
I am the Bornless Aeon, who dwells beyond Light and Darkness. I am the Arkhe and the Proarkhe, and the Bythos that contains all things. I am the essence of the Aeons, and the Aeon of Aeons. I am the Eternal Mind, the Daemon of Daemons, the God of Gods, and the Lord of all the Spirits.

For I am the first and the last. I am the honored one and the scorned one. I am the substance and the one who has no substance. I am Godless, and I am the One whose Godhood is Great

For I am Knowledge and Ignorance. I am Shame and Boldness. I am Strength and I am Fear. I am War and Peace. I am Love and Hatred. I am the one who is disgraced and the great one. I am compassionate and I am cruel.

I am the One who created the Earth and all bones and all flesh and all spirits, and I am the One who established the sea and suspended the heavens, who separated the light from the darkness, the uncreated Aion Teleos

I am the invariable and numinous Autogenes Hear my voice, for my Word is Logos I am the High-Minded One, the Immortal One, who possesses the crown of the whole world!

I am the greatest of things, the least of things, I am Man made perfect, whom no man has seen at any time

Now I don my crown, which is the crown of the whole world

I am the One who have all the forms and all the names I am the One whose form no man has seen at any time I am Protennoia, the Thought that dwells in the Light behind all Existence. I am the movement that dwells in the All I am the first-born among those who came to be, the One who exists before the All. I am invisible within the Ennoia (thought) of the Invisible One. I am revealed in the immeasurable, ineffable things. I am incomprehensible, dwelling in the incomprehensible. I move in every creature. I am the life of my Epinoia that dwells within every Power and every eternal movement, and (in) invisible Lights and within the Archons and Angels and Demons, and every soul dwelling in the Underworld, and (in) every material soul. I dwell in those who came to be. I move in everyone and I delve into them all. I walk uprightly, and those who sleep, I awaken. And I am the sight of those who dwell in sleep. I am the Invisible One within the All. It is I who counsel those who are hidden, since I know the All that exists in it. I am numberless beyond everyone. I am immeasurable, ineffable, yet whenever I wish, I shall reveal myself of my own accord. I am the head of the All. I exist before the All, and I am the All, since I exist in everyone.

I am the Womb, by the One established over the Abyss, before heaven, earth, sea, light, or darkness came to be.

Hear me, for my hidden name is ineffable. The Spirits hearing it are terrified The Heavens hearing it are shaken The Earths hearing it are shaken The Underworlds hearing it are shaken My name freezes all rivers, sea, lakes, and springs My name splits rocks and mountains

I am Augoeides, begetter and nourisher of all I am Augoeides, bringer of wrath and scourge for all

Open to me, O all Heavens! Open to me, O all Earths! Open to me, O all Underworlds! Open to me! I am [True Name]. Open to me!

Hear Me, thou who art subject to Me, and know that every spell and scourge of the Vast One is available to Me By the Power of My Will, I do command all life, all planets, all elements, and all the things that are

I am the One who make all Spirits subject unto Me so that every Spirit of the Firmament, and of the Ether, upon the Earth and under the Earth: on dry Land, or in the Water: of Whirling Air or of rushing Fire, and every Spell and scourge of Existence, may be obedient unto me!

I am the Deathless God, Eternal

This is a (bit modified) Relaxation Ritual / Meditation from the book Ipsissimus by E.A. Koetting, which is to be performed before any and every occult operation. A similar meditation can be found in the Golden Dawn system with visualizing a golden ball of light – a mini-Sun at the feet of the operator which moves through the whole body like in this exercise and releases tension everywhere, where it touches the operator.

This meditation is to be performed even before any type of banishing ritual, for example pentagram rituals like the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram – even before the Kabbalistic Cross which is at the beginning of said banishing ritual.

Start with either standing or sitting — the direction doesn't matter.

  1. Start with focusing on your breath – inhale and pay attention to your chest rising when inhaling, and falling when you exhale. Don't try to control the breath, just observe it.
  2. Notice a soft, silver light shining above you, and a white sphere a few inches above your head. Feel the warm energy which is like a cloud, forming around the sphere. Don't look at it or try to see it, just be aware of it. It is warm and comfortable, feel it's relaxing glow radiating down upon you.
  3. Inhale and feel the cloud moving downwards until it sits on the top of your head, and feel all tension and thoughts clear from your head.
  4. After stopping there, start moving the cloud downwards when inhaling, and when you exhale feel all your tension flow into the cloud; stopping as necessary. As the cloud moves down to the level of your ears, chin, neck, heart, belly, groins, thighs, knees, it releases the tension in each area it touches, until the cloud is resting beneath your feet. Feel your body completely relaxed and your head devoid of thoughts. Once you get to your feet, see the cloud dissolve into the floor beneath you, taking all your tension with it.
  5. Exclaim in your mind: “My body and my mind is completely relaxed.”
  6. With only your mind see the room you are in – try not to use your body, your senses, or your brain; allow the vision of the room come to life.

  1. Begin standing, facing North, with a moment of meditation, arms at your sides with palms outward, feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders back. Regulate your breathing pattern.
  2. Facing North, stretch out your left and right hands, palms facing upward and visualize bright, white light above your head. Inhale and vibrate: DESCENDAT VULTUREM Exhale and visualize the light descend through the crown of your head, through your spine, into the ground into infinity. Let the light fill your whole body and purify you, making your body feel lighter. Vibrate: ADOIL
  3. With your arms still outstretched, turn your palms downwards and inhale. Chant ASCENDAT SERPENS and visualize a beam of fiery red light shoot upwards, entering your body through the base of your spine, moving towards and through the crown of the head into infinigy. Let it fill your body with an empowering, strengthening energy while you feel a pull downwards. Vibrate: ARCHA
  4. With the right arm raised and the left lowered, feel both shafts of light mingle and mix within the body, filling the entire body and all its parts with a mixture of red and white light, purifying and empowering all at once. Breathe for a few counts as desired.
  5. Extend both your arms out and downward. Breathe in a dark brown to black, heavy, cool, compressing energy. Exhale and exclaim BEELZEBUTH with your whole breath, letting the energy form a solid plane of earth underneath you.
  6. Raise your right hand and keep the left hand lowered. Inhale a red, hot, active, expansive, and parching energy that rises upward. Exhale and exclaim SATHANAS with your whole breath, letting the fire rise up and fill the sky above you.
  7. Raise your left hand and lower your right hand. Inhale a fluid, cool, wet, pressuring energy. Exhale and exclaim LEVIATHAN with your whole breath, letting the water drain out to form an ocean at your waist.
  8. Raise both your right and left hands. Inhale a bright yellow, fast, buzzing, light, moist, and warm energy. Exhale and exclaim LUCIFER with your whole breath, letting the air rush out and forming a sky and clouds and wind around you from the waist up.
  9. Stretch your arms out to your sides. Inhale in a pure, white, clear light. Exhale and exclaim [True Name] with your whole breath, letting the light fill all the space and elements around you.

Optional steps: Circulation of Light

Most of the Circulation of Light is from

  1. After completing the exercise outlined above, direct your attention to the sphere/light shining above your head. With your arms by your side, take a deep breath. Now as you slowly exhale, imagine the light descending down to your left shoulder, and then down the length of the whole side of your body. As it touches your feet, inhale, drawing the light across to the other foot, up the full length of the right side of the body and back to the sphere above the head. Repeat three times.
  2. Again, synchronizing the breath, move the light, but this time from the sphere in a circular motion, down out from the body, under the feet and back up to the Crown. Repeat three times.
  3. Synchronize your breath as in exercises one and two, draw the energy down from the sphere, over the front of the body, under the feet and up the back, back to Crown. Repeat three times.
  4. Visualize a shaft of light from the Crown,(inhale) draw the energy down through the body where it comes to rest at the Earth sphere filling it with light. (Exhale as you bring the energy down.)
  5. Now visualize the energy curling up in a spiral (inhale) to the front left leg. It continues to move in a counter clockwise spiral, wrapping you like an Egyptian Mummy in light.
  6. Continue up until you reach the Crown, then visualize the energy exploding like a fountain out of the Crown Chakra falling around you cleansing the body's energy field, and finally descending to the Earth centre where it fills up again. Repeat this three times.

I am the Bornless daemon with sight in my feet; I am the Mighty One who possesseth the Immortal Fire; I am the Truth who hateth the fact that unjust deeds are done in the world; I am the One that maketh the lightning flash and the thunder roll; I am the One who is the Power behind all powers; I am the One who is the Form behind all forms; I am the One whose sweat is the heavy rain, which falleth upon the earth that it might be inseminated; I am the greatest of things, the least of things, that which licks your spittle and rejoices in your libations; I am Man made perfect, whom no man hath seen at any time; I am the One whose mouth is utterly aflame; I am the One who begeteth and destroyeth; I am the One who beareth the power of Planets; I am the One whose Voice commandeth all; I am the One who commandeth Time and Space;

Power of all things Damned have I; Power of all things Saved have I; Power of all things yet to Fall, yet to be Ascended, and still to become on this World have I;

I am a God of the Aeon; my name is [True Name]; By this know My Numinous Power, taken by Right of Birth; By this know My Numinous Glance, which brings to you wrath or balm; By this know My Numinous Will, which all must obey; Now do I choose This form: [True Name]; Now do I choose this Time, and this Place; For I am the One who is sent forth from the Power; I am Godless, and I am the One whose Godhood is Great;

Hear Me, thou who art subject to Me, and know that every spell and scourge of the Vast One is available to Me By the Power of My Will, I do commandeth all life, all elements, and all the things that are;

For Mine is the Power;

Mine is the Glory;

Mine is the All That Is.

Yet Another Satanic Banishing Rital – based on Agrippa's attributions of the elements to the directions and spirits attributions to said directions.

Demons Kings and their Princes of the Four Directions according to Agrippa One error in the illustration: Azael and Azazel switched places

Note: use the downwards pointing pentagram for the directions Frame 24|690x265

  1. Face North – Silver Cloud relaxation ritual
  2. Head – Spirit – True Name
  3. Throat – Air – Lucifer
  4. Heart – Water – Leviathan
  5. Sacral – Fire – Sathanas
  6. Root – Earth – Beelzebuth
  7. North – Water pentagram – (Sign of Enterer) Aegin (Sign of Silence)
  8. West – Air pentagram – (Sign of Enterer) Paimon (Sign of Silence)
  9. South – Earth pentagram – (Sign of Enterer) Amaymon (Sign of Silence)
  10. East – Fire pentagram – (Sign of Enterer) Uriens (Sign of Silence)
  11. Back to North
  12. Mahazael, take thy place before me!
  13. Azael, take thy place behind me!
  14. Azazel, take thy place at my left!
  15. Samael, take thy place at my right!
  16. Around me burn the 5-rayed stars, within me the Powers of Infernal Chiefs – I am Eternal, Infinite, and Immortal, for I am [True Name] now and at all times!
  17. Repeat steps 2-5.

“Mahazael appears as a vampiric werewolf – gray black fur, eyes blazing yellow, bestial fangs, long spider like fingers with razor sharp claws, standing on two legs.”

“Azael has a manifestation like an angel’s corpse possessed. He looked like a zombified angel with grey skin and completely black eyes.”

“Azazel’s eagle aspect appears as an eagle made of metal whose feathers turn to blades when they fall. This metallic bird was roughly nine feet tall, not including its sharp tail. Some texts describe Azazel as a twelve-winged dragon. Azazel has manifested in a dream of mine as a two-winged four-legged dragon made of shadow. I have seen Azazel’s goat aspect in visions as an anthropomorphic goat with grey fur and dark green eyes. It sat enthroned in a realm of total darkness. A nature witch I used to know told me that Azazel manifested for her as a man with short brown hair and horns– an appearance correlating to Azazel’s traditional depiction as a Horned God.”

“He (Samael) appears as a strong and handsome man who is toned and muscular. He has lighter skin and long black hair. His wings are black like the night and he is adorned usually in dark armour. He carries with him his sword which he will use against those who oppose him. He has a stern look on his face and has blue/grey eyes that resemble the darkness of the moon. He is a very skilled and powerful warrior and he is very tall and acts as a pillar of strength for those who walk with him.”

Although I posted my rituals on BALG after I deemed them 'polished' enough, I'm still uncertain about using the Golden Dawn directions. If I'm using geomancy correspondences, maybe Agrippa's attributions should be used (East: Fire, North: Water, West: Air, South: Earth) as geomancy is pretty much connected to astrology, and Agrippa's attributions work well with planetary work.

On the other hand the Golden Dawn attributions (East: Air, North: Earth, West: Water, South: Fire) is very versatile, because a Golden Dawn ritual isn't dependent on the place the ritual is performed at – for the time of the ritual it takes place in the astral realm, more specifically the Halls of Duat or the Egyptian Underworld. As Thelema borrowed it's system from the Golden Dawn it's understandable why they use similar correspondences and looking at Satanic, Luciferian, and other Black Lodge traditions, they borrowed too a lot of correspondences from the Golden Dawn/Thelema systems. My only problem with this is that Qliphothic work doesn't feel like it should be done specifically in the Egyptian Underworld, because in a way the Qliphoth is an underworld itself.

So, what should the correct correspondences be when attributing Elements to cardinal Directions in my own system? Using Agrippa's or the Golden Dawn's attributions feel intuitive (while the Golden Dawn attributions seem to be the most universal out of the two), but I'm still not sure about the nature of the system. Maybe the answer lies a channeling-session away...

The other option may be that I develop and build an astral temple and use it's correspondences in my work, which seems plausible. Then again what do I model my astral temple after? Or maybe the attributions could be very personal, depending on what one's Higher Self says.

All-in-all, although I view the Geomancer's rituals finalized in a way, I don't consider them their 'final' version, because I still have to work out a lot of kinks. I hope I can get these basics down to avoid uncertainty like this in the future and constructing future rituals would be as easy as slapping LEGO blocks into their designated place.

Gnostic Pentagram Ritual (modified)

  1. Stand facing East.
  2. Stand in a stance similar to the Greek letter Psi (Ψ), and vibrate “PSI” while visualizing your whole being shining brighter.
  3. Inhale fully. Exhale slowly sustaining the sound “KHO” while visualizing a radiance of bright red energy in the head.
  4. Inhale fully. Exhale slowly sustaining the sound “PHU” while visualizing a radiance of yellow energy in the throat, chest, and the arms.
  5. Inhale fully. Exhale slowly sustaining the sound “KSĒ” while visualizing a radiance of blue energy in the belly area.
  6. As in 2, but the sound “THŌ” in the groin, legs, and feet (dark brown energy).
  7. Repat 6. Then 5, 4, 3, working back toward the head.
  8. Inhale fully. Exhale slowly, forming each of the elemental geomantic figures and elemental sounds in turn while, with the left arm, holding your hand in the air the figures. (Laetitia in the East – BI, Albus in the North – , Rubeus in the West – ZU, and Tristitia in the South – HA)
  9. Make a quarter turn to the left and repeat 8, then continue to turn and draw the remaining pentagrams with mantra and visualization until returning to the starting position.

The Banishing Pentagrams

Invocation of the Solar Guardians

IŌ ERBĒTH, take thy place before me! (A winged dragon with a crown of clouds rising above the horizon) IŌ ABLANATHANALBA, take thy place behind me! (A crocodile with the tail of a snake arising from the waters) IŌ LERTHEKSANAKS, take thy place at my right! (A falcon with wings fully outstretched wreathed in the fire of the Sun) IŌ SESENGENBARPHARANGĒS, take thy place at my left! (An infant child sitting atop a blossoming lotus) IŌ AKRAMMAKHAMAREI, take thy place in the heights! (An old balding man dressed in pale grey looking downward holding a ring of keys in his right hand and a staff in his left) IŌ DAMNAMENEUS, take thy place in the depths! (A young maiden dressed in bright red and hair covered with a red shawl looking forward holding a spear in her right hand and a torch in her left) For I am MALPARTALKHŌ, standing in the midst of the All!

Repeat the steps 2-7 from the Gnostic Pentagram Ritual and then do the Geomancer's Cross.

Attunement to the Elements

  1. Begin standing, facing East, with a moment of meditation, arms at your sides with palms outward, feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders back. Regulate your breathing pattern..
  2. Facing East, stretch out your left and right hands, palms facing upward and visualize bright, white light above your head. Inhale and vibrate: DESCENDAT COLUMBA Exhale and visualize the light descend through the crown of your head, through your spine, into the ground into infinity. Let the light fill your whole body and purify you, making your body feel lighter. Vibrate: ADOIL
  3. With your arms still outstretched, turn your palms downwards and inhale. Chant ASCENDAT SERPENS and visualize a beam of fiery red light shoot upwards, entering your body through the base of your spine, moving towards and through the crown of the head into infinigy. Let it fill your body with an empowering, strengthening energy while you feel a pull downwards. Vibrate: ARCHA
  4. With the right arm raised and the left lowered, feel both shafts of light mingle and mix within the body, filling the entire body and all its parts with a mixture of red and white light, purifying and empowering all at once. Breathe for a few counts as desired.
  5. Extend both your arms out and downward. Breathe in a dark brown to black, heavy, cool, compressing energy. Exhale and exclaim THĒ / (T)HĒ with your whole breath, letting the energy form a solid plane of earth underneath you.
  6. Raise your left hand and keep your right hand lowered. Inhale a fluid, cool, wet, pressuring energy. Exhale and exclaim KSEI / DĒ with your whole breath, letting the water drain out to form an ocean at your waist.
  7. Raise both your right and left hands. Inhale a bright yellow, fast, buzzing, light, moist, and warm energy. Exhale and exclaim PHEI / ZĒ with your whole breath, letting the air rush out and forming a sky and clouds and wind around you from the waist up.
  8. Lower your left hand and keep the right hand upheld. Inhale a red, hot, active, expansive, and parching energy that rises upward. Exhale and exclaim KHEI / BĒ with your whole breath, letting the fire rise up and fill the sky above you.
  9. Stretch your arms out to your sides. Inhale in a pure, white, clear light. Exhale and exclaim PSI (ps) with your whole breath, letting the light fill all the space and elements around you.

Attunement to the 7 Planets

  1. Still facing East stretch out both your arms to the left. Inhale and intone Α for one beat. This could be a heartbeat, a second, or whatever, but note the length. Visualize a dark purple light.
  2. Face North. Put out your right fist, lowering your left hand. Inhale and intone E for two beats. Visualize a bright orange light.
  3. Face West. Extend both your arms, palms outward. Inhale and intone Ē for three beats. Visualize a vibrant green light.
  4. Face South. Place both your hands on your belly. Inhale and intone I for four beats. Visualize a golden shining light.
  5. Face East and downwards. Bend down and touch your toes. Inhale and intone O for five beats. Visualize a fiery red light.
  6. Lift yourself back up and look towards the middle distance and relax your eyes. Put your right hand over your heart, lowering your left hand. Inhale and intone Ü for six beats. Visualize a rich blue light.
  7. Look up towards the sky. Put both your hands on top of your head. Inhale and intone Ō for seven beats. Visualize a pitch black light.
  8. Face east again if you moved, and raise your hands as far up as they can go. Intone A-E-Ē-I-O-Ü-Ō, seeing the seven colors around you in all directions. Intone ZOXATHAZO as you slowly lower your hands straight down, feeling the forces of the pillar, elements, and planets around and within you. Intone Ō-Ü-O-I-Ē-E-A, again seeing the seven colors.
  9. Inhale deeply, press both hands over your sternum in a covered fist, and seeing all the forces around you shine vibrantly. Inhale deeply again, breathing in all the forces into your inner being.
  10. Extend both your arms outwards, right hand lifted up and left hand lowered, and intone AZOTH ZAZOTH ZOZAZOTH. Feel the vibrations conquer, master, and rule over all the cosmic, celestial, and elemental forces within you.

Thee, mighty-ruling, Daemon dread, I call, Octinomos, life-giving, and the source of all: Octinomos, much-wandering, terrible and strong, To whom revenge and tortures dire belong. Mankind from thee, in plentiful wealth abound, When in their dwellings joyful thou art found; Or pass through life afflicted and distressed, The needful means of bliss by thee suppressed. 'Tis thine alone endured with boundless might, To keep the keys of sorrow and delight.

O numinous, blessed father, hear my call, Disperse the seeds of life-consuming care; With favoring mind the sacred rites attend, And grant my days a glorious, blessed end.

Relaxation Ritual

  1. Start off by finding a place where you will not be disturbed by anything or anyone. Stand facing towards East.
  2. Begin by visualizing a ball of bright golden white energy. Feel it as a warm, soothing, and comforting ball of energy. One important side note is not to think of this ball as just a simple ball of energy. Think of it as the sun or the morning sun rising up into the new day, bringing forth to the earth new life, vitality, and light. Feel this ball slowly enveloping your feet. Feel its warmth beginning to relax your feet, taking away all tension and aches from all parts of your feet. Feel them completely relaxed. Feel every muscle in your foot without pain or aches, just completely relaxed.
  3. Now start to bring the ball slowly up your ankles and the bottom of your legs. Feel the warmth taking away all aches and pains from your ankles and legs. They are completely relaxed. Now feel it moving up to the thigh area, then to the waist, making all areas it touches feel relaxed. Continue to do this throughout your entire body. Move the ball up to your stomach, chest, neck, and end at your head.
  4. If at any point in this ritual you begin to feel an area of your body starting to feel tense, or coming out of its relaxed state, direct the ball to that area and feel it becoming relaxed again. You might want to leave it there for a few moments to ensure that the feeling stays.
  5. After your entire body is relaxed, take a few moments to feel it. Feel every muscle in every part of your body fully relaxed. Your mind is relaxed. Any thoughts of work, the kids, or the mundane world do not make a difference. Now take a few breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth, as in the Four-Fold Breath. Say in your mind or out loud: “My body and my mind is completely relaxed, and I am ready to start my workings.”

A preliminary declaration from BALG

(Big thanks to Lady_Eva!)

In the Temple of My Mind In the Silence of My Soul I am ready to do the workings of My desire

I cleanse this Place Its boundaries made Perfect And come I now to the Place of the Mystery, Where all Form and all Power is Mine.

The Geomancer's Cross

  1. Begin standing, facing East, with a moment of meditation, arms at your sides with palms outward, shoulders back. Regulate your breathing pattern.
  2. Visualize growing larger and larger with every breath, until you are larger than the Universe itself and your head is basically in the Void. Look up and see bright, white light shining above your head – reach up and vibrate while continuously bringing it down towards your forehead (then proceed to touch your forehead and visualize a sphere of bright, white light forming inside your head): ASH-KEE-OHN (Askion)
  3. Move your hands towards your groin, and when your hand reaches your heart, start vibrating the word (while moving towards your groin, after your hand reached there, point your fingers downwards and visualize a sphere of light forming inside your body and a beam of light connecting the sphere in your head and your groind): KAT-ASH-KEE-ONH (Kataskion)
  4. Move your hand towards your right shoulder, and visualize a sphere of light forming there, then vibrate: LEE-X (Lix)
  5. Move your hand towards your left shoulder. When you reach your heart, start vibrating, and visualize a sphere of light forming inside your left shoulder and a beam of light connecting both shoulders: TET-RAX (Tetrax)
  6. Touch the left hand to the right shoulder and the right hand to the left shoulder while slightly bowing your head (The Sign of Osiris Risen: The Pentagram). Visualize a very small but infinitely bright point at the intersection of the two beams of light in the body, joining them both together. Vibrate: DAM-NAM-EH-NEH-USS (Damnameneus)
  7. Open the hands and arms out forward and to the sides in a sweeping motion (The Sign of the Rending of the Veil). Visualize three beams of light emanating from that intersection point: an infinite vertical one passing through both the head and the groin, an infinite horizontal one passing through both the right shoulder and left shoulder, and an infinite beam passing through the chest forward and backward. Vibrate: AISH-IONH (Aision)

Gnostic Pentagram Ritual

  1. Stand facing East.
  2. Inhale fully. Exhale slowly sustaining the sound “I” (a high-pitched ieeeee! sound) while visualizing a radiance of bright white energy in the head area.
  3. Inhale fully. Exhale slowly sustaining the sound “E” (a lower-pitched eeeeh! sound) while visualizing a radiance of enerfy in the throat area.
  4. Inhale fully. Exhale slowly sustaining the sound “A” (a deep aaaah! sound) while visualizing a radiance of energy in the heart and lungs, which spreads to the muscles of the limbs.
  5. As in 2, but the sound “O” (ooooh!) in the belly area.
  6. As in 2, but the sound “U” (a very deep uuuur!) in the genital/anal area.
  7. Repat 6. Then 5, 4, 3, 2, working back toward the head.
  8. Inhale fully. Exhale slowly, forming each of the IEAOU sounds in turn while, with the left arm, drawing in the air a pentagram, which is also visualized strongly. (Banishing Air in the East, Banishing Earth in the North, Banishing Water in the West, and Banishing Fire in the South)
  9. Make a quarter turn to the left and repeat 8, then continue to turn and draw the remaining pentagrams with mantra and visualization until returning to the starting position.

Invocation of the Solar Guardians

IŌ ERBĒTH, take thy place before me! (A winged dragon with a crown of clouds rising above the horizon) IŌ ABLANATHANALBA, take thy place behind me! (A crocodile with the tail of a snake arising from the waters) IŌ LERTHEKSANAKS, take thy place at my right! (A falcon with wings fully outstretched wreathed in the fire of the Sun) IŌ SESENGENBARPHARANGĒS, take thy place at my left! (An infant child sitting atop a blossoming lotus) IŌ AKRAMMAKHAMAREI, take thy place in the heights! (An old balding man dressed in pale grey looking downward holding a ring of keys in his right hand and a staff in his left) IŌ DAMNAMENEUS, take thy place in the depths! (A young maiden dressed in bright red and hair covered with a red shawl looking forward holding a spear in her right hand and a torch in her left) For I am MALPARTALKHŌ, standing in the midst of the All!

Repeat the steps 2-7 from the Gnostic Pentagram Ritual and then repeat the Geomancer's Cross