
Triggers Children Lying Fear of punishment In a study indeed found the fact that punishment will actually make children not want to tell the truth. And this happens because of a child's worry when he says what he feels honestly they will surely get a punishment. There are also children who are initially honest and then become trained to lie because of the treatment of parents who give punishment when he is honest. Therefore, consider this as well as possible in providing education for their children. Want to be noticed and praised The need for attention and praise will often make children able to make up stories about themselves. Though this is not necessarily the case. For example, a child tells a friend that he has won a new competition bought an expensive new toy, or will even be invited to take a trip abroad. This is a result of the child's hopes to get praise so he is also willing to lie for praise. Desire for recognition If indeed the child mingles with friends who love to lie, he will also behave the same as friends. This is because only by showing the same behavior the child feels acceptable to the group. The demands of parents are too high Each child has different abilities. Some have high ability and some do not. And often parents give too high demands on children. This then triggers the child's personality to be more like lying. Readmore : https://www.faunadanflora.com/