Me and the Story of my Mind

I am a young teenager and I have had many mental diseases throughout my life. When I started middle school I quickly noticed growing anxiety within me. Within in that year I began to gain more and more anxiety as well as painful and life threatening depression. Though anxiety still affects me greatly I have been having greater issues with my depression. I didn't tell anyone about these feeling since I didn't know what they were yet. When I finally told my family after 2 years of the pain they quickly found me a therapist. I stayed with this therapist for about a month then found she was not fully focused on helping me.

We then found a new therapist, this therapist helped for a small amount of time until she began suggesting to me and my mother that I could be making up this whole situation for attention. I understand why she would have thought this since I am from a crazy family where I have never really been the center of attention. I still was not okay with this suggestion so I quickly corrected her telling her that this pain and torture was completely real. She then didn't bring it up again so I thought that I could continue going to her for help and support since I needed it. This therapist and I agreed that it would be a good idea to have support out side of the house. So she prescribed me an Emotional Support Animal or an E.S.A I already had a small dog who would stop me from hurting myself since he made me feel instantly better when I saw him, I suggested him to be my E.S.A so he was then certified as my E.S.A. no my e.s.d

Shortly after this my therapist had that same suggestion that I just was in need of attention. I don't know why but after that session I didn't tell my mother about her suggestion. All I said was that I no longer wanted to go to this therapist. I don't understand why I didn't tell her I just didn't want her to know for some reason.

Anyways I still deal with these issues and don't always have the best ways of dealing with it. Even though I don't go to therapy I still bring my dog with me places and he does help he also helps at home but he is not always there to help. I just wanted to get this out to I guess make others feel less alone. So thank you.