
EPIC RAGDOLLS Versus Heavy Objects – MYSTORY Nr51

Hilarious Amazing Ragdoll Physics Simulation

Hilarious funny ragdolls in the epic Cryengine.

Squishing things but it is very satisfying and humorous.

Ragdolls versus objects or machines and fails.

Epic body physics simulation engine.

#RAGDOLLS, #EPIC, #PHYSICS, #Humor, #Funny,

#funnyvideogame, #funnygame, #cryengine, #ragdoll,

#hilariousphysics, #amazingragdolls, #newvideo,

#entertainment, #funnyphysics,



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The Main Content Section Of This Post


Hello World, Hello Viewers!

In this new video and blog post I decided to explore the depths of the physics simulation of Cryengine but with a focus on ragdoll physics.

I hope this post is entertaining and not to disturbing.


Satisfying epic physics should always have the priority in videogames or not.

The Bots or Ai in the game where very helpful as far as cooperativeness goes.

I mean I can place them within the editor wherever I want but I felt like they volunteered to do everything that I wanted.


The point of making such videos is that I am still trying to make at least one type of video of every style of content out there so I just found that I could still do many things within Cryengine.

I also guess that I just like the weird motion of these simulated objects and characters in Cryengine.


My channel could probably be referred to as gaming channel but I basically upload whatever I want so feel free to give me feedback so I can make more of what the audience wants.

I must also mention that I will upload whatever I want.


I enjoyed making these nice physics simulations and I love doing them on cool locations like the virtual Moon level that I made.

I finally knew what do up there.

Just blowing up stuff.


I did not intentionally throw heavy objects at the Ai but somehow they spawned at the wrong place at the wrong time so I had no other chance than throwing bathtubs at them.

I mean they are my unpaid volunteers so I think they like that.

Don’t get hit with bathtubs falling from the skies.

Please feel free to give me some free attention or not.

Have a great cookie!

Almost no Ai where harmed during the creation of this content.

Yours Sincerely,


X – About Section/ Personal Stuff

All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact)

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All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money)

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My Social Media Channel Branding Story Update

How I did so far.

My social media blogging experience so far.

My twenty twenty social media branding story.

How I did so far and my plans for the future.


#doom, #howtomakevideos, #youtuber, #entertainment,

#sixmonthslater, #twentytwentystory, #outdoor,

#mrefoodideas, #newtuberatmodepth,



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The Main Content Section Of This Post


Hello World, Hello Viewers!

Six months ago I said “Hello World” the first time to the public and my viewers.

Now, in the year 2021, I did what I planned.

I analysed my experiences and the new things that I learned, counted my views and followers and decided to make this video and blog post as I always do.


Like I planned I re-evaluated the situation after six months and it did not take me long to decide that I would not want to give this up any time soon.

I would go even further than that.

With the amount of work I was able to put in this channel, series of videos and blog posts I decided to try to get to the next possible and practical stage of my project here.


I decided to order some more pieces of equipment that everyone will see in my future posts and started to prepare for the creation of higher quality content.

But most important, I decided to make more unique and creative things.


My content setup and plans are on the next stage as of today and my creativity will be able to thrive on a new level.

Feel free to be tuned to see the things that will come soon.

More than gaming and more than everything that I have done before.


With this new year I did not only find better ways to make gaming videos very unique, learned to edit my videos in a better way and added never before seen effects.

I also now have things to do that have probably never been seen before on the internet.


Aside of me ending this post by asking for support through likes and many comments I also ended my video with some outtakes and a little strange ending scene just for the viewer’s pleasure.

I wanted to thank the people who supported me, especially some very kind users of many of these amazing new platforms that I found.

Some gave me ideas, inspiration and help.

They gave me tips and explained me how things work there.

Thank you!

I am seriously happy for that.

I will try to give as much back as I can and if you see these lines dear reader than you are part of the elite group of people that I learned to call my “Viewers”.

“Thank You World, Thank You Viewers!”

I’ll be back soon, let the next stage of the project begin!

Yours Sincerely,


X – About Section/ Personal Stuff

All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact)

All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money)

All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money)

Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups

MY FIRST MRE Eating Video Seriously – MYSTORY Nr41

Meal Ready To Eat Opening And Eating Sounds

Mre civilian meal ready to eat food ration eating.

How to food ration eating video with nice text content.

Apocalypse survival food off Amazon.

Eating sounds and commentary for sleep aid.

#MRE, #WARZONEFOOD, #ASMREATING, #MilitaryRation, #NewVideo,

#armyfood, #mealreadytoeat, #larp, #survivalfood,

#prepping, #shtfration, #outdoor,

#bugout, #newtuber,



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The Main Content Section Of This Post

0:00 – MREASMR

Hello World, Hello Viewers!

In this new blog post and video I decided to show some more of the footage that I created during the satisfying experience of opening and consuming an Mre off Amazon.

Enjoy me eating or don’t.

I also included some more of the outdoor footage.

1:00 – FOOD

There is some food on Amazon and some of it is actually edible.

In my journey to get more views I came along the idea of making food videos and Asmr videos (but not seriously) and I decided to combine these into one post.


I guess that these rations are very good for survival purposes.

Maybe they are zombie safe or maybe not.

10:00 – OUTDOOR

For outdoor or emergency situations these rations seem to be well packed.

Waterproof and filled with mostly less heat reactive materials that don’t get bad so fast when they get in contact with Mother-nature’s magic tricks called weather.

15:00 – BUGOUT

I might not yet be an expert for anything other than consuming large amounts of food but I think that such meal ready to eat rations might be well paced inside Bug-out bags.


I like also like to remind everyone to check out the last part of my previous post to see if you like to support me with doing things I put on a list in there.

The last section that is the equivalent of this part is basically me asking for free real estate.

I like the idea of these Mre-videos because they are entertaining and taste good.

Perfectly balanced!

As all things should be.

Don’t be too scared and have a nice day whenever you read these lines.

Yours Sincerely,


X – About Section/ Personal Stuff

All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact)

All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money)

All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money)

Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups


Christmas Holiday Special 2020 Special Video

Christmas gaming special gaming video.

Cod BlackOps3 custom Zombies Christmas snow map.

Destiny2 Dawning special exotic quest raid base map.

Doom Christmas Snapmap and Coldwar gameplay.


#doomsnapmap, #blackops, #customzombies, #destiny,

#santa, #nuketownchristmas, #satanclause,

#cod, #coldwar,



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The Main Content Section Of This Post


Hello World, Hello Viewers!

Aside of the possibility to get more views which is always a reason to make a video for an opportunistic person like I am, I also thought that it might be cool to make a Christmas special video.

In this video I did my standard weird comments and showed some custom maps in different games which are Christmas themed or winter focused and also some seasonal temporary altered aspects of other well-known games.


The first map I tried was an amazing Santa Clause winter snow Christmas map in the BlackOps3 custom zombies.

I managed to get to the point where I could ski down a nice little winter racing track to escape the mob of the Zombies.

15:00 – DESTINY

Because Destin2 has an altered hub social place are with snow currently and a weird tree I thought that it would be epic to also mess around there a little bit.

Enjoy and subscribe if possible and drop many likes and comment because I delivered some cookies in Destiny2 in the Quest that I partially already did before.


People of course made a holiday winter Christmas map in Snapmap of Doom2016 along with some other similarly themed maps too.

I played one of the best clearly Santa Clause themed maps.


Aside the fact that the game is called Coldwar and it is winter I thought the fact that we have a nice winter Christmas themed version of the Nuketown is epic

So enjoy me being weird and throwing things on bots.


If you want to help me you can drop comments and watch my videos but the purpose of this post and video is to see if I should keep making specials for certain holidays or other things to celebrate.

I like likes and I hope I can convince you to give me some so I can craft free real estate from them or not.

Have a great day whenever you see this.

Merry Christmas my viewers!

Yours Sincerely,


X – About Section/ Personal Stuff

All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact)

All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money)

All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money)

Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups

NEW WARZONE BLACKOPS Coldwar Season One Royale Video – MYSTORY Nr39

Call Of Duty Coldwar Battle Rebirth gameplay

Call Of Duty BlackOps Coldwar online season one warzone.

New Warzone map.

Rebirth Island gameplay.

Cod Coldwar Battle Royale Adler and gameplay video.


#battleroyale, #newmap, #rebirthisland, #adler,

#markarov, #wepaons, #outdoor,

#cod, #blackops,



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0:00 – WARZONE

Hello World, Hello Viewers!

Finally the day has come for Call Of Duty Warzone to get a new map.

Warzone got a new mode and the map Rebirth Island for us to Fight epic battles.


There are now some of the weapons that I always wanted to try since I heard that they exist in Black Ops Coldwar.

I think that I like the differences between the first set of weapons and the new old-school ones.


It is fascinating that Call Of Duty has managed to become a free Battle Royale game with Non-Battle Royale modes too.

I thought that this make sense to mention.


It is cool to be here to make some weird videos about the start of a new season in a free game that a bunch of people can play at the same time, called a multiplayer game.

Feel free to drop many comment and follow me so I can know which content you like.


The new small map is perfect for me failing many times.

Rebirth Island is a map on and island as the name suggests and if you fall in the water you get screwed.

20:00 – ADLER

I saw of course some scenes of Adler from Call Of Duty Blackops Coldwar because apparently Warzone is getting bigger and bigger over time.

This can be considered as the end or the last part of this post so feel free to see the connection with the next post and keep in mind that I ask you to do what I wrote in this respective section of the previous post.

My wish-list of things you can do to help me is quiet long.

Yours Sincerely,


X – About Section/ Personal Stuff

All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact)

All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money)

All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money)

Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups

WHAT IS AN MRE Plus Unboxing Video Commentary – MYSTORY Nr38

Meal Ready To Eat Explained And Ingredients Unboxing

Military rations and civilian food rations are nice.

How to MRE food video with nice blog post content.

Military civilian can food Meal Ready To Eat off Amazon.

Not Steve MRE but by me and not 100 years old food.

#MRE, #WHATISANMRE, #UNBOXING, #MilitaryRation, #NewVideo,

#whatsinsideanmre, #mealreadytoeat, #funnymre, #survivalfood,

#preppingsupplies, #shtfration, #outdoor,

#emergencyration, #newtuber,



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The Main Content Section Of This Post


Hello World, Hello Viewers!

I made many videos but today this show, series of videos, blog posts and stuff has reached new heights in quality.

In this new amazing MRE video and blog post I try to give my impressions of MREs at its best to my fellow viewers.


Due to the fact that I try to make every type of content possible I decided to make an MRE video that did not even contain a little bit of gaming aside from the intro which always contains a short scene that I made with a game that I made with and engine.

In this post and video on my pages I unboxed a quasi-military survival ration with the little drawback that this ration was apparently assembled for prepping and stuff.

In future videos I will get my hands on a real 100 percent military ration in hope that normal people can also digest army food.


I am super sorry for using the word prepping but I have to because I larp…

I mean because I love.

Survival food is an amazing thing and this post will definitely not be the last one.

I am super tuned for the MREs that contain chemical agents that can be activated to create large amounts of heat to make the content of a pack better for consumption.

Or as normal people call it: warming up food.


In the end of the respective video of this post there is some slightly edited preview footage of the outdoor eating or quasi-cooking sequence I filmed for the next video.

I know that it might contain some ASMR like vibes but that might be epic for some people.

I thought that the perspective was relatively nice considering the fact that this is the first outdoor footage I ever showed on my channels.


These rations are apparently good for so called SHTF scenarios and BUG OUT but I don’t know that means because I totally cannot use search engines.

I must say that the unboxing of such rations if quite fun and entertaining.

It might be a nice entertaining thing for people to prepare these rations.

I for sure love to see what’s inside these magic packages.


I like the fact that I used normal kitchen and eating utensils like a butter knife to prepare the MRE’s content.

I also want to herby beg for feedback.

I appreciate likes on my content to get supported by likes so I can make more MRE videos.

I will for sure also build my own farm for MREs if I can.

Which I can’t.

Please consider sharing my content and following me on all of my pages because I have many of them.

I need comments, many comments if you want to drop many.

I always encourage readers and viewers to read my other posts and watch all of my videos on unlimited and infinite loops so I can acquire eternal watch-time and views without effort.

That was a joke although I appreciate some genuine content engagement.

Alligator-Snail-Hybrid-Creatures are very dangerous so don’t get consumed by one of them.

If you wonder where the hell this comes from, feel free to read the ending of my previous post.

You won’t get any explanation there either.

Happy larping I will join the party when I get my nuclear bunker which I won’t if I can’t manage to get enough free cookies (I mean like my content please).

Yours Sincerely,


X – About Section/ Personal Stuff

All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact)

All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money)

All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money)

Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups

EPIC FUTURAMA Zombies Multi Pack A Punch Fun Video – MYSTORY Nr37

Call Of Duty Black Ops Custom Zombies Map But Futurama

Blops3 custom Futurama Zombies is epic.

Epic Zombies Cartoon in Black Ops and new.

Epic comebacks on custom map in Zombies 2020 gameplay.

New amazing Futurama Zombies Pack A Punch.

#FUTURAMA, #BlackOpsNew, #CustomZombies, #CallOfDuty, #NewVideo,

#fryzombies, #bestcustomzombies, #leela, #funnymontage,

#customenemies, #zombiefails, #freemap,

#packapunch, #newtuber,



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The Main Content Section Of This Post


Hello World, Hello Viewers!

As I make new posts and videos I am still staying with some gaming content for now at least.

This might change soon so this is a little hint or spoiler.

For this post, video or text blog post I have something really cool from the perspective of a gamer.

Someone was super nice and creative and made an epic Futurama custom zombies Black Ops map.

2:30 – ZOMBIES

The cool thing about the custom Zombies in Call Of Duty is in my view the fact that some crazy epic map creators like to make some cartoon art-style focused maps.

The cartoon maps based of Futurama are perfect for the epic atmosphere in some less dark and gritty zombie maps.

I might also have seen Fry and Leela or even the giant Lobster.


In this epic Black Ops game it is possible to have as many custom maps as you want if you don’t run out of drive-space.

In the video and blog post here I am focusing on two Futurama maps at once.

I also tried to edit some funny things into it so it is somewhat entertaining aside of me nearly getting eaten by rotten walking dead Zombies.


In this epic Futurama custom Zombies maps video I was able to play two maps and in the end also a little Simpsons map as a bonus.

Although the Simpsons map is actually massive and also features some epic art-style that gets me some comedic relief after playing many darker themed maps.


Call Of Duty evolved to these games and the ambitious creators of custom maps are very motivated to keep the community entertained.

I would love to see even more custom Zombies maps featuring the Futurama setting and I am sure that I will.


I also managed to get some multiple epic Pack A Punch activations on my main weaponry on the first map showcased.

This map is amazing when you figure out that you have to spend the money that you make on the Pack A Punch machine that is accessible through the teleporter.

With these lines I also tend to beg for feedback.

As always I mind reminding people a hundred times in giving my content likes as I do in my videos all too often!

Shares and many Subscriptions are also very much needed for an improving channel or blog!

Basically I am asking for shares and some free real estate.

I also need many comments even if I am risking to make the same jokes over and over again I have cookies!

As always I encourage everyone to read my other posts or watch my videos on infinite loops so I can acquire infinite watch-time and views or simply not.

Thank you to everyone who reads this, may you have a great day and may you not get eaten by a randomly spawned Alligator-Snail-Hybrid-Creature.

I have heard these things can happen allegedly.

Yours Sincerely,


X – About Section/ Personal Stuff

All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages (subscribe, connect, contact)

All My Stuff: Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money)

All My Merch: Unique Merch (give me more of your money)

Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups

First BlackOps3 Gameplay On My New Computer – MYSTORY Nr28

Blops3 On A Proper Gpu For The First Time

Hello World, Hello Viewers!


First time CallOfDuty BlackOps3 on my new pc.

First time Blops3 player basically.

Blops3 ultra graphics.

Cod Blops3 in 2020.

Cod BlackOps but 2020 and new.



#blackops3, #callofduty, #firsttime, #gpu

#futuristic, #boostjump, #jetpack

#zombies, #newvideo

_______________ VIDEO-BLOG-POST _______________

The main text section of this text blog post starts here

0:00 – INTRO

Hello World!

In this video and post I am describing my transcendent experience of playing Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 for the first time on my new properly powerful gaming workstation pc.

Read the following or watch the video to know my story.

10:00 – LAPTOP

When I first bought Black Ops3 I had to try running this game on a Gt540m laptop graphics card which was not particularly powerful.

What I am trying to say it that I had to unlock potato settings to run this game because my Gpu could not be considered appropriately powerful.

15:00 – COMPUTER

After years of use I decided to get a gaming and workstation pc with some powerful hardware and I started this channel with proper videos.

Until writing these lines I did not have installed this nice videogame called Black Ops 3.

20:00 – GRAPHICS

Now I was able to run games on proper settings.

I actually mean high settings while still being able to properly make videos, which is necessary for someone who is trying to make videos…

In case this was not self-explanatory.

25:00 – GPU

My new Gpu in my tower pc is a Geforce card so it is green which means it is powerful.

Just kidding, I know that the colour of a Gpu is irrelevant for performance.

Feel free to watch my video or read my posts.

30:00 – OUTRO

Due to the fact that Cod Blops3 has a Zombie campaign mode I like it.

It also luckily features some functions like multiple modes and splitscreen on Pc which I think is cool if you want to meet humans in the analog world to play games on the same screen.

Follow me everywhere and drop as many comments as you want, I’d also consider it helpful if you could like my videos and posts and stuff…

Or not.

Have a great decade.

Yours Sincerely,


X – About Section/ Personal Stuff

Personal Extra Keywords:

videogame, videospiel, 电子游戏, видеоигра, ビデオゲーム, jeuvidéo, videojuego, βιντεοπαιχνίδι, वीडियोगेम, משחקוידאו

videos, gamer, gameplay, newpost, channel, fun, entertainment, epic, weird, strange, independent, youtuber, content, gameing, exclusive, music, blogs, posts, story, mystory

All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money)

All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money)

My Signature: My Short Signature


gaming, fun, creative

Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups

My First Dirty Bomb Gameplay Ever – MYSTORY Nr23

Free Multiplayer Game In 2020

Hello World, Hello Viewers!

Today I fail at the epic free action game Dirty Bomb for the first time.

This free fps game is great in 2020 because I like it.

#dirtybomb, #freemultiplayer, #gameplay2020, #firsttimeplayer

#newvideo, #onlinegame, #pvp

#gamingchannel, #gamer

_______________ Dirty Bomb _______________

Dirty Bomb for the first time and it is epic


Hello World!

Dirty Bomb is amazing and free and a great online multiplayer game that has many players in 2020.

I am glad that I could play this because I like the precise gameplay and the old school wall-jumps.

Yes! This game has advanced movement mechanics that allow classic gameplay together with modern dynamic fps experiences.

In the case that I sound like a professional game reviewer I want to apologize.


This amazing epic gameplay features this free online multiplayer action fps game because I wanted to try it.

I know that this is a weird argument but I have to write something here that is not complete rubbish so I think this is legit.


I heard about Dirty Bomb years ago but this was my first gameplay and I like it as I have mentioned before.

Please like my stuff and give me feedback and feel free to try this amazing game too because it even has some Battlefield vibes to it.


As a competitive action game with multiplayer teams that fight each other it does its job very well.

Features like health packs, turrets, or ammo supplies are working well and the weapons feel very direct and fun to use.


In this section of this blog post I wanted to ask you for some suggestions if I should do more gaming videos or something else.

I am open for suggestions.

This post is of course related to the gaming video.


This might not be the largest channel or blog but I will try to create more content soon.

Feel free to feel free to do something to do something else to help me growing my audience.

Thank you for consuming my content of questionable quality.

Yours Sincerely,


X – About Section

A list of my main links!

All My Pages: Networks, Groups, Pages

All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money)

All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money)

Backup Links: Homepages, Social Networks, Groups