Are you happy? No matter poor or wealthy

Dear Coilers, how much do you need to be happy? How much of that need is materialistic? Do you think that sudden wealth will make you happy?

It is strange how little it takes to make us happy, and even stranger: how often we miss that little! – Thomas Jefferson

Every single person in this world has problems. It doesn’t matter how wealthy or poor. Those who are poor think that money, which they don’t have, would solve their problems and make them happy, those who are wealthy would give their wealth away just to be healthy, their children to call them or their friends to come for a visit and have a dinner with them.

An anecdote from India comes to my mind... Let’s say that a Croatian person, we’ll name him Srdan, walked the streets of Mumbai with his Indian friend, we’ll name him Apu...

Dirty streets were packed with people rumbling the city during the late evening, with many of the poorest sleeping tucked in, covered with filthy blankets (if they were lucky) or without them, on sidewalks.

Srdan asked Apu is there a way to help those people, to make their lives easier and to make them happy.

Then Apu asked Srdan: Haven’t you told me that you couldn’t sleep for days?

Srdan replied: It’s true. I have to organize the flight back to Europe, then I have to find a contractor as I plan to rebuild bathroom and then I have to go to seaside to put a fence around the land I’ve inherited from my grandpa and then...

Then Apu said: What is this old man doing right now?

Srdan: He sleeps in the street half naked!

Apu: True, he sleeps in the busy street and you can’t sleep in a five stars hotel!!! Do you really think you are happier than he is?!...

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