet I have no right to degrade these women. They are human being beings. They all have a story. Nobody knows how or the women ended up such a desperate, vulnerable and dangerous place. Where do these women go for help? How do their clients treat them? Indeed it normally won't even have homes normally use sketchy motels.