Discounts for open source projects

We love open source software at We use it every day, from the operating systems our developers use, to the servers and bits of code our platform runs on. We open source many of our libraries and clients, and are moving towards open sourcing our entire web application.

Recently we saw an open source project, Liberapay, suddenly had their Medium publication taken down with only 12 hours notice — apparently the result of some automated process — and we stepped up to offer them a discount. They ultimately had other plans, but we thought we should make that offer official, and open to the entire web.

So we did. If you maintain an open source project and need a maintenance-free place to write about it, now you can get our Casual features for free (or 25% off of Pro)!

Our Casual plan lets you use your own domain name (with SSL included) and publish to an audience on Read — so your hosted blog can still be yours, and you'll have readers from day one. We also take a strong stand for free speech on, don't let algorithms remove content, and are funded by our founder and customers — so your words will be safe here.

We hope this will help more open source software maintainers effortlessly get their words on the web, so they can spend more time creating awesome software that powers the world. And if you're a student, non-profit, or educational institution, ask us about other discounts we offer!

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