I'm moving my office hours for WriteFreely Swift projects to Friday afternoons! Reach out to discuss how you can contribute to these open-source projects.
Here's some news on the WriteFreely front! Starting next week, I'll be holding “office hours” for anyone that's interested in finding out more about the Swift projects I maintain, and how to contribute.
If you're not distributing a Mac app via the Mac App Store, you need to rely on an alternate ways to push updates out to your users. The best-known option is [the Sparkle project][sparkle] — chances are, if you got a Mac app direct from a software publisher, it's using Sparkle to let you know there's a new version available, and to download and install the update.
One week ago, I announced the first public beta of the WriteFreely iOS app. Thanks so much for all of your feedback! Since then, I’ve been busy collecting your bug reports and feature requests, and I’m happy to announce that a new build is now available on TestFlight. Let’s dig in to what’s new!
I’m very happy to announce that the public beta for WriteFreely for iOS is now open! We’ve been hard at work building this app over the summer, and I’m excited to ship this sneak peek to you all and get your feedback.