Monochrome morning: Rain falls through the rosemary Bush explored by dogs
Monochrome morning: Rain falls through the rosemary Bush explored by dogs
The past few entries were playing with the command line part of write.as. I'm in no way a writer or a storyteller, just someone looking for new things to do and see what may come of it.
The new blender is working out nicely. Check it out. blender.org Blender site version 2.8x. Playing with light in cycle render in blender 2.81. Free blender tutorials can be found at youtube channel Blender 2.80
Today is a little with some grounding.
Wonder where she is nowadays?
كم جميل لو بقينا أصدقاء إن كل امراة تحتاج إلى كف صديق كن صديقى
هواياتى صغيرة واهتماماتى صغيرة وطموحى أن أمشى ساعات معك تحت المطر عندما يسكننى الحزن ويبكينى الوتر
فلماذا تهتم بشكلى ولا تدرك عقلى كن صديقى
How beautiful would it be if we remained friends Every woman needs the hand of a friend Be my friend My hobbies are simple And my interests are simple And all I hope for is a walk with you For hours, in the rain When sadness dwells in me And music brings tears to my eyes So, why do you only care about my appearance And not realize my mind
Be my friend
Playing with Blender 2.80 and a script I found on the interweb.
This new version is turning out to be a good one.
Check it out Blender 3D
Here we are another week done. Now let move onto the weekend. yeah!
How I feel today.
Photos taken in bright light/ direct sunlight/ contrasty light/ hard light such a direct flash / speedlights benefit from a shorter developing time (such as 40 minutes) and give high-quality negatives with a broad dynamic range (highlight detail, range of mid-grey detail and shadow detail).
Photos taken in the shade / even light / overcast day / inside without obvious directional light will develop as just mid greys lacking contrast and clarity when using the same developing time. Luckily film retains a lot of detail so negatives can be pushed/pulled when scanned to boost contrast and if needed boost contrast further in PP.
Link to film Development Home Development
Kodak Vision3 ECN-2 starter for ECN-2 film ECN-2
Tetenal C41 Tetenal C41 Kit 2.5L kit
E-6 film processing E-6
Now for some images – how about a dragonfly.
And now some farming. Alien ant farming.