

Introduction and my testimony :)

Image (Jesus the Good Shepherd)

Fediverse: @zephan@write.as RSS: https://write.as/zephan/feed

I am a joyful follower of #Jesus Christ.

Following Him is central to all I am, and to how I try to live my life.

It wasn't always that way. I was raised as a Roman Catholic by a devoutly religious mother. I knew nothing about God except the little I learned in catechism classes. To me religion was about attending mass and following the teaching of the church.

During my teenage high school days, (in the turbulent early 70's), things started to change. I became rebellious to my dear mother who raised me as a single divorced mom. I moved out before my senior year in high school like the proverbial prodigal son. Wanting to live a life of partying with friends, drugs, and rock and roll, my identity was revelling in the hippie lifestyle.

But, I had a praying aunt and grandmother on my father's side. \^^/