
Please credit the author and contact information for republication. A little Constitishment art, from the author of “August Republic”, 1219549135@qq.com. 轉載請註明作者和聯繫方式。一點構成主義藝術,來自作者“奧古斯都共和国”,1219549135@qq.com。 转载请注明作者和联系方式。一点构成主义艺术,来自作者“奥古斯都共和国”,1219549135@qq.com。

https://mastodon.online/web/@painting_gallery/107463535996781937 https://www.deviantart.com/xuanjunhe/art/Long-Live-the-Great-Unity-of-the-World-s-Peoples-901031633 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/94842016 https://xuanjunhe.tumblr.com/post/670840235555520512/long-live-the-great-unity-of-the-worlds-peoples

Long Live the Great Unity of the World's Peoples 世界人民大團結萬歲 世界人民大团结万岁 Long Live the Central People's Government 中央人民政府萬歲 中央人民政府万岁 Long Live the People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國萬歲 中华人民共和国万岁 New Culture Movement 新文化運動 新文化运动 Chinese Communist Party 中國共產黨 中国共产党 Northern Expedition 國共北伐戰爭 国共北伐战争 Nanchang uprising 南昌起義 南昌暴動 南昌起义 Autumn Harvest Uprising 秋收起義 秋收暴動 秋收起义 Encirclement campaigns 中央蘇區反圍剿戰爭 江西剿共戰爭 中央苏区反围剿战争 1934.8—1936.10 THE LONG MARCH 長征 长征 Zunyi Conference 遵義會議 遵义会议 Battle of Chishui River 四渡赤水 Force Dadu river 強渡大渡河 强渡大渡河 Battle of Luding Bridge 瀘定橋戰鬥 泸定桥战斗 Red Star Over China 紅星照耀中國 红星照耀中国 Hán (Korean) War Resist America and Assist Korea Protecting the home and defending the country 韓戰 抗美援朝 保家衛國 抗美援朝 保家卫国 Military Demarcation Line 38th Parallel 38度線 三八线

This is a lithograph depicting the process of China's enduring people's war to victory. The view moves from the lower right of the center to the lower left of the complex area, then to the upper left, and then to the upper and lower right. In the lower right corner is present-day Shanghai, the present-day emblem of the Communist Party of China (round-handled scythe hammer) and the emblem of the Kuomintang of China (blue sky and white sun). The alternating movement of blue and red symbolizes the birth of new democracy, while the light yellow is a faded white to indicate the age, and the connection of black and blue symbolizes the 1911 Revolution. The black and blue connection symbolizes the 1911 Revolution. The whole symbolizes the independence of Taiwan, the civil war of the Communist Party, the October Revolution and the closing of the country. The black eastern coast symbolizes the fascist rule of the Northern Warlord Chinese Empire, the two rivers are the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, and the Yangtze River Delta, the eastern part of the mountain symbolizes Zhang Chunqiao, a native of Juye in Heze, Shandong Province, and the Yangtze River Delta symbolizes the birthplace of the Chinese Communist Party and the main place of activity of Chen Duxiu, as well as the residence of Li Dazhao when he went south after the restoration of Zhang Xun. In the lower left corner is a map of the main route of the Long March, with rectangles symbolizing the city towers and ancient city gates, and triangles pointing to the birthplace of the early Chinese Communist Party organization in Shanghai. The four successive red rectangles indicate the four crossings of the Red River. The dotted lines indicate provincial boundaries. The blue color at the lower left depicts the early tanks. The rectangles are also accompanied by motorization and mechanization. The gradation from black to red depicts the wailing and wailing of the Tibetan people under the slave rule of Reting Rinpoche, which also signifies the turning over of the serf to sing. The red rectangle in the upper left corner symbolizes the Tiananmen Tower, and the red circle is the red skin and the flag of the Red Army of the Chinese Workers and Peasants. At the far left is a Red Army soldier playing a trombone; to the right is a print of Edgar Snow White in uniform; to the right is Chairman Mao Zedong; in the upper left corner, in blue, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance and Kim Il Sung; to the right, Chairman Mao Zedong symbolizes the Founding Ceremony; and the intersection of Mao Zedong and the red circle with the light yellow background depicts the transition from the New Democratic Revolution to the Socialist Revolution. The black rectangle in the upper right corner is the shadow of a tank, while the three arrows are a metaphor for American imperialism; the large arrow is the Communist Civil War, the small arrow on the left is Taiwan, and the long arrow on the right is the Korean War, while the dotted, solid, and dashed lines above are the 38th parallel line, and the 38th parallel line is also written in English in the lower right corner, while the red and blue here depict the flag of the DPRK. In the upper right corner, Shandong and Shanghai symbolize Zhang Chunqiao of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and the glorious fruits of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the Shanghai People's Commune, which Zhang Chunqiao finally decided to establish. Lastly, in the lower right corner, the emblem of detachment from productive labor, the unreasonable architectural layout, and Deng Xiaoping's rule indicate the ultimate failure of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the restoration of Hu Shih's pragmatism, and the tragic scene of the blue and black flags going up to heaven, i.e. Liu Shaoqi's “New Democratic Order”. The painting is most red, followed by black, and finally white and blue, depicting the blood and flames of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and the Paris Commune, as well as “the rise of revisionism means the rise of capitalism, and the worst kind of capitalism, fascism”. It also depicts the inability to establish democratic bourgeois dictatorship in China after the October Revolution. The overall distribution in red depicts the protracted people's wars in China, India, the Philippines and Peru, while the blue in the upper left corner depicts the collapse of the Soviet Union and the blue in the lower right corner depicts the fascist dictatorship in the Pacific and in Taiwan and the Philippines. The author's work is disseminated on A Quei O$ and Hundred Poison Tieba, and inevitably bears the marks and stigmas of a history textbook. The painting has a unique artistic style with its twists and turns in the storyline, vivid characters, and the whole painting is full of legendary colors.

這是一幅版畫,主要描繪了中國持久人民戰爭走向勝利的過程。 視線從從中心右下運動到左下的複雜區域,再運動到左上,接著再運動到右上較下。 右下角是如今的上海、中國共產黨如今的黨徽(圓柄鐮刀錘子)和中國國民黨黨徽(青天白日)。 藍色與紅色的交變運動象徵新民主主義的誕生,而淺黃色是褪色了的白色以表明年代感,黑色與藍色的連接象徵辛亥革命。 整體寓意臺灣獨立、國共內戰、十月革命和閉關鎖國。 黑色的東部沿海象徵北洋軍閥中華帝國的法西斯主義統治,兩條河流分別是黃河和長江、長三角,山東象徵山東菏澤巨野人張春橋,長三角則象徵中國共產黨的誕生地和陳獨秀的主要活動地點,也象徵張勳復辟後李大釗南下時的住處。 左下角是長征的主要路線圖,矩形象徵城樓和古代城牆門,三角形表示指向,這裡指中國共產黨早期組織的誕生地在上海。 四次連續的紅色矩形表示四渡赤水。虛線表示省界。左下方的藍色描繪了早期坦克。矩形還伴隨著摩托化和機械化。而黑色向紅色的漸變描繪了西藏人民在熱振仁波切奴隸制統治下的悲鳴與哀嚎,也寓意著翻身農奴把歌唱。 左上角的紅色矩形象徵天安門城樓,紅圓是紅皮和中國工農紅軍軍旗。最左端是吹長號的紅軍戰士,往右是愛德加·史諾怀特身著軍裝的版畫,再向右是毛澤東主席,左上角的藍色是東北抗日聯軍和金日成,右側的毛澤東主席象徵開國大典,而毛澤東與紅圓的相交與淺黃色底色描繪了從新民主主義革命向社會主義革命過渡的過程。 右上角的中下空黑色矩形是坦克的影子,而三個箭頭比喻美帝國主義,大箭頭是國共內戰,左側小箭頭是臺灣,右側長箭頭是韓戰,而上方的虛線、實線、虛線則是三八線,右下角也寫了38度線的英文(三八平行線),而這裡紅藍則描繪了DPRK的旗幟。 目光再移到右上角,山東和上海象徵無產階級文化大革命的張春橋和張春橋最後定下成立的上海人民公社這一無產階級文化大革命的光輝勝利果實。 最後是右下角,脫離生產勞動的徽標、不合理的建築佈局、鄧小平的統治表明了無產階級文化大革命的最終失敗,胡適實用主義的復辟和藍旗、黑旗上天的物是人非的悲慘景像,即劉少奇的“新民主主義秩序”。 全畫紅色最多、其次是黑色、最後是白色和藍色,描繪了無產階級文化大革命和巴黎公社的鮮血和光焰,以及“修正主義上臺,就是資本主義上臺,而且是最壞的資本主義,是法西斯主義”。同時也描繪了十月革命後中國無法建立民主資產階級專政的狀態。 紅色的整體分佈則是描繪了中國、印度、菲律賓和祕魯的持久人民戰爭,左上角的藍色描繪了蘇聯的解體,右下角的藍色則描繪了太平洋和臺灣、菲律賓等地的法西斯專政。 作者在阿QO$、百毒貼吧上傳播作品,不可避免地帶有歷史教科書的痕跡和烙印。 該畫故事情節曲折、人物形象生動、全畫充滿傳奇色彩,獨具藝術風格。

这是一幅版画,主要描绘了中国持久人民战争走向胜利的过程。 视线从从中心右下运动到左下的复杂区域,再运动到左上,接着再运动到右上较下。 右下角是如今的上海、中国共产党如今的党徽(圆柄镰刀锤子)和中国国民党党徽(青天白日)。 蓝色与红色的交变运动象征新民主主义的诞生,而浅黄色是褪色了的白色以表明年代感,黑色与蓝色的连接象征辛亥革命。 整体寓意台湾独立、国共内战、十月革命和闭关锁国。 黑色的东部沿海象征北洋军阀中华帝国的法西斯主义统治,两条河流分别是黄河和长江、长三角,山东象征山东菏泽巨野人张春桥,长三角则象征中国共产党的诞生地和陈独秀的主要活动地点,也象征张勋复辟后李大钊南下时的住处。 左下角是长征的主要路线图,矩形象征城楼和古代城墙门,三角形表示指向,这里指中国共产党早期组织的诞生地在上海。 四次连续的红色矩形表示四渡赤水。虚线表示省界。左下方的蓝色描绘了早期坦克。矩形还伴随着摩托化和机械化。而黑色向红色的渐变描绘了西藏人民在热振仁波切奴隶制统治下的悲鸣与哀嚎,也寓意着翻身农奴把歌唱。 左上角的红色矩形象征天安门城楼,红圆是红皮和中国工农红军军旗。最左端是吹长号的红军战士,往右是爱德加·史诺怀特身着军装的版画,再向右是毛泽东主席,左上角的蓝色是东北抗日联军和金日成,右侧的毛泽东主席象征开国大典,而毛泽东与红圆的相交与浅黄色底色描绘了从新民主主义革命向社会主义革命过渡的过程。 右上角的中下空黑色矩形是坦克的影子,而三个箭头比喻美帝国主义,大箭头是国共内战,左侧小箭头是台湾,右侧长箭头是韩战,而上方的虚线、实线、虚线则是三八线,右下角也写了38度线的英文(三八平行线),而这里红蓝则描绘了DPRK的旗帜。 目光再移到右上角,山东和上海象征无产阶级文化大革命的张春桥和张春桥最后定下成立的上海人民公社这一无产阶级文化大革命的光辉胜利果实。 最后是右下角,脱离生产劳动的徽标、不合理的建筑布局、邓小平的统治表明了无产阶级文化大革命的最终失败,胡适实用主义的复辟和蓝旗、黑旗上天的物是人非的悲惨景像,即刘少奇的“新民主主义秩序”。 全画红色最多、其次是黑色、最后是白色和蓝色,描绘了无产阶级文化大革命和巴黎公社的鲜血和光焰,以及“修正主义上台,就是资本主义上台,而且是最坏的资本主义,是法西斯主义”。同时也描绘了十月革命后中国无法建立民主资产阶级专政的状态。 红色的整体分布则是描绘了中国、印度、菲律宾和秘鲁的持久人民战争,左上角的蓝色描绘了苏联的解体,右下角的蓝色则描绘了太平洋和台湾、菲律宾等地的法西斯专政。 作者在阿QO$、百毒贴吧上传播作品,不可避免地带有历史教科书的痕迹和烙印。 该画故事情节曲折、人物形象生动、全画充满传奇色彩,独具艺术风格。

Appreciation and Analysis(賞析、赏析): https://write.as/9wuk2k662caq1.md Appreciation and Analysis(賞析、赏析): https://write.as/9wuk2k662caq1.md Appreciation and Analysis(賞析、赏析): https://write.as/9wuk2k662caq1.md

#Constitishment #共產主義 #構成主義 #馬列毛主義 #Marxism-Leninism-Maoism #Communism #中國 #China #PPW #貢薩羅