The Art of Standing Still

There has never been a time I can remember when I have not been consumed with the idea I should be doing something else. I lack the ability to stay in one place mentally, my mind has only one question, what next? This restlessness and guilt follows my every move, allows me little rest, drives me to distraction.

I see my distractions lined up one by one. Some are the things I feel I should do, some are the things I feel I should not. It does not matter the catgory my mind has given them, in the end they are meaningless. They are simply the imaginings of a restless soul.

What makes me this way I wonder, when I see other souls able to stand in one place. I am jealous of them, I want them to consume me and make me one of them. Nevertheless, I attract my own kind, kindred restless spirits afraid of standing still.

Deep inside me something whispers, please be that one, surprise me, be still with me, even for a short while. Hold my gaze, tell me I don’t need to be anywhere else. Breath.

Just once let this moment in time be enough.