
An amateur scientist (biology, JavaScript, linguistics, music) searching for rationality

This contest is an attempt to promote scientific knowledge among community in a fun and interesting way with the help of molecules.

Some people like to travel around the world and tell others stories about what happens outside of our organisms/cells in other countries.

And with “Identify the molecule” contest you can try to travel inside our own organism/cells and cells of the organisms around us.

For more information about this contest read “Identify the molecule” league. Prize: knowledge + 5/10 XRP + 200/400 TMN post.


The prize here is

1. knowledge

> facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject

[Oxford Dictionary of English, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2010]

That understanding of our own organism and organisms around us is the real prize in the case of this contest. No matter what happens (whether or not you get 5 XRP), you can win (can acquire the knowledge by investigating different sources of information, remembering and using it to your advantage in the future).

2. 5 XRP

3. 200 TMN

Aside from XRP I’d like to add TMN tokens.

For the uninitiated, TMN is the token of TranslateMe project (it’s about combining blockchain technology (NEO in this case) with translation industry).

The reason I’m going to add this token for the prize pool of this contest is not only because I have them, but because this contest is quite scientific, and TranslateMe project might help to solve the “lost” science problem.

For more on this you can read my post regarding TranslateMe (TranslateMe (or Decentralization meets Translation industry). Part 2. The “missing puzzle piece” of scientific ecosystem. General overview) (and other posts of that series).

For more information on crypto-bonuses for this league, please refer to “Identify the molecule” league. Prize: knowledge + 5/10 XRP + 200/400 TMN post.

Consider these tokens as a bonus.

Images and text are the clues for you to guess a riddle (the name of the molecule in this case).

Note that

a) even though this contest is called “Identify the molecule”,

-> molecule (singular)

sometimes it’s not just a molecule which is responsible for a specific function, but rather a complex of molecules.


cytochrome c oxidase (Complex IV)

> is a large transmembrane protein complex… It is the last enzyme in the respiratory electron transport chain of cells located in the membrane


b) some molecules/complexes have different names. For example, other names for cytochrome c oxidase (example above) are

> Complex IV (mitochondrial electron transport). Cytochrome a3. Cytochrome aa3. Cytochrome oxidase. Warburg's respiratory enzyme.


Any of those names would be a valid entry.

c) Some almost identical molecules are grouped into classes / groups / families.


Helicases are divided into 6 groups. RecD and Dda molecules belong to helicases group (Superfamily 1 (SF1)). In this case you would need to guess only the name of the group –> Helicase/ Helicases.

d) Some proteins can have different forms – isoforms.


There’re trypsin 1 and trypsin 2. In this case you would need to guess only the general name – trypsin.


In order to get TMN, you’ll need to have NEO-wallet and provide me your public NEO-address.

If you don’t have it yet, don’t worry, I published a post on how/where to get it (O3 wallet).

Note that NEO-addresses provided by exchanges will not work in this case (+ it's safer NOT to keep your funds on exchanges). It's highly recommended to get O3 wallet.

If there’re no winners on any stage, the prize will be distributed equally among all users who provided any guesses for molecules.


This contest lasts for 6 days.

The change is that from now on, you need to provide your answers on Twitter, not on Telegram group.

The reason is that Twitter provides all the features needed and xrptipbot allows to tip users there.

So, it would be easy for me to distribute the prizes.

But you can still to use the Telegram group if you want to discuss the molecule, give suggestion for the league or something (except for spamming ;) ).

You'll find my posts here on Twitter

Leave your guess (1 guess only (not 2 or 3)) in the reply to my twit with the riddle on Twitter.

Don’t edit your comment/reply, don't delete or add new comments/replies with the answers and don’t provide any evidence that your answer is correct.

The first user with the right answer is the winner.

I’ll provide the answer in the Telegram group, will update this post and will let all the participants know it on Twitter.

Some of the clues have already been provided in the post.

Additional clues will be given on Wednesday (20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC) (I’ll update this post).

The reason is that some people might need less information to make conclusions that the others.

Additional clues will be added at the end of the “Riddle” section before the “Rules” section with “Edited” label.

The winner will be announced in the Telegram group/in this post on Coil and on Twitter (+ I'll publish a detailed review of the riddle after a while) on Friday, July 17, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.

I'll send the XRP bonus if the winner/participants provide me their XRP-addresses & destination tags on on Twitter. I created my XRP-address with the help of Atomic Wallet. If you don't have Atomic Wallet yet, you can find some details about it here (but I'm sure there should be some other wallets which support XRP)

(Publish0x Recommends Atomic Wallet (Download Now and Get 15 AWC))

Note that in order for your XRP-address to be activated, you need to deposit 20 XRP

> It is an unspendable balance – you can’t withdraw it. To be able to manage XRP in Atomic Wallet, you have to deposit 20 XRP on your account.


I’ll transfer the tokens (XRP + TMN) (if the winners/participants provide me their NEO-address / XRP-addresses & destination tags) to the winners/participants on that day (Friday).

I’m planning to run this contest every week.

So, you should expect to see the 3rd week’s riddle for July on Saturday, July 18, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.

The riddle goes below.


(One of the “heroes” of the 1st experiment – DUSP2 – with its catalytic domain (cartoon representation) with its conservative (V)-HC-XX-X-XX-R-(S/T) motif (highlighted with magenta). The image was created by me with the help of PyMol - open source tool for molecules visualization/exploration. You can use the image if you want)

Welcome back to our journey with MAPK signalling pathway, DUSPs (dual-specificity phosphatases) and Cd2+.

Finding the biological processes the genes (related to “cellular response to cadmium ion”) are involved

In this part we are going to visit GeneCodis [1, 2, 3, 4]

Select the organism (Homo sapiens in our case).

Choose “GO Biological Processes” in “Select the annotations” option.

And let’s paste the list of our genes (29 unique genes) in the input field (“Paste your lists of genes” option). And click “Submit”. The page will be reloaded several times.

Note that we got 42 genes in the previous part, but there're 29 unique genes. You would get different results, if you submitted 42 genes to GeneCodis (I mean, seems like it doesn't exclude redundant data).

Also note that GeneCodis assign unique URL to each job. You can see results discussed in this post at

At the top of the page. You’ll see “3 Genes (10.34%)” (highlighted with red). There were no annotations for these genes (so that GeneCodis uses 26 genes to represent results). Using “Summary of the user provided list of genes” you can see the list with our genes, along with their description and names.

Now open “Singular Enrichment Analysis of GO Biological Process” section where we can already see “stress-activated MAPK cascade (BP)” and “cellular response to cadmium ion (BP)” processes (which contains those terms of “Biological process” ontology) with tags cloud. With “Singular Enrichment Analysis of GO Biological Process” we’ll have 1 biological process for 1 group of genes (as opposed to “Modular Enrichment Analysis (all annotations)” where we will see multiple processes for 1 gene group).

Also you can see a table in the “Interactive table” section.

By clicking on the “NG” column we can sort results based on the “Number of annotated genes in the input list”.

Let’s export results. You can see “Get results in other formats:” option above the “Interactive table” section. Click the icon below it. You’ll see the page titled “Summary in other formats”. There you can find a graph with results (at the bottom of the page). Click on “Get the results in TAB delimited text format” link to export result in tsv format.

Now, open that with Notepad, copy text and paste it into Excel. You’ll see “Support” column (which is (to my knowledge) is equivalent for “NG” column mentioned above). Sort results in Excel with the help of “Sort & filter option” based on that “Support” column values (“Largest to smallest”).

Delete “Id”, “Items”, “List size”, “Reference Support”, “Reference size”, “Hyp_c” columns. And choose the first 15 results (groups with 9, 8, 7 and 6 genes). So that we get the following …

(The image above shows the top 15 biological processes the genes we've gotten with the help of QuickGO are involved in. There're 275 entries in total). The results were gotten with the help of GeneCodis. The image was created by me. Results are presented in Excel).


“Items_Details” column contains biological processes;

“Support” column contains the number of genes taking part in specified process;

“Hyp” column contains p-values (probability value / significance).

“Genes” column contains, obviously, genes names.

(as for “Hyp_c” we’ve deleted, to my knowledge Hyp_c is the p-value corrected with the help of FDR (false discovery rate) method. [5]. I don’t see a big difference between the values in Hyp_c and Hyp columns in our case, so I deleted Hyp_c column).


So, you can see that we have “stress-activated MAPK cascade (BP)” process among the first 15 results we’ve got with GeneCodis with 6 genes (FOS, MAPK3, MAPK1, JUN, MAPK8, MAPK9). These genes and this process relate to the “cellular response to cadmium ion” phrase we’ve been looking for with QuickGO. Thus, we can conclude that cadmium influences MAPK signalling pathway (and all other biological processes you see in the table above) even without searching for that information traditionally with the help of papers/articles/monographs.

A good question here might be, I guess, that we don’t see DUSPs genes among the ones we’ve found with the help of QuickGO. And our first experiment is titled “Bioinformatics experiments. Exp 1. Analysis of mechanisms of cadmium ions impact on MAPK signalling pathway through the members of dual-specificity phosphatases (DUSP) family (or “Catch me (Cd2+) if you can”). Part …”. So, obviously, it might seem strange to us that we don’t see DUSPs genes there. Probably there’s no such information neither in the literature, nor in those databases, though. So our experiment, I think, still make sense.

Anyway, we are not making this first experiment to get the data, which could allow scientists to develop a new strategy to remove Cd+2 from people contaminated with it. We are exploring bioinformatics tools and are trying to figure out how to use them to make some little discoveries.

We said at the beginning of this part (Part 3. A) that ontological analysis could also help us to narrow down the list of DUSPs we need to analyse. MAPK1, MAPK3, MAPK8 and MAPK9 are kinases, and FOS gene product (c-Fos) is the protein which forms a complex with JUN (transcription factor) (involved in MAPK signalling) in the nucleus [7, 8].

Well, now we know that MAPK8, MAPK9, MAPK3 and MAPK1 are involved in “cellular response to cadmium ion”. This doesn’t allow us to narrow down the list of DUSPs, because we know now that 2 MAPK signalling pathways (the first one is where MAPK1 and MAPK3 are involved and the second one is where MAPK8 and MAPK9 are involved) might be influenced by the cadmium (see the first post of Part 3).

But the results allow us to exclude the pathway where p38 (MAPK14) is involved. This might help us to try predict the cell fate (death, proliferation…) in response to cadmium in the last post of this series where we are going to discuss the results of the first experiment.

All images (without the license specified) are used under the doctrine known in USA as “Fair Use” (similar doctrines are used in other countries). For more information visit the US Gov website.

Other posts of this series:

Bioinformatics experiments. Introduction

Bioinformatics #1 The analysis of Cd2+ impact on MAPK-signalling through DUSPs. Part 1. Theory

Bioinformatics #1 The analysis of Cd2+ impact on MAPK-signalling through DUSPs. Part 2. MSA (Multiple Sequence Alignment)

Bioinformatics #1 The analysis of Cd2+ impact on MAPK-signalling through DUSPs. Part 3. Ontological analyzis. A. QuickGO


1. GeneCodis3

2. Tabas-Madrid D, Nogales-Cadenas R: GeneCodis3: a non-redundant and modular enrichment analysis tool for functional genomics. Nucleic Acids Research 2012; doi: 10.1093/nar/gks402

3. Nogales-Cadenas R, Carmona-Saez P: GeneCodis: interpreting gene lists through enrichment analysis and integration of diverse biological information. Nucleic Acids Research 2009; doi: 10.1093/nar/gkp416

4. Carmona-Saez P, Chagoyen M: GENECODIS: A web-based tool for finding significant concurrent annotations in gene lists. Genome Biology 2007 8(1):R3

5. GeneCodis Help page

6. Stanton A. Glantz. Primer of Biostatistics, Fourth edition, McGraw‐Hill Inc., New York, 1997. No. of pages: xvi+473+computer program

7. Proto-oncogene c-Fos

8. Transcription factor AP-1 / JUN


This is my entry for the ChallengesByCin initiative (Challenge #3: #MagicTrick) organized by Cinnamon.

For more information, please, visit

As for the prize and explanation, you just need to comment on Twitter on my twit with this post link explaining what happened with the coin. I’m not a famous/super-skilled illusionist, so it shouldn’t be a rocket science to find out what really happened.

Did the coin transformed into sound waves?

Did it just disappeared like the train car with the help of David


David Copperfield – Train car vanish


This contest is an attempt to promote scientific knowledge among community in a fun and interesting way with the help of molecules.

Some people like to travel around the world and tell others stories about what happens outside of our organisms/cells in other countries.

And with “Identify the molecule” contest you can try to travel inside our own organism/cells and cells of the organisms around us.

For more information about this contest read “Identify the molecule” league. Prize: knowledge + 5/10 XRP + 200/400 TMN post.


The prize here is

1. knowledge

> facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject

[Oxford Dictionary of English, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2010]

That understanding of our own organism and organisms around us is the real prize in the case of this contest. No matter what happens (whether or not you get 5 XRP), you can win (can acquire the knowledge by investigating different sources of information, remembering and using it to your advantage in the future).

2. 5 XRP

3. 200 TMN

Aside from XRP I’d like to add TMN tokens.

For the uninitiated, TMN is the token of TranslateMe project (it’s about combining blockchain technology (NEO in this case) with translation industry).

The reason I’m going to add this token for the prize pool of this contest is not only because I have them, but because this contest is quite scientific, and TranslateMe project might help to solve the “lost” science problem.

For more on this you can read my post regarding TranslateMe (TranslateMe (or Decentralization meets Translation industry). Part 2. The “missing puzzle piece” of scientific ecosystem. General overview) (and other posts of that series).

For more information on crypto-bonuses for this league, please refer to “Identify the molecule” league. Prize: knowledge + 5/10 XRP + 200/400 TMN post.

Consider these tokens as a bonus.

Images and text are the clues for you to guess a riddle (the name of the molecule in this case).

Note that

a) even though this contest is called “Identify the molecule”,

-> molecule (singular)

sometimes it’s not just a molecule which is responsible for a specific function, but rather a complex of molecules.


cytochrome c oxidase (Complex IV)

> is a large transmembrane protein complex… It is the last enzyme in the respiratory electron transport chain of cells located in the membrane


b) some molecules/complexes have different names. For example, other names for cytochrome c oxidase (example above) are

> Complex IV (mitochondrial electron transport). Cytochrome a3. Cytochrome aa3. Cytochrome oxidase. Warburg's respiratory enzyme.


Any of those names would be a valid entry.

c) Some almost identical molecules are grouped into classes / groups / families.


Helicases are divided into 6 groups. RecD and Dda molecules belong to helicases group (Superfamily 1 (SF1)). In this case you would need to guess only the name of the group –> Helicase/ Helicases.

d) Some proteins can have different forms – isoforms.


There’re trypsin 1 and trypsin 2. In this case you would need to guess only the general name – trypsin.


In order to get TMN, you’ll need to have NEO-wallet and provide me your public NEO-address.

If you don’t have it yet, don’t worry, I published a post on how/where to get it (O3 wallet).

Note that NEO-addresses provided by exchanges will not work in this case (+ it's safer NOT to keep your funds on exchanges). It's highly recommended to get O3 wallet.

If there’re no winners on any stage, the prize will be distributed equally among all users who provided any guesses for molecules.


This contest lasts for 6 days.

The change is that from now on, you need to provide your answers on Twitter, not on Telegram group.

The reason is that Twitter provides all the features needed and xrptipbot allows to tip users there.

So, it would be easy for me to distribute the prizes.

But you can still to use the Telegram group if you want to discuss the molecule, give suggestion for the league or something (except for spamming ;) ).

You'll find my posts here on Twitter

Leave your guess (1 guess only (not 2 or 3)) in the reply to my twit with the riddle on Twitter.

Don’t edit your comment/reply, don't delete or add new comments/replies with the answers and don’t provide any evidence that your answer is correct.

The first user with the right answer is the winner.

I’ll provide the answer in the Telegram group, will update this post and will let all the participants know it on Twitter.

Some of the clues have already been provided in the post.

Additional clues will be given on Wednesday (20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC) (I’ll update this post).

The reason is that some people might need less information to make conclusions that the others.

Additional clues will be added at the end of the “Riddle” section before the “Rules” section with “Edited” label.

The winner will be announced in the Telegram group/in this post on Coil and on Twitter (+ I'll publish a detailed review of the riddle after a while) on Friday, July 11, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.

I'll send the XRP bonus if the winner/participants provide me their XRP-addresses & destination tags on on Twitter. I created my XRP-address with the help of Atomic Wallet. If you don't have Atomic Wallet yet, you can find some details about it here (but I'm sure there should be some other wallets which support XRP)

(Publish0x Recommends Atomic Wallet (Download Now and Get 15 AWC))

Note that in order for your XRP-address to be activated, you need to deposit 20 XRP

> It is an unspendable balance – you can’t withdraw it. To be able to manage XRP in Atomic Wallet, you have to deposit 20 XRP on your account.


I’ll transfer the tokens (XRP + TMN) (if the winners/participants provide me their NEO-address / XRP-addresses & destination tags) to the winners/participants on that day (Friday).

I’m planning to run this contest every week.

So, you should expect to see the 2nd week’s riddle for July on Saturday, July 12, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.

The riddle goes below.


This week is one of the most important in my life.

The reason is that I finally managed to move from the region where the war is taking place with corresponding consequences (like no/very limited banking system). This is exactly where the crypto world may come into play.

I have a bachelor degree in biology which I got before the war started.

And for the last 6 years, I’ve been trying to collect some money to get out of my region to other regions where I could get my master degree in biology and got the corresponding job.

In this post I’d like to say THANKS to all the people of Hive community, Narrative (now rebranded as PubNooks), PublishOx, Coil and some others communities.

For the last 2-3 years I’ve been working as a translator of the materials related to web-technologies for one organization. The project was paused later, but I found out about Steemit in summer, 2018, and my journey into crypto world has begun.

It’s because of the aforementioned communities that I found out very useful information which I used to invest my hard-earned money into crypto. Even though I lost half of my money in summer, 2019, later I was lucky enough and ultimately got quite a lot of return on my investment (I guess I’ll write one day a post which describes my crypto portfolio).

Crypto world is not just about money, of course. There’re plenty of users who tried to present valuable information about Covid-related stuff. For example, it’s with the help of one Hive user that I found out about Dr. Rashid Buttar"

and his website and super valuable information on it like

and about the documentary series called “The Truth About Vaccines”"

which just opened my eyes on a number of health problems.

I don’t talk much on aforementioned platforms, don’t post much, rarely leave any comments, but I read a lot and I want you all to know that just because you don’t see much comments/interaction under your posts, it doesn’t mean that they are worthless. You can’t imagine the level of my gratitude to everyone (well, except for abusers/spammers) on those platforms for everything you do.

All the platforms mentioned above have a great potential and may change a person’s life (like mine).

So, again, I won’t go into details and try to mention all the users in this post who helped me out a lot (some of them most likely don’t even know about me), but I want to say THANKS to all of you and the day I found out about Hive/Steem community which introduced me into the crypto world.


The header image was created by me.

This contest is an attempt to promote scientific knowledge among community in a fun and interesting way with the help of molecules.

Some people like to travel around the world and tell others stories about what happens outside of our organisms/cells in other countries.

And with “Identify the molecule” contest you can try to travel inside our own organism/cells and cells of the organisms around us.

For more information about this contest read “Identify the molecule” league. Prize: knowledge + 5/10 XRP + 200/400 TMN post.


The prize here is

1. knowledge

> facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject

[Oxford Dictionary of English, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2010]

That understanding of our own organism and organisms around us is the real prize in the case of this contest. No matter what happens (whether or not you get 5 XRP), you can win (can acquire the knowledge by investigating different sources of information, remembering and using it to your advantage in the future).

2. 5 XRP

3. 200 TMN

Aside from XRP I’d like to add TMN tokens.

For the uninitiated, TMN is the token of TranslateMe project (it’s about combining blockchain technology (NEO in this case) with translation industry).

The reason I’m going to add this token for the prize pool of this contest is not only because I have them, but because this contest is quite scientific, and TranslateMe project might help to solve the “lost” science problem.

For more on this you can read my post regarding TranslateMe (TranslateMe (or Decentralization meets Translation industry). Part 2. The “missing puzzle piece” of scientific ecosystem. General overview) (and other posts of that series).

For more information on crypto-bonuses for this league, please refer to “Identify the molecule” league. Prize: knowledge + 5/10 XRP + 200/400 TMN post.

Consider these tokens as a bonus.

Images and text are the clues for you to guess a riddle (the name of the molecule in this case).

Note that

a) even though this contest is called “Identify the molecule”,

-> molecule (singular)

sometimes it’s not just a molecule which is responsible for a specific function, but rather a complex of molecules.


cytochrome c oxidase (Complex IV)

> is a large transmembrane protein complex… It is the last enzyme in the respiratory electron transport chain of cells located in the membrane


b) some molecules/complexes have different names. For example, other names for cytochrome c oxidase (example above) are

> Complex IV (mitochondrial electron transport). Cytochrome a3. Cytochrome aa3. Cytochrome oxidase. Warburg's respiratory enzyme.


Any of those names would be a valid entry.

c) Some almost identical molecules are grouped into classes / groups / families.


Helicases are divided into 6 groups. RecD and Dda molecules belong to helicases group (Superfamily 1 (SF1)). In this case you would need to guess only the name of the group –> Helicase/ Helicases.

d) Some proteins can have different forms – isoforms.


There’re trypsin 1 and trypsin 2. In this case you would need to guess only the general name – trypsin.


In order to get TMN, you’ll need to have NEO-wallet and provide me your public NEO-address.

If you don’t have it yet, don’t worry, I published a post on how/where to get it (O3 wallet).

Note that NEO-addresses provided by exchanges will not work in this case (+ it's safer NOT to keep your funds on exchanges). It's highly recommended to get O3 wallet.

If there’re no winners on any stage, the prize will be distributed equally among all users who provided any guesses for molecules.


This contest lasts for 6 days.

The change is that from now on, you need to provide your answers on Twitter, not on Telegram group.

The reason is that Twitter provides all the features needed and xrptipbot allows to tip users there.

So, it would be easy for me to distribute the prizes.

But you can still to use the Telegram group if you want to discuss the molecule, give suggestion for the league or something (except for spamming ;) ).

You'll find my posts here on Twitter

Leave your guess (1 guess only (not 2 or 3)) in the reply to my twit with the riddle on Twitter.

Don’t edit your comment/reply, don't delete or add new comments/replies with the answers and don’t provide any evidence that your answer is correct.

The first user with the right answer is the winner.

I’ll provide the answer in the Telegram group, will update this post and will let all the participants know it on Twitter.

Some of the clues have already been provided in the post.

Additional clues will be given on Wednesday (20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC) (I’ll update this post).

The reason is that some people might need less information to make conclusions that the others.

Additional clues will be added at the end of the “Riddle” section before the “Rules” section with “Edited” label.

The winner will be announced in the Telegram group/in this post on Coil and on Twitter (+ I'll publish a detailed review of the riddle after a while) on Friday, June 13, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.

I'll send the XRP bonus if the winner/participants provide me their XRP-addresses & destination tags on on Twitter. I created my XRP-address with the help of Atomic Wallet. If you don't have Atomic Wallet yet, you can find some details about it here (but I'm sure there should be some other wallets which support XRP)

(Publish0x Recommends Atomic Wallet (Download Now and Get 15 AWC))

Note that in order for your XRP-address to be activated, you need to deposit 20 XRP

> It is an unspendable balance – you can’t withdraw it. To be able to manage XRP in Atomic Wallet, you have to deposit 20 XRP on your account.


I’ll transfer the tokens (XRP + TMN) (if the winners/participants provide me their NEO-address / XRP-addresses & destination tags) to the winners/participants on that day (Friday).

I’m planning to run this contest every week.

So, you should expect to see the 3rd week’s riddle for June on Saturday, June 14, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.

The riddle goes below.


The rules were updated a little bit.


Well, I've just found out today that xrptipbot ( cannot be used without registration on Uphold. The latter requires providing personal details (photo ID etc.). This is not what I could provide in the near future.

So, from now on, the only way for me to send XRP is by sending them directly from my XRP-address (I created one with the help of Atomic Wallet) to participants' XRP-addresses. So, you'll need to provide me your XRP-address & destination tag on Twitter to get the bonus (I will not be able to XRP-tip you in the near future). If you don't have Atomic Wallet yet, you can find some details about it here (but I'm sure there should be some other wallets which support XRP)

(Publish0x Recommends Atomic Wallet (Download Now and Get 15 AWC))

Note that in order for your XRP-address to be activated, you need to deposit 20 XRP

> It is an unspendable balance – you can’t withdraw it. To be able to manage XRP in Atomic Wallet, you have to deposit 20 XRP on your account.



I don't see a reason to provide clues in 3 steps (Saturday, Monday and Wednesday). I guess I'd be enough to provide the clues just 2 times (Saturday and Wednesday). So, you will see the next clues for today's riddle on Wednesday, May 27.

This contest is an attempt to promote scientific knowledge among community in a fun and interesting way with the help of molecules.

Some people like to travel around the world and tell others stories about what happens outside of our organisms/cells in other countries.

And with “Identify the molecule” contest you can try to travel inside our own organism/cells and cells of the organisms around us.

For more information about this contest read “Identify the molecule” league. Prize: knowledge + 5/10 XRP + 200/400 TMN post.


The prize here is

1. knowledge

> facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject

[Oxford Dictionary of English, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2010]

That understanding of our own organism and organisms around us is the real prize in the case of this contest. No matter what happens (whether or not you get 5 XRP), you can win (can acquire the knowledge by investigating different sources of information, remembering and using it to your advantage in the future).

2. 5 XRP

3. 200 TMN

Aside from XRP I’d like to add TMN tokens.

For the uninitiated, TMN is the token of TranslateMe project (it’s about combining blockchain technology (NEO in this case) with translation industry).

The reason I’m going to add this token for the prize pool of this contest is not only because I have them, but because this contest is quite scientific, and TranslateMe project might help to solve the “lost” science problem.

For more on this you can read my post regarding TranslateMe (TranslateMe (or Decentralization meets Translation industry). Part 2. The “missing puzzle piece” of scientific ecosystem. General overview) (and other posts of that series).

For more information on crypto-bonuses for this league, please refer to “Identify the molecule” league. Prize: knowledge + 5/10 XRP + 200/400 TMN post.

Consider these tokens as a bonus.

Images and text are the clues for you to guess a riddle (the name of the molecule in this case).

Note that

a) even though this contest is called “Identify the molecule”,

-> molecule (singular)

sometimes it’s not just a molecule which is responsible for a specific function, but rather a complex of molecules.


cytochrome c oxidase (Complex IV)

> is a large transmembrane protein complex… It is the last enzyme in the respiratory electron transport chain of cells located in the membrane


b) some molecules/complexes have different names. For example, other names for cytochrome c oxidase (example above) are

> Complex IV (mitochondrial electron transport). Cytochrome a3. Cytochrome aa3. Cytochrome oxidase. Warburg's respiratory enzyme.


Any of those names would be a valid entry.

c) Some almost identical molecules are grouped into classes / groups / families.


Helicases are divided into 6 groups. RecD and Dda molecules belong to helicases group (Superfamily 1 (SF1)). In this case you would need to guess only the name of the group –> Helicase/ Helicases.

d) Some proteins can have different forms – isoforms.


There’re trypsin 1 and trypsin 2. In this case you would need to guess only the general name – trypsin.


In order to get TMN, you’ll need to have NEO-wallet and provide me your public NEO-address.

If you don’t have it yet, don’t worry, I published a post on how/where to get it (O3 wallet).

Note that NEO-addresses provided by exchanges will not work in this case (+ it's safer NOT to keep your funds on exchanges). It's highly recommended to get O3 wallet.

If there’re no winners on any stage, the prize will be distributed equally among all users who provided any guesses for molecules.


This contest lasts for 6 days.

The change is that from now on, you need to provide your answers on Twitter, not on Telegram group.

The reason is that Twitter provides all the features needed and xrptipbot allows to tip users there.

So, it would be easy for me to distribute the prizes.

But you can still to use the Telegram group if you want to discuss the molecule, give suggestion for the league or something (except for spamming ;) ).

You'll find my posts here on Twitter

Leave your guess (1 guess only (not 2 or 3)) in the reply to my twit with the riddle on Twitter.

Don’t edit your comment/reply, don't delete or add new comments/replies with the answers and don’t provide any evidence that your answer is correct.

The first user with the right answer is the winner.

I’ll provide the answer in the Telegram group, will update this post and will let all the participants know it on Twitter.

Some of the clues have already been provided in the post.

Additional clues will be given on Wednesday (20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC) (I’ll update this post).

The reason is that some people might need less information to make conclusions that the others.

Additional clues will be added at the end of the “Riddle” section before the “Rules” section with “Edited” label.

The winner will be announced in the Telegram group/in this post on Coil and on Twitter (+ I'll publish a detailed review of the riddle after a while) on Friday, May 29, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.

I'll send the XRP bonus if the winner/participants provide me their XRP-addresses & destination tags on on Twitter. I created my XRP-address with the help of Atomic Wallet. If you don't have Atomic Wallet yet, you can find some details about it here (but I'm sure there should be some other wallets which support XRP)

(Publish0x Recommends Atomic Wallet (Download Now and Get 15 AWC))

Note that in order for your XRP-address to be activated, you need to deposit 20 XRP

> It is an unspendable balance – you can’t withdraw it. To be able to manage XRP in Atomic Wallet, you have to deposit 20 XRP on your account.


I’ll transfer the tokens (XRP + TMN) (if the winners/participants provide me their NEO-address / XRP-addresses & destination tags) to the winners/participants on that day (Friday).

I’m planning to run this contest every week.

So, you should expect to see the 1st week’s riddle for June on Saturday, May 30, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.

The riddle goes below.


This contest is an attempt to promote scientific knowledge among community in a fun and interesting way with the help of molecules.

Some people like to travel around the world and tell others stories about what happens outside of our organisms/cells in other countries.

And with “Identify the molecule” contest you can try to travel inside our own organism/cells and cells of the organisms around us.

For more information about this contest read “Identify the molecule” league. Prize: knowledge + 5/10 XRP + 200/400 TMN post.


The prize here is

1. knowledge

> facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject

[Oxford Dictionary of English, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2010]

That understanding of our own organism and organisms around us is the real prize in the case of this contest. No matter what happens (whether or not you get 5 XRP), you can win (can acquire the knowledge by investigating different sources of information, remembering and using it to your advantage in the future).

2. 5 XRP

3. 200 TMN

Aside from XRP I’d like to add TMN tokens.

For the uninitiated, TMN is the token of TranslateMe project (it’s about combining blockchain technology (NEO in this case) with translation industry).

The reason I’m going to add this token for the prize pool of this contest is not only because I have them, but because this contest is quite scientific, and TranslateMe project might help to solve the “lost” science problem.

For more on this you can read my post regarding TranslateMe (TranslateMe (or Decentralization meets Translation industry). Part 2. The “missing puzzle piece” of scientific ecosystem. General overview) (and other posts of that series).

For more information on crypto-bonuses for this league, please refer to “Identify the molecule” league. Prize: knowledge + 5/10 XRP + 200/400 TMN post.

Consider these tokens as a bonus.

Images and text are the clues for you to guess a riddle (the name of the molecule in this case).

Note that

a) even though this contest is called “Identify the molecule”,

-> molecule (singular)

sometimes it’s not just a molecule which is responsible for a specific function, but rather a complex of molecules.


cytochrome c oxidase (Complex IV)

> is a large transmembrane protein complex… It is the last enzyme in the respiratory electron transport chain of cells located in the membrane


b) some molecules/complexes have different names. For example, other names for cytochrome c oxidase (example above) are

> Complex IV (mitochondrial electron transport). Cytochrome a3. Cytochrome aa3. Cytochrome oxidase. Warburg's respiratory enzyme.


Any of those names would be a valid entry.

c) Some almost identical molecules are grouped into classes / groups / families.


Helicases are divided into 6 groups. RecD and Dda molecules belong to helicases group (Superfamily 1 (SF1)). In this case you would need to guess only the name of the group –> Helicase/ Helicases.

d) Some proteins can have different forms – isoforms.


There’re trypsin 1 and trypsin 2. In this case you would need to guess only the general name – trypsin.


In order to get TMN, you’ll need to have NEO-wallet and provide me your public NEO-address.

If you don’t have it yet, don’t worry, I published a post on how/where to get it (O3 wallet).

Note that NEO-addresses provided by exchanges will not work in this case (+ it's safer NOT to keep your funds on exchanges). It's highly recommended to get O3 wallet.

If there’re no winners on any stage, the prize will be distributed equally among all users who provided any guesses for molecules.


This contest lasts for 6 days.

The change is that from now on, you need to provide your answers on Twitter, not on Telegram group.

The reason is that Twitter provides all the features needed and xrptipbot allows to tip users there.

So, it would be easy for me to distribute the prizes.

But you can still to use the Telegram group if you want to discuss the molecule, give suggestion for the league or something (except for spamming ;) ).

You'll find my posts here on Twitter

Leave your guess (1 guess only) in the reply to my twit with the riddle on Twitter.

Don’t edit your comment/reply, don't delete or add new comments/replies with the answers and don’t provide any evidence that your answer is correct.

The first user with the right answer is the winner.

I’ll provide the answer in the Telegram group, will update this post and will let all the participants know it on Twitter.

Some of the clues have already been provided in the post.

Additional clues will be given in 2 days (on Monday, May 18, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC) (I’ll update this post).

And the rest of the clues will be provided in 2 more days (on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC) (I’ll update this post).

The reason is that some people might need less information to make conclusions that the others.

Additional clues will be added at the end of the “Riddle” section before the “Rules” section with “Edited” label.

The winner will be announced in the Telegram group/in this post on Coil and on Twitter (+ I'll publish a detailed review of the riddle after a while) on Friday, May 22, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC, so it's recommended to check that group on the 6th day.

I'll distribute the XRP prize via tipping on Twitter.

I’ll transfer the tokens (XRP + TMN) (if the winner provides me his/her NEO-address) to the winner on that day (May 22) and add the transaction ID (for TMN) in the Telegram group / on Twitter

I’m planning to run this contest every week.

So, you should expect to see the 4th week’s riddle for May on Saturday, May 23, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.

The riddle goes below.


This contest is an attempt to promote scientific knowledge among community in a fun and interesting way with the help of molecules.

Some people like to travel around the world and tell others stories about what happens outside of our organisms/cells in other countries.

And with “Identify the molecule” contest you can try to travel inside our own organism/cells and cells of the organisms around us.

For more information about this contest read “Identify the molecule” league. Prize: knowledge + 5/10 XRP + 200/400 TMN post.


The prize here is

1. knowledge

> facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject

[Oxford Dictionary of English, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2010]

That understanding of our own organism and organisms around us is the real prize in the case of this contest. No matter what happens (whether or not you get 5 XRP), you can win (can acquire the knowledge by investigating different sources of information, remembering and using it to your advantage in the future).

2. 5 XRP

3. 200 TMN

Aside from XRP I’d like to add TMN tokens.

For the uninitiated, TMN is the token of TranslateMe project (it’s about combining blockchain technology (NEO in this case) with translation industry).

The reason I’m going to add this token for the prize pool of this contest is not only because I have them, but because this contest is quite scientific, and TranslateMe project might help to solve the “lost” science problem.

For more on this you can read my post regarding TranslateMe (TranslateMe (or Decentralization meets Translation industry). Part 2. The “missing puzzle piece” of scientific ecosystem. General overview) (and other posts of that series).

For more information on crypto-bonuses for this league, please refer to “Identify the molecule” league. Prize: knowledge + 5/10 XRP + 200/400 TMN post.

Consider these tokens as a bonus.

Images and text are the clues for you to guess a riddle (the name of the molecule in this case).

Note that

a) even though this contest is called “Identify the molecule”,

-> molecule (singular)

sometimes it’s not just a molecule which is responsible for a specific function, but rather a complex of molecules.


cytochrome c oxidase (Complex IV)

> is a large transmembrane protein complex… It is the last enzyme in the respiratory electron transport chain of cells located in the membrane


b) some molecules/complexes have different names. For example, other names for cytochrome c oxidase (example above) are

> Complex IV (mitochondrial electron transport). Cytochrome a3. Cytochrome aa3. Cytochrome oxidase. Warburg's respiratory enzyme.


Any of those names would be a valid entry.

c) Some almost identical molecules are grouped into classes / groups / families.


Helicases are divided into 6 groups. RecD and Dda molecules belong to helicases group (Superfamily 1 (SF1)). In this case you would need to guess only the name of the group –> Helicase/ Helicases.

d) Some proteins can have different forms – isoforms.


There’re trypsin 1 and trypsin 2. In this case you would need to guess only the general name – trypsin.


In order to get TMN, you’ll need to have NEO-wallet and provide me your public NEO-address.

If you don’t have it yet, don’t worry, I published a post on how/where to get it (O3 wallet).

Note that NEO-addresses provided by exchanges will not work in this case (+ it's safer NOT to keep your funds on exchanges). It's highly recommended to get O3 wallet.

If there’re no winners on any stage, the prize will be distributed equally among all users who provided any guesses for molecules.


This contest lasts for 6 days.

The change is that from now on, you need to provide your answers on Twitter, not on Telegram group.

The reason is that Twitter provides all the features needed and xrptipbot allows to tip users there.

So, it would be easy for me to distribute the prizes.

But you can still to use the Telegram group if you want to discuss the molecule, give suggestion for the league or something (except for spamming ;) ).

You'll find my posts here on Twitter

Leave your guess (1 guess only) in the reply to my twit with the riddle on Twitter.

Don’t edit your comment/reply, don't delete or add new comments/replies with the answers and don’t provide any evidence that your answer is correct.

The first user with the right answer is the winner.

I’ll provide the answer in the Telegram group, will update this post and will let all the participants know it on Twitter.

Some of the clues have already been provided in the post.

Additional clues will be given in 2 days (on Monday, May 4, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC) (I’ll update this post).

And the rest of the clues will be provided in 2 more days (on Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC) (I’ll update this post).

The reason is that some people might need less information to make conclusions that the others.

Additional clues will be added at the end of the “Riddle” section before the “Rules” section with “Edited” label.

The winner will be announced in the Telegram group/in this post on Coil and on Twitter (+ I'll publish a detailed review of the riddle after a while) on Friday, May 6, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC, so it's recommended to check that group on the 6th day.

I'll distribute the XRP prize via tipping on Twitter.

I’ll transfer the tokens (XRP + TMN) (if the winner provides me his/her NEO-address) to the winner on that day (May 6) and add the transaction ID (for TMN) in the Telegram group / on Twitter

I’m planning to run this contest every week.

So, you should expect to see the 2nd week’s riddle for May on Saturday, May 9, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.

The riddle goes below.


This contest is an attempt to promote scientific knowledge among community in a fun and interesting way with the help of molecules.

Some people like to travel around the world and tell others stories about what happens outside of our organisms/cells in other countries.

And with “Identify the molecule” contest you can try to travel inside our own organism/cells and cells of the organisms around us.

For more information about this contest read “Identify the molecule” league. Prize: knowledge + 5/10 XRP + 200/400 TMN post.


The prize here is

1. knowledge

> facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject

[Oxford Dictionary of English, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2010]

That understanding of our own organism and organisms around us is the real prize in the case of this contest. No matter what happens (whether or not you get 5 XRP), you can win (can acquire the knowledge by investigating different sources of information, remembering and using it to your advantage in the future).

2. 5 XRP

3. 200 TMN

Aside from XRP I’d like to add TMN tokens.

For the uninitiated, TMN is the token of TranslateMe project (it’s about combining blockchain technology (NEO in this case) with translation industry).

The reason I’m going to add this token for the prize pool of this contest is not only because I have them, but because this contest is quite scientific, and TranslateMe project might help to solve the “lost” science problem.

For more on this you can read my post regarding TranslateMe (TranslateMe (or Decentralization meets Translation industry). Part 2. The “missing puzzle piece” of scientific ecosystem. General overview) (and other posts of that series).

For more information on crypto-bonuses for this league, please refer to “Identify the molecule” league. Prize: knowledge + 5/10 XRP + 200/400 TMN post.

Consider these tokens as a bonus.

Images and text are the clues for you to guess a riddle (the name of the molecule in this case).

Note that

a) even though this contest is called “Identify the molecule”,

-> molecule (singular)

sometimes it’s not just a molecule which is responsible for a specific function, but rather a complex of molecules.


cytochrome c oxidase (Complex IV)

> is a large transmembrane protein complex… It is the last enzyme in the respiratory electron transport chain of cells located in the membrane


b) some molecules/complexes have different names. For example, other names for cytochrome c oxidase (example above) are

> Complex IV (mitochondrial electron transport). Cytochrome a3. Cytochrome aa3. Cytochrome oxidase. Warburg's respiratory enzyme.


Any of those names would be a valid entry.

c) Some almost identical molecules are grouped into classes / groups / families.


Helicases are divided into 6 groups. RecD and Dda molecules belong to helicases group (Superfamily 1 (SF1)). In this case you would need to guess only the name of the group –> Helicase/ Helicases.

d) Some proteins can have different forms – isoforms.


There’re trypsin 1 and trypsin 2. In this case you would need to guess only the general name – trypsin.


In order to get TMN, you’ll need to have NEO-wallet and provide me your public NEO-address.

If you don’t have it yet, don’t worry, I published a post on how/where to get it (O3 wallet).

Note that NEO-addresses provided by exchanges will not work in this case (+ it's safer NOT to keep your funds on exchanges). It's highly recommended to get O3 wallet.

If there’re no winners on any stage, the prize will be distributed equally among all users who provided any guesses for molecules.


This contest lasts for 6 days.

The change is that from now on, you need to provide your answers on Twitter, not on Telegram group.

The reason is that Twitter provides all the features needed and xrptipbot allows to tip users there.

So, it would be easy for me to distribute the prizes.

But you can still to use the Telegram group if you want to discuss the molecule, give suggestion for the league or something (except for spamming ;) ).

You'll find my posts here on Twitter

Leave your guess (1 guess only) in the reply to my twit with the riddle on Twitter.

Don’t edit your comment/reply, don't delete or add new comments/replies with the answers and don’t provide any evidence that your answer is correct.

The first user with the right answer is the winner.

I’ll provide the answer in the Telegram group, will update this post and will let all the participants know it on Twitter.

Some of the clues have already been provided in the post.

Additional clues will be given in 2 days (on Monday, April 27, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC) (I’ll update this post).

And the rest of the clues will be provided in 2 more days (on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC) (I’ll update this post).

The reason is that some people might need less information to make conclusions that the others.

Additional clues will be added at the end of the “Riddle” section before the “Rules” section with “Edited” label.

The winner will be announced in the Telegram group/in this post on Coil and on Twitter (+ I'll publish a detailed review of the riddle after a while) on Friday, May 1, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC, so it's recommended to check that group on the 6th day.

I'll distribute the XRP prize via tipping on Twitter.

I’ll transfer the tokens (XRP + TMN) (if the winner provides me his/her NEO-address) to the winner on that day (May 1) and add the transaction ID (for TMN) in the Telegram group / on Twitter.

I’m planning to run this contest every week.

So, you should expect to see the 1st week’s riddle for May on Saturday, May 2, 2020, 20:00 ± 15 minutes UTC.

The riddle goes below.