Y.A.S.B.R. – New Banishing Rite of the Dark Lord

Yet Another Satanic Banishing Rital – based on Agrippa's attributions of the elements to the directions and spirits attributions to said directions.

Demons Kings and their Princes of the Four Directions according to Agrippa One error in the illustration: Azael and Azazel switched places

Note: use the downwards pointing pentagram for the directions Frame 24|690x265

  1. Face North – Silver Cloud relaxation ritual
  2. Head – Spirit – True Name
  3. Throat – Air – Lucifer
  4. Heart – Water – Leviathan
  5. Sacral – Fire – Sathanas
  6. Root – Earth – Beelzebuth
  7. North – Water pentagram – (Sign of Enterer) Aegin (Sign of Silence)
  8. West – Air pentagram – (Sign of Enterer) Paimon (Sign of Silence)
  9. South – Earth pentagram – (Sign of Enterer) Amaymon (Sign of Silence)
  10. East – Fire pentagram – (Sign of Enterer) Uriens (Sign of Silence)
  11. Back to North
  12. Mahazael, take thy place before me!
  13. Azael, take thy place behind me!
  14. Azazel, take thy place at my left!
  15. Samael, take thy place at my right!
  16. Around me burn the 5-rayed stars, within me the Powers of Infernal Chiefs – I am Eternal, Infinite, and Immortal, for I am [True Name] now and at all times!
  17. Repeat steps 2-5.

“Mahazael appears as a vampiric werewolf – gray black fur, eyes blazing yellow, bestial fangs, long spider like fingers with razor sharp claws, standing on two legs.”

“Azael has a manifestation like an angel’s corpse possessed. He looked like a zombified angel with grey skin and completely black eyes.”

“Azazel’s eagle aspect appears as an eagle made of metal whose feathers turn to blades when they fall. This metallic bird was roughly nine feet tall, not including its sharp tail. Some texts describe Azazel as a twelve-winged dragon. Azazel has manifested in a dream of mine as a two-winged four-legged dragon made of shadow. I have seen Azazel’s goat aspect in visions as an anthropomorphic goat with grey fur and dark green eyes. It sat enthroned in a realm of total darkness. A nature witch I used to know told me that Azazel manifested for her as a man with short brown hair and horns– an appearance correlating to Azazel’s traditional depiction as a Horned God.”

“He (Samael) appears as a strong and handsome man who is toned and muscular. He has lighter skin and long black hair. His wings are black like the night and he is adorned usually in dark armour. He carries with him his sword which he will use against those who oppose him. He has a stern look on his face and has blue/grey eyes that resemble the darkness of the moon. He is a very skilled and powerful warrior and he is very tall and acts as a pillar of strength for those who walk with him.”