
“So, this is where you are taking me?” Patricia asked.

Her head was sneaking out of the car as she saw the villa on the hill near the beach, which belonged to her grandparents.

“Yeah, surprised aren’t you?” Leona replied to her, driving through the gate.

“More surprised by the fact that you are still willing to come back here after that ‘incident’.” Patricia shrugged as Leona parked their car.

“Who do you think I am to be scared by those little gestures?” Leona said to not underestimate him as they got out of the car and started walking to the door of the villa.

“So, why are we here?” Patricia asked.

“Remember when I asked for your grandfather permission to marry you?” Leona answered back with a question.

“Yeah, where he ‘accidentally’ almost shot you three times in a row when he took you hunting after you asked him for permission.” Patricia clearly remembered, it was the infamous incident in this villa after all.

“He did give me one, on a request that we could hold a little make believe wedding ceremony here with just the two of them.” Leona explained.

Patricia wasn’t surprised at all, her grandparents were very private, they disliked big crowds but when your granddaughter’s groom was the second prince, there wasn’t a moment where you could share with just her, you had to share her with the rest of the world to see. As they approached the front door, there stood her grandparents ready to greet Leona and Patricia.

“Patricia, and your royal highness, please come inside. The preparation has been made on your behalf.” The ever poised stoic grandmother of Patricia said.

Grandma Venenum might not share a lot of emotion, but she was quite emotional today. Her only grandchild was going to get ‘married’ . It was like giving Patricia permission to part ways from her arms forever.

“Grandma, grandpa!” Patricia hugged the two of them warmly, they reciprocated it, though their stares were like daggers pointing at Leona.

“Mr and Mrs. Venenum,” Leona greeted, bowing his head a little bit as the two grandparents did the same.

Though they still couldn’t believe how dare the second prince dragged their precious granddaughter to the royal court full of snakes and lizards, some of them were literal.

“Now, please Patricia come with grandma. And Lord Leona, you could follow my husband.” Grandma Venenum said before ushering Patricia to come inside.

While Grandpa Venenum glaring daggers at Leona intensely, though he didn’t utter a word since he was known to be a quiet man.

“Please call me Leona, we are going to be family soon.” Leona replied, humbling himself trying to get closer to them.

He was going to be a part of the family he was jealous of when he was a kid so don’t blame him for trying a little. But his words were met by a cold response from Grandpa Venenum.

“No need necessary, you are a prince and the royal protocol dictated so as to address you as such.”

Seemed like Leona had to try a little harder to get in. Leona let out a silent long sigh, this was such a headache. Not like Leona could really blame them on the other hand, it was clear from the start they were reluctant for Patricia to be his playmate he knew that from Kifaji who persuaded them which would be a blatant no.

If not for Kifaji strategy approaching little Patricia first with the offer of Royal Library. A shrewd man, Lord of The Chamberlain indeed. Not to mention they caught Leona and Patricia once almost doing the thing in her childhood bedroom with him. Leona was sure since then all they wanted to do was to murder him if they could.

This was such a headache, could they just accept him, already? Like there was a better suited match for Patricia than him. If you asked Venenum they would answer with a list of a thousand candidates they picked before Leona KIngscholar though.

“Patricia, you remember what grandma gave you when you graduated from NRC?” Her grandmother asked, taking Patricia to one of the rooms their villa had.

“Of course, a chance to alter your wedding then mom's wedding dress, right?”

“You are correct, I remember telling you would see the final alterations if your wedding is approaching and here they are.” Grandma Venenum smiled solemnly, she opened the box revealing the dress Patricia had designed to change from her mom, who altered it from her mother, Grandma Venenum.

“It’s so pretty!” Patricia beamed with a smile, satisfied with the result.

“It is my dear, now put it on I want to see you twirl in it.” Grandma Venenum said, which Patricia obliged with putting it on.

“How do I look, granny?” Grandma Venenum almost lost her composure at the sight of her beloved granddaughter in white, he never expected it to be this soon.

“You are wonderful looking Patricia, now take a seat. Let granny do your hair.” Grandma Venenum propped Patricia to sit down in the vanity mirror.

“Can’t believe as of next year, you would be the Princess Consort of Sunset Savanna. Remember dear, even if he’s a royalty if he does anything to you, even just a scratch on your skin. Don’t be afraid to tell us, alright? The royals were nothing but people with pretended statuses higher than us.” Grandma Venenum said while combing Patricia’s hair and shaped it into a bun.

“Grandma be careful, what if someone hears you?” Patricia chuckled quietly, the words could be treason to the royal family.

Honestly, the Venenums never really wanted to be involved with them if not reluctantly and now they were tied by a bond that had a chance that couldn't be severed for eternity.

“I’m already old dear, I might lose my composure more often every now and then. Pardon me.” Grandma Venenum replied back before Patricia responded with a nervous laugh.

“And, it’s done. You are the picture of perfection dear, Leona Kingscholar is the lucky one to have you.”

“Thank you, meemaw.” Patricia smiled, calling her grandma with a long lost nickname she never called her anymore with. They shared a smile before a knock on the door was heard and the door was opened, entering inside Grandpa Venenum.

“Grandpa, where’s Leona?” Patricia asked.

“He is waiting for you at the spot, he insisted on coming but it is bad luck to see the bride in the wedding dress is it not?” Grandpa Venenum said.

Then he suddenly hugged her granddaughter, then joined by his wife, a rare initiation physical display of affection was shown from the two of them beside each other.

“Screw the Kingscholars, I can’t believe we let them take away our precious granddaughter.” Grandma Venenum complained before Grandpa Venenum chimed in too.

“Like I said to Lord Leona that day, if he dared to hurt you I will kill him like I shoot that deer brutally, straight on the head.”

“Granny, Grandpa, you two really should control your words…” Patricia sighed, this sounded even more scary when their stoic faces didn’t move an inch saying these things like it was normal.

After a somewhat long group hug, the two of them offered their hands for their granddaughter to grab on. Walking her together to the place they had told Leona to wait. On their granddaughter's hands there were buckets of flowers, freshly picked from the garden they cultivated.

Leona Kingscholar couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw Patricia approaching him and suddenly all he could see was Patricia in her wedding dress, ignoring the very reluctant grandparents of her. His heart skipped a million beats, he was taken aback for a moment, this was something, she was something that he was sure he would never quite see anything like her in his lifetime again, ever!

“You look handsome in my grandpa’s attire.” Patricia commented with a coy smile while Leona was still taking it all in, the sight in front of him.

“...You look incredible, Patricia and I mean it.” He finally spoke after a moment of silence and mouth agape.

“I know,” Patricia answered with the same adoration in her eyes.

This was the sight they saw on the balcony, and it was hard for Grandpa and Grandma Venenum to admit, but looks like Kifaji was right, these two were going to be tied in a knot together. Actually they knew it for quite a long time and they were afraid to admit that, because it would mean they lost their only grandchild to the royal life, which was hard and full of judgement. And the Venenum didn’t want it one bit for their only grandchild.

Because there was no officiant, they only exchanged rings using what the Venenum passed down to them and wanted them to have it.

“Is this going to be your wedding dress for next year, isn’t it bad luck if I saw you in it first?” Leona asked as he slid down the ring down Patricia’s finger.

“No silly, do you really think Vil would let me pick my wedding dress without his input? Besides, I’ve been eyeing something for a while, you just have to wait and see.” Said Patricia back while sliding down the ring to Leona’s finger.

“Then I couldn’t wait for it,” Leona answered before taking Patricia in for a kiss. And you could see the love emitted from it

The whole thing looked real enough for the two grandparents to watch and really let their grandkid go for the very first time choosing this path with a man she was in love with. As they deepened their kiss, Leona carried Patricia in his arms. Receiving a protest from Grandpa Venenum immediately.

“Young man, I gave you permission to marry my granddaughter, not to kiss her inappropriately in front of me or do you want me to shoot you again because I have my gun back in the villa!” That was the first time ever anyone saw the ever calm Grandpa Venenum raise his voice.

But still the two ‘bride and groom’ kissed for another fifteen seconds before breaking it off, as Grandpa Venenum was about to get his gun.

“Is Kifaji really being serious right now? It’s just been a month since we announced our engagement and ever since then, our schedule has been packed, now to add to it the press?!” Patricia sighed.

When normal people got engaged, usually they would prepare for the wedding in the normal way. Maybe learn a little waltz or tango if you are feeling frisky. But not the complete traditional set, no one used any longer except probably, for the royals of Sunset Savanna as their wedding dance tradition. Not to mention the press who had been bugging to see the soon to be newlyweds acting as a couple.

“What, can’t keep up, Pat?” Leona asked her slyly, which in response the woman he soon to be married stepped on his foot on purpose, and her other foot managed to step on his tail for extra measure. “Ouch!” Leona groaned in pain, he was sure about to grumble before Patricia cut him off.

“And what? You better shut your damn mouth because even becoming a noble wasn't part of my plan, and now a freaking royal?! If I’m not marrying you, I wouldn’t have to put up with any of this!” And Leona, although reluctant, admitted his defeat.

His status was one of the reasons their relationship went in a circular motion for quite some time, even when they were dating a part of her was in a denial she would be someone with this kind of status in the future. But the deed has been done, and now here she was, learning the steps in one of The Royal Palace rooms while wearing the traditional garment, since the press would come here later.

“But you had it easy though, I had to do this straight after hours of princess lessons with Kifaji and the other tutors. At this point you didn’t deserve to expect an I love you too from me because what the heck am I doing all of this if I didn’t love you.” Patricia sarcastically complained and right on cue, Kifaji emerged from the door.

“Maybe if you had taken all of the lessons when you were a kid, you wouldn’t be this overworked, Patricia. I did offer you one, and it would have been nice if you continued it.” Kifaji retorted back with a smirk with an ‘I told you so’ face.

“I took one back then and it scarred me for life, can’t believe Leona managed to sweep me off my feet and momentarily made me forget that I had to attend this torture in hell.” She was of course being dramatic.

Kifaji couldn’t help but chuckle a little. He predicted this matchup way before these two even liked each other and once again, he was proven right, they were indeed perfect for one another.

“Anything my new madam says, this humble servant will oblige with it.” Kifaji teased her, while Leona snickered, joining in the fun.

“Nooooo, don’t you dare call me that!” Patricia complained.

“Kifaji, let’s cancel the press for today. I don’t really care if they call me lazy or not. But my dear soon to be wife, Patricia is not feeling up to it.” Leona chimed in.

“And I’m sure, you are too lazy, Lord Leona. Don’t use Patricia's name for excuses. I know the two of you very well.” Kifaji responded back, and there was no way of getting through this guy, huh?

“How dare you?” Patricia dramatically said to her soon to be husband before sharing a snicker together. In every crowd, in every moment their yes manage to always find one another, especially when there were only three of them inside, ignoring Kifaji as the third wheel.

Though that cute moment got interrupted with the next statement from Kifaji’s lips.

“Well, I’m here to report that the reporters are just behind this door. Ready to meet the two of you, please show your best selves for the public to get to know the two of you more in a good light. I’m sure the two of you can manage that?” Kifaji said with a smile.

Then he opened the doors and let the hoarding press take pictures of them. They had to nod and smile reluctantly while answering some of their questions. Sure, their engagement got mixed opinions from the public. After all, Patricia wasn’t a beastman nor she came from a noble house, sure her grandparents were quite influential with their role as diplomat and royal photographer. Not to mention, her parents, though divorced, were still one of the legend of Spelldrive player and a supermodel.

Which made it worse actually, since the adoring public thought that a girl with parents from an entertainment circle only wanted to be the prince to boost their statuses. Though, it wasn’t true at all if you see how hard she was in denial all through their NRC days. Her grandparents did help when it came to the public opinion, although only a little since her grandma is from Shaftlands and their position isn’t deemed high enough. Patricia particularly didn’t really care or give much thought about that. Nor Leona, they were fine even eloping just to skip all of this hassle.

But Kifaji? Wouldn’t allow that, he had a soft spot for these two kids and he would make sure everyone sees them for who they truly are, two fools in love you could call it fate from the first glance. Also probably charitable to boost their image, Kifaji would need to make sure they attended a charity event next week! He did know the two of them made many donations to the hyena’s slums, especially with Patricia’s grandpa's charity or Leona’s special interest, though they never reported it to the public. This time, they needed to unfortunately shatter those haughty unapproachable images both of them had.

“Lulu, I’m sorry for being late!” The second year Pomefiore student bursted into the kitchen with a groceries paper bag on her arms. The Ramshackle prefect and only human member of the dorm, greeted her back.

“Patty-senpai! It’s alright, do you want a drink first?” Lunasha offered her a cup of tea she had just freshly brewed.

“Oh, that would be nice,” Patricia accepted, then he noticed the blonde bob haired boy standing beside Lunasha. “And what is Rook doing here?” She snapped her eyes to the vice dorm leader, she always had a bit one sided love-hate relationship with the hunter. Yet, Rook always thought of her as a cute little sister.

“Keeping my petite cerise company of course! Like you did this morning with Roi du Lion, though it would be better not in time for class since we don’t want Roi du Poison to get upset, no?” This nagging of Rook made it hard for Patricia not to snark at him, but there was Lunasha in the room. So, she would hold it back for today.

“Just don’t tell Vil about it, okay?” Patricia pouted.

“Well, now I will leave the two of you to it. Have a fun baking day, take care of Lulu for me, mademoiselle fashion!” Rook bid his goodbye with a kiss on top of Lulu’s forehead. The purple haired girl blushed quite madly, protesting a bit to Rook. There's an audience in the room where the feather hat man just laughed off and calmed her down, before making his exit.

“Patty-senpai, I’m sorry you have to see that-” Lunasha said embarrassedly, which got cutted off with the taller girl in front of her.

“He’s sure sweet to you huh, Lulu? Bet if I wasn’t here, it would be the lips!” Patricia teased, pointing on Lunasha’s lips. Further embarrassing the girl.

“No, you got it all wrong! We didn’t-” She panicked, Patricia on the other hand snickered at her response and put a finger on her lips mimicking Lunasha to silence.

“Ssh, we better not waste anymore time. Let’s start preparing, Lulu.” Patricia winked.

“Then Patty-senpai please stop teasing me!” Patricia just laughed again while they started moving things along, starting with washing their hands first. As they were preparing for the ingredients, Lunasha got curious about the groceries Patricia just set on the kitchen counter when she first arrived.

“Patty-senpai, did you buy new ingredients again? I thought we had enough already at Ramshackle for two batches of muffins?” Lunasha asked, peeking at the ingredients to found, spinach, bacon and cheese…?

“Oh, I thought it would be fun for us to make the usual sweet muffins for a batch and the other batch to try making savoury muffins!” Lunasha was a bit puzzled by it, but baking something new was something fun to try. So, why not?

“That’s a good idea! But I don’t know how to make it, Patty-senpai has to teach me how to do it then.” Lunasha said as she tied her apron, Patricia did the same while reaching to the bowl and cracking two eggs for it.

“The batters are the same as sweet muffins, the difference is when do we incorporate it. At least according to the internet.” Patricia shrugged to a bit shocked Lunasha. But hey, everything is going to be fine right?

They then went to experiment with their muffin batter incorporating spinach, cheese and bacon through trials and errors. From finding the composition weird, too sweet or too salty as they grumbled after tasting the batter they dipped their fingers in until finally the fourth experiment of mixing spices they found the perfect taste or at least okay. Both of them high fived each other while entering those experimental muffins to the oven and moving on to the usual sweet muffins they loved, and their boyfriends didn’t (although according to Patricia, Leona and her are just friends!).

As Lunasha finished whisking the new batter and Patricia poured them to some of the cups to bake. It dawned on her, she never asked why they were making a savoury dessert this time instead of their usual blueberry, strawberry, citrus and orange tart, fruity sweet desserts they loved today.

“Patty-senpai, is there any specific reason we are doing this?” Lunasha decided to ask. Patricia pondered for a moment, she knew what the answer was. She was just embarrassed to admit it.

“Well… Rook is just okay with sweets, right? Like, he isn’t the biggest fan of it. So, I think it would be a nice change of pace for you to give him something savoury for a change.” Patricia said, while she didn’t lie, it was still just a half truth.

“Now I am scared if it doesn’t turn out great, but at the same time I am excited to see the results!” Lunasha’s mind went half panic and half excited at the prospect of seeing Rook’s delighted face to try something new she gave to him.

“Don’t worry if they don’t like it, just tell them we aren’t going to see them for a week.” Patricia jokingly said, Lunasha’s mind did wonder though. Who did she mean by them? It’s a bit obvious and confirmed by her pretty loud complaint.

“Though this doesn’t contain steak, at least I put bacon in it with a mix of spinach for surprise and a choke. Leona better appreciate it, or I would shove it down his throat until he eats the whole batch.”

“So, it’s for Leona-senpai! I see,” It was Lunasha time to tease her back, which the raven haired girl strongly denied, putting down the bowl on the tab;e.

“If Silver doesn't finish the whole thing, then I suppose I will share it with Leona.” Patricia said, turning her face away, emphasising on Silver’s name. Though if it was for Silver, why would she make something unknown?

Lunasha just nodded while staring at her face until Patricia looked back at her.

“What?” Patricia snarked, a bit intimidating to Lunasha, almost making her want to bolt down out of this kitchen for a sec there.

“N-nothing, it’s just that Patty-senpai has batter on each side of your cheek this whole time.” Lunasha pointed out.

“Eeh, it’s not fair when Lulu only got it on one cheek!” Patricia protested, she then grabbed the batter bowl again, dipped a finger in it and “Boop!” She said, after planting a smear of battery on Lunasha’s nose.

“Now, we’re equal.” Patricia winked, while laughing.

“Ah, Patty-senpai…” Followed by Lunasha smiling too. It’s another fun baking session for them, perhaps.

‘Okay, okay, calm down.’ Patricia’s heart was racing, but even a rational thought couldn’t calm down her racing mind, the distance between her and Leona Kingscholar’s body was approximately way too close. Not to mention her back on the wall, leaving no room to escape with the man’s hand caging her body on the pillar.

How did they get into this situation? They had always been a grey area, Patricia knew that. But this situation was crossing beyond the line of friends. Leona knew, Patricia knew, there was no turning back after this. She panicked. What triggered Leona exactly to promptly pinned her against this very wall of his bedroom? They just rekindled their relationship for some mere months, the same exact months she had been attending NRC after three years of separation and now, she found herself and her prince childhood friend in this situation?

Tension was heavy in the air and by the look on his face, Leona was sure as hell not backing down. This made Patricia a little scared, she was hesitating, what went wrong between them? Sure, Patricia was a little bit mischievous. Throwing in flirty remarks here and there, teasing him as a joke to test it on some other guys, which Leona should have known. She talked about them, and everything to him really, except for a certain growing feeling she tried to push aside because that kind of relationship with Leona wasn’t worth it to pursue. She was sure she wouldn’t like him that far, but with his face a few inches before it closed on her, made her rethink everything.

But then what made today different from the others? What made today could force Leona Kingscholar to act like this? She just came, twirling in her new little black dress, like she always did in the past, doing a little bit of fashion show everytime she acquired a new outfit back when they were kids. Sure, she taunted him a little about couldn’t keep his eyes elsewhere because of her beauty and some other things. But that was just the usual right?

Indeed, she was in denial and Leona Kingscholar had grown tired of it. The little black dress she put on display today was just the last straw he needed to throw it all away. He never wanted to try when it was so obvious the girl in front of him kept talking about somebody else she was interested in, plus her despise of the royal life. Why make an effort when there was a huge chance he would fail? Alas, fuck it all, maybe he did want to try, he couldn’t shake this feeling any longer. He had feelings for her and he knew it wasn’t one that was going to go away.

All of this silence and patience, desperately waiting for a sole chance he could seal the deal successfully to make her his, only made his blood boil in a rush as her shaking hands touched his arm.

As Patricia gulped down a chunk of her saliva down her throat, from her shaking hands that had been desperately wanting to touch the male in front of her, which she finally did. She opened her lips to speak, only for Leona to beat her to it as their eyes met upon each other.

“Say my name and everything just stops.” He hoarse. All of this, the tension, the pining and anticipation would end depended on the next thing rolled out of her tongue. Dreadful silence filled the air, as Patricia only let her lips agape a little gap. He maybe didn’t say I love yet out loud, but this was his way of saying it, he was hers to claim. It was her decision to stop playing this tag game.

“I don’t want you like a best friend.” Leona reinstated his statement, loud and clearly. It was her turn to answer.

“Leona…” His name slipped her lips in a desperate plea, she was confused, she wasn’t saying yes or no, her head felt like spinning. She didn’t want to face this, where Leona implied his feelings clearly to her and there was no room to deny it anymore.

Leona took it as a yes, his face then inched closer to her, closing the gap between them in a heated feverish kiss. Their first kiss and truly it made his world collapse, was this the taste of victory? Patricia herself didn’t say no to the kiss, she kissed him back hard. Then his tongue poked to the front of her lips, which she granted, engaging their tongues in a devilish dizzying dance.

Inescapable, Leona should have known this. From the first moment she entered his life again, he couldn’t deny her. He wasn’t even really trying to suppress his feelings in the first place but she made him do it, which irked him a little bit. But fine, at least they both trapped in this electrifying state where their bodies craved for each other’s touches, even if he had to get burned down first with this feeling. Her hands moved to touch his chest, intoxicated with the kiss as his hands moved to the zip of her dress, ready to take it off.

“Patricia,” he breathed just below her ear. It sounded more like a question, did she allow them to go further than this?

“Yes,” Patricia answered.

The next second she felt his quick and nimble fingers working his way with her dress zipper. The straps fell down, exposing her chest bare to his eyes. His eyes widened for a split second as his face reddened by the sight, she was beautiful really, Leona didn’t know if he could handle it all and it was just the upper half of her body, what would he be when he finally uncovered the rest?

Patricia also didn’t want to be the only one exposed, feeling embarrassed alone, as their lips never stopped pressing against each other, her fingers working on his jacket and accessories, as well his shirts, throwing them one by one to the ground.

As he had the courage to unzip her dress all the way through, letting it fall to the ground, exposing the rest of her body, all entirely as a feast only reserved for his eyes. He threw his gloves quickly, wanting to touch her bare hand, skin to skin with her soft fair skin, to grasp her wholly. This wasn’t proper he realised, as in one quick swoop he carried her in his arms making her startled a bit, feeling his naked chest pressing against her own without a cloth as a shield.

“Leona, what are you doing?!” She hissed, even in this state didn’t really want to believe they were going to do this.

“You really want our first time to be on the wall?” He asked her sarcastically, and he was right but she was in no state of mind to think anything clearly.

He laid her in his sheets, but for a second there he didn’t do anything. Leona just gawked upon the scenery presented to him. Making Patricia a little bit uncomfortable, was there something wrong with her body? Was it not satisfactory enough? She could only guess by his tail wagging, for excitement right? Not disappointment?

Yet, a completely different train of thought was running through Leona’s mind. Patricia was breathtaking, he didn’t know how he could manage this long to control the urge to make her his. Alas, he managed to do so, stealing her under those guy’s thumbs, especially one freshman she had been chasing because he was pretty for her eyes.

“Cat got your tongue, Leona? Is this your first time?”

She faked confidence to tease him, because it was in her nature to be a little high pride, stubborn and bossy.

“And what?” Leona didn’t really care, nor paid attention to it as his eyes were still busy.

“You really didn’t fuck anyone for three whole years here?!”

Patricia got shocked.But really Leona didn’t really think those things could be useful or even wanting to have it, until she came along and made her way back again into his life.

“If you say that was your first kiss, I will-”

Then she saw his unbothered face, his hands pinned above her head, caging her again like he did before on the wall.

“You will what, Pat?” Leona said a little bit harshly as a self defence mechanism.

He was afraid to find the answer, how many guys those lips had kissed, how many guys tasted the little piece of heaven before he could? How many guys did claim what was rightfully his before he did?

Ah, but Leona didn’t want to foul his mood, he got the chance now and he was going to seize them. He could stare at her like this, admiring for eternity but he couldn’t let this chance go to waste. In this very moment, Leona realised he couldn’t and didn’t want to play this stupid role anymore, he couldn’t be the best friend any longer, let Vil play that role, he would claim what would be the best role for him in her life.

People didn’t know how long, how desperate he was for her, of his longing. They thought they knew the both of them, but they knew nothing about how he had been patiently waiting for his chance and for her to finally stop chasing someone useless. Eyeing her like a predator watching her prey, like he was eyeing that crown under Farena’s thumb, and hopefully steal it someday.

There was an indentation on his bed, and it was the shape of Patricia’s. Leona couldn’t help these urges to ruin her, to claim her as his, maybe it was his primal instinct that made him feel this way as he, without thinking, kissed her face, hands caressing her body softly. Touching every part of her, seeing her reaction which was her sensitive spots. He supposed one of it was her breast as her moans got louder with every tingling circling touching his finger placed on top of it. His tail wrapped itself around her legs. Patricia had her own fingers wandering, exploring Leona’s body. Then she stopped at his clothed lower half, still with pants, tugging it.

“It wasn’t fair, I’m the only one being exposed like this Leona.”

Patricia pouted, and Leona couldn’t help but let a cheeky grin.

“If this comes off, it goes all the way in, no turning back Pat.”

Leona teased, he was expecting a comeback. But instead he got a surprise, he got a sincere response from the heart.

“I know, I’m trusting you with my first Leona. I’m not saying be gentle or anything, just take care of me, okay?”

Patricia asked, then got up for a second to peck his cheek. Leona's smile widened, a genuine one. The confirmation he had been waiting all along and the answer wasn’t one he dreaded for.

So, no one had seen her like this, no one had claimed her, he was the first and he would make sure he was the last and the only one to ever claim a mark on her like this. There was no one else, he wouldn’t allow it to see her this way, he was the only one allowed to do so.

“How can I not?”

I wouldn’t ever dream to hurt you, was the sentence he didn’t utter due to embarrassment of being sentimental. Leona took her hand and kissed it, it was his way to say he wouldn’t break his promise.

He then took off his pants, revealing his huge shaft standing and leaking precums. A terrifying thing to see for Patricia, who in the moment instantly wanted to run away.

“Is this going to fit inside of me?”

She asked with a bit of fear, as she raised her hand to touch it, earning a grunt from Leona.

“It will, trust me, okay?”

He said even if he wasn’t sure of it yet. Leona himself, checking her downward lips situation, checking if she was wet enough ready for him to fit in inside. A foreign touch was placed on her body making her startled and moaning, and Patricia herself, placed her touches to Leona with soft touches and a little bit timid one. Both teenagers placed experimental touches to each private’s area, learning and exploring each other’s body in a way they never did before. Grunts and moans filled up the room of each other’s name until they thought maybe, it was the moment of the truth.

Leona placed Patricia’s legs on each side of his body, while she hooked them on his waist. They didn’t necessarily speak, but with the look from their eyes, they both agreed upon it. As Leona’s slowly approaching to enter her inside.

“Ouch! Leona, it hurts!”

She screamed and it was just the tip barely in, Patricia almost cried but she bit her lips to prevent her from doing it.

“Bare with it okay? I’m going slow.”

His urges told him to go fast but he couldn’t not when Patricia looked like she was going to cry anytime because of him. She only nodded and then he slowly made his way in, pushing his hips and her, a loud scream of pain was heard as Patricia couldn’t hold it back, feeling her inside being teared apart for the first time, the pain was something else he never experienced. But at the same time, it felt good, like she craved for the pain more. She was confused, why was she feeling this way?

Leona on the other hand was feeling he tasted a slice of heaven, everytime he got deeper as her tight walls hugged his dick so perfectly, like it was made for him only to be inside. When he was finally all the way in, he was a bit amazed that those tight spaces could perfectly contain him, even if he understood it biologically it still blew his mind.

They never did this before, so they were just trusting their instincts,a s their hips began rocking to each other's beat. As he went in and out inside of her. Patricia’s holding to Leona’s back for dear life, with a slip of hands sometimes pulling his braid. While he made his mark on her body, a permanent tattoo if you will, well he hoped like the one he had on his arms. Both of them called each other names, as they made their mark, carving their names to this bedpost, the very first place they did it, for everyone to hear or Savanaclaw students at the very least, to know that she was his as he was hers.

When those first calls of high, came crashing down. It was pure bliss. Leona treasured it, he wanted to remember every detail of Patricia’s face as she got her orgasm, for the very first time and it was because of him, he brought her pleasure. It was funny if he thought about the past, who knew those innocent bright eyes they both had would turn with lust inside of them when looking at each other?

Leona swore, as he kissed her again riding through their highs, he would never let this moment be experienced by any other person, he would make sure Patricia was his and his only. Thankfully, she already said yes to being his right, with him claiming this moment first? While Patricia himself finally acknowledging, as she wrapped her arms on Leona's neck, deepening their kiss, maybe she did brought this dress for him to take it off.


What a foolish thought, would be best suited to Leona reaction now when he remembered what was running through his mind back then. A year had passed and the woman sleeping beside him, still dodging the relationship question. But they had gone a long way from there. As he gazed upon her sleeping form, he kissed her black locks, he was glad even if they were still in that grey area, she never ran from him.

Even in his worst times, she still saw the truth in him even in his darkest moment, she didn’t run away like when he overplotted. To be fair, she was always there, letting him be himself without judging anything. And now he woke up by her side. Leona hoped it was love for him that made her this way, but nevertheless Leona Kingscholar knew, Patricia Venenum was his one and only lifeline and he would gone mad if he ever lost her.

It was the sleeping beauty’s birthday and he had tried his best to not fall asleep for this night. Because the one he was waiting for had yet to make an appearance. His eyes kept fixating on the door and Lilia just grinned seeing him standing near the door, not daring to take a seat just so he could fall asleep, Silver knew his habit too damn well.

“Ah, youth love.” He mused, seeing his son waiting for a certain girl.

Then the door creaked open, revealing the girl he had been waiting for the entire night, with a nicely wrapped pillow from the look of it in her hands.

“Happy birthday pretty boy,” Patricia said with a grin, which made the silver haired boy blushed quite hard.

She had been flirting, playing games with him for over a year ever since they enrolled at NRC. Which had gone over the boy's head numerous times, not understanding what flirting was, another reason also he never noticed the glaring daggers a certain prince threw at him.

But well, he had realised she liked the girl for quite some time now, since they became sophomores maybe? With the help of his father and some friends, that took quite a long time. It was the first time he had this kind of feeling, he didn’t know what to do most of the time. All he knew was, he liked this, her presence in close proximity allowing him to stare at her all day making heart eyes.

“You’re the pretty one, Patricia.” Now the heat rose up on the girl’s cheek, it wasn’t because of the compliment, it was more because of the timing he said it, catching her off guard. Adding to that she knew he was sincere, too sincere even, the words he spoke came from his heart.

“Thank you? Anyway, I will place it with other gifts first!” Patricia said, hurriedly running to escape her embarrassment with a pink face. Silver could only breathe a sigh of relief, she finally came, putting his worries at ease. He found himself taking a seat on the couch, relaxing his body.

“Papa?” Silver’s eyes snapped when he heard a little girl's voice and an arm tugging at his pants. Her appearance was strikingly similar to him, with her big round eyes staring at his soul.

“Dear, are you awake?” This time it was a familiar sweet voice calling out his name, Silver turned around to see Patricia walking towards him, with pet names he only knew lovers would use. And they weren’t something like that yet, right?

“Briar, Mama already said don’t wake Papa on his birthday nap!” Patricia picked up the little girl up to her arms before settling down beside him on the couch.

“So, this is my family, our family?” Silver asked Patricia who was confused by his statements. Silver touched the little girl’s plump cheek who leaned into his touch, was this really the gift God sent for the two of them? He didn’t know when and how though.

“Whatever do you mean by that Silver? Of course, this is our family. If you are being silly then the next line perhaps, you are forgetting Briar which you named yourself.”

Patricia chuckled, but indeed Silver was puzzled and clearly confused, since when he got all the things he wanted in his life. He was ecstatic of course, but more confused on how he managed to obtain all of this.

“Anyway, happy birthday husband.”

As Patricia chuckled, giving a smile to Silver who might have had his brain explode from just the word ‘husband’. They already got married?! Her body leaned into him and Silver moved on his instinct, wrapping his arm around her body. And out of instinct, a word he never dared to say yet, nor confess yet due to timing and he didn’t know, fear of rejection maybe?

“I love you.” Slipped past his lips. As their lips inched closer and closer, Briar could only stare in confusion seeing the scene unfolding before her eyes, what was her mom and dad going to do?

“Silver? I just left him for five minutes and he is out cold.” Patricia never failed to be amazed by the boy's ability to fall asleep anywhere, everywhere. Like a certain someone, which would not be mentioned tonight, hopefully.

“He got so nervous waiting for you to come, so what’s the choice here Patricia? Are you going to be with Cater, Silver right here or Leona? Pick your pick.”

Lilia teased, he was rooting for Silver but if the girl rejected him the sooner the better, the faster his wound would be healed.

“Lilia senpai is mean, and what about Leona? He isn’t related to this conversation anyhow.”

Denied the girl, keeping her cool on the outside but on the inside? Everyone in Night Raven College knew there was something between the two of them, except Silver. Though a whisper about it would mean they crossed a fucking line with Leona Kingscholar and no one dared to do that, except Lilia.

Alas, everything Silver experienced was Once Upon a Dream, but maybe just maybe it would be a truth some day, maybe it was a map, drawing the far future between the two of them. Though, one could only hope in moments like this.

“Sae!” She was dazzling, like she had always been, on stage or off stage. The ex child actress turned hot sensational pop star in just a year was not someone you could shrug off just like that. But Itoshi Sae, even at the age of fourteen, was always pragmatic and that didn’t exclude the girl one year his senior, a real celebrity in the flesh of his eye, yet Sae just responded to her normally.

“What is it, Cia?” He asked. It had been a month already since the girl frequently visited his club for work related advertisement deals she had with the Royale. Sae could feel the stares of envy piercing his back, he was just someone who had been here for only one year, nothing special yet. He didn’t know either why the girl who could speak perfect Spanish talked to him everyday. Well, she said she missed talking Japanese with someone as she had been away from school for two months now due to work. Not that Sae could care less.

“Nothing, just saying hi.” She was kind, her smile never dropped for even a second, like sunshine. Maybe it was because of the burden of living as an entertainer from a young age. Though, Sae paid no mind to it.

Until he heard the boys in the locker room talking about her, he understood Spanish a lot better now and a sentence almost made him want to choke the life out of the guy. ‘Make her mine?’ Who did he think he was? That night, instead Sae made her his, just to prove something to them, that no one could touch what was his except him alone. Did he just become possessive? Sae never intended to feel this way, but it already happened so what he could do?

For Patricia Pattinson, it was another case entirely. Did she expect a confession out of Itoshi Sae’s mouth? Yeah, of course she did. Who really could resist her? She was every teenage boys (and girls) dream, Sae was no exception. He would fall for her charm, sooner or later. She just didn’t expect herself to say yes to his confession. Being asked out was a normal thing, but agreeing to be somebody's girlfriend never occurred to her in her wildest dream.

She didn’t know why she said yes, was it because he was Japanese? The half blood she had ran through her veins and her country of birth. Was it because he was some genius like the Japanese media said? Or was it because he was a little handsome and had something in his name to carry around? Cia could see a bright future ahead for him, she could smell the success oozes out of his aura. But anyway that was how she got her first boyfriend.

A year passed by, and their relationship had been just like that for exactly a year. Except for Cia, to her it had rather grown stale. One of the qualities she liked in Sae was, he wasn’t clingy nor did he keep begging for her affection. Oh boy, was she wrong for that. Please remember, even if Sae was mature for his age, he was still a fifteen year old boy all alone overseas, tasting the taste of his world crumbling all alone without no one to support him. And who else could he turn to except his own girlfriend?

Though since the deal was over, she had been less and less frequent visiting him in Spain, Add that she also was kind of avoiding him. There wasn’t much surprise when she went to Spain without notifying him, the surprise was him already there waiting for her in the airport.

“Sasa, what are you doing here?” She asked, a bit terrified to be honest.

“Picking my girlfriend up, is there any question about it?” His words were sharp, sending chills all over Cia’s body. Cia in her mind was making sure to fire this manager the second she got back from Spain. The trip back to her apartment in Spain was filled with dead silence, no one was talking, only Sae gripping her hand super tight, that it would leave a bruise the next day.

Though the minute the door of the apartment was closed, there was Sae, knees on the floor, arms hugging her waist, like a child begging his mother to not leave them alone. Cia’s eyebrows twitched, a pissed off gruff almost slipped out of her lips but she stayed silent. This was why she hated Spain, this was why she was getting tired of Itoshi Sae.

“Cia, what does it mean to be Japan’s football prodigy?” He asked, the tears he never showed to anybody now drenched the dress she wore.

“Cia, tell me am I not good enough? Am I just another guy, being a striker was an impossible dream was it?” ‘Like I know, I don’t even play football?’ What was running through Cia’s mind, now she had to fake some sympathy to her boyfriend in some matter that she didn’t really care about.

“There, there, Sasa. I love you, okay?” Unrelated, but Cia didn’t know what to respond beside some believable love words that Sae would eat right up. After all he was only a boy, all alone in a foreign country without any familial relation to guide him, of course the first person he would crash and burn to would be his current girlfriend. Which Cia thought was unfair, that still should be his parents problem why did she have to suffer through this?

Cia turned around and dropped to the floor, hugging his boyfriend and Sae let his head buried on the crook of her neck. He exhaled it, if it wasn’t because of his sadness outweighed the anger he felt when he smelled another man scent on her neck there would be another storm incoming. But Sae knew, as he gripped Cia’s tighter, Cia was his, he would never let her go, that man whoever he was would stay a fling and would soon be forgotten anyway, he would make sure of that. This was the way shit always ended between the two of them, every damn time, toxicity filling the air, no one knew how they managed to breathe.

It was almost their third anniversary, they were having a dinner date somewhere upscale. From bystanders they looked like a perfect couple on a romantic date. But the conversation went down between them was something else entirely.

“Sae, it’s almost our third anniversary.” Cia said as she cut through her steak.

“What do you want as a gift?” He asked, and Sae was prepared to say his gift too. For Cia to spill him the name of the guy she cheated on him with last year, he needed to know did he need to destroy more than one career or maybe more?

“I think we should break up.” Rolled off her tongue, catching Sae off guard. Blood rose to his head for a split second, before he reverted back being calm.

“If that’s what you want then, go ahead.” He answered, she never expected it to be this easy, although her shock didn’t appear on her face. She smiled brightly, anyone in that restaurant would guess he was giving her a nice surprise, not a yes to a break up.

“Thank you for the calm response Sasa, you know that I will always love you right?” Cia smiled, kissing his lips for the intended last kiss between them. Then she left, leaving Sae alone, with his thoughts to proceed the information all pragmatically.

Why did Sae let her go that easily? Would be the first question anyone asked him. Called it egoism or what, but Sae believed Cia in the end would come back to him, she couldn’t live without him that long like he couldn’t live without her. They were too tangled up in each other’s messes for Cia to let him go just like that. But well, well, how wrong Sae proved to be, guess that egoism those football players had was never always right huh?

“Leona, ah, stop, no, please, ah!” Patricia screamed as her hair was being pulled out by the man who brutally thrusting in and out behind her. He was giving no fucks and he wasn’t even in heat right now. But he was mad, fuming with jealousy and it kept him going, even if he went a ‘little’ rough with the girl on his bed right now.

“It hurts, Leona. Ah-!” She moaned, but Leona knew how rough she liked it, that was why she did all of these teasing, including getting closer to Malleus’s lackey inch by inch everyday. She was only there to rail him up and look what she got.

“This is what you wanted right? So, take it.” Leona grunted, he was always afraid to hurt her whenever they did it, she was the most important thing to him after all. He knew his dick was rougher and hurted a lot more than usual, with his spiked like shape changing the form of his penis whenever they did this that hurted like hell while clinging to her walls deeply, closing each gap and not daring her to let go. But a man could only take so much before the flip went off, so don’t blame him.

“Leona, ah, ah!” Patricia could only moan his name while she was being brutally railed by the guy, her minds couldn’t make up words anymore. Incoherent words and drools slipping past her lips as she couldn’t think a single thing, mind too far gone. It indeed hurted more than normal whenever he entered her inside.

But oh god, the pleasure that compensated the pain felt like a hundred times better, the way his dick clung to her womb, closing all the gap like it was heaven every time he was inside, the way her walls refused to let him go when he pulled out and experienced the pain all over again when he inserted it back in. Though the pain became an addiction and soon added more to the pleasure.

Her mind was long gone, the only thing she knew was the way Leona kept thrusting in and out. Patricia couldn’t decide whether she should scream because of the pain, begging him to stop or telling him to go faster because of the overwhelming pleasure. Ah, she couldn’t decide, she would let Leona do the decision then as she was too occupied by the heightened senses of his own action.

Leona knew Patricia wasn’t in a sound state of mind, but where was the best time to ask for consent on dates like this to get a yes? He was a bit nervous of the consequence but consequences be damned, maybe with this she would stop seeing Silver and end his misery for once and for all.

“Let me do it raw, you are okay with it right, princess?” Leona whispered to her ear, his thumb grabbing her chin to look at him. Ah, what a pleasure to see her drool out, out of her mind, fucked face of her and he was the only one who could make he like this, he swore.

“Huh?” Patricia asked, couldn’t process the question then Leona pulled her hair once again making her scream.

“Nod your head and say yes, Pat.” Patricia only stared at him blankly as she cried at how hard he was pulling her, she didn’t know what he wanted so she moved her head up and down, didn’t really know what she was doing as he was still stimulating her, thrusting non stop.

“Close enough, with this you are saying yes so don’t blame me for anything later.” Oh, he knew he would absolutely be blamed. But let that be tomorrow Leona's problem. Patricia already cummed three times this night and Leona was about to cum the second time today, his condom when he came for the first time being evident on the floor. He was taking a risk of Patricia hating him forever but also taking a chance of finally having her forever.

He knew his high was coming and usually he would pull out, especially on dates where she was ovulating if he didn’t wear any. This wasn’t one of her safe dates where she would still take her birth control pills, this was a very risky move. She was fertile and he was potent. Not to mention his barbed penis, the one all Lions had for mating purposes where each time they cum inside, there wouldn’t be any single drop escaping, making sure all their potent cums stayed inside their partner for a guarantee of success in reproduction. That was why he was always hesitating to do it.

Leona hated children, for god sake he didn’t want them. The one thing he wanted was Patricia to be his and he knew damn well she didn’t want any either. But what other choice a jealous beastman prince had when his mate kept approaching others, rejecting yet not rejecting his advances, driving him crazy yet she did know she belonged to him. Maybe this would teach her a lesson or something. Maybe a kid and a family was something they surprisingly needed, the new element for their salvation.

Yes, they were still students and he did realise he looked like he was out of his mind and this wasn’t rational at all. This would bring a scandal upon his family, he knew that but well if they wanted him to come home and loved being in the palace this was the key. He wouldn’t mind returning back to raise his and Patricia’s kid together. Kill birds with one stone they say, right?

As Leona hit her hilt, to the deepest part of her, locking her in with his penis, Her high also came crashing down as she cried out his name, her mind already broken as his name was the only one Patricia chanted like a spell. Leona came down too at the same time, sending his sperm to the deepest part of her, giving them the closest entrance to her womb for his potent sperm to swim up there touching her fertile eggs, the faster the better, right?

Kalim Al-Asim, the housewarden of Scarabia, the first son of the famous Asim family. My boyfriend, the sweetest guy on the planet. It’s a shame really for him to fall for me. Well, I intentionally trapped him into this relationship, not that he realised all of this was planned. I came off sounding like a bad guy huh? Can’t help it, though Kalim as he was sweet he was the most trusting guy on the planet. He calls me “babe” with the finest of intentions.

Looking at the status of his birth and line of descent, it is his birthright to marry some sweet upscale Scalding Sands girl with rich history and social class and a traditional name attached to their profile. Who, for their own good, can spot my grift from a mile away. They took pity in their hearts and tried their best in the most subtle way that a newly rich family like me, only wanted him for one thing, his assets and status. They aren’t wrong but thankfully, my sweet sweet boyfriend is an airhead. Plus, he is already head over heels for me, their words are going to fall like flies to Kalim’s ear.

I would call them jealous of me. Yeah, maybe I don’t have the best intention of getting with Kalim. Maybe I did use him for my purpose. But those words they spoke only served as proof that they were jealous of me. They are just jealous they couldn’t get their hands on the heir apparent of the Asim’s family. After all, unlike me they don’t have ‘the edge’.

It doesn’t take much to make Kalim believe, he is the most important thing to me. Just have a few lurid secrets, tell Kalim about it and say ‘You are the only one I told about this.’ that left Kalim with tears at the end of your story. Then be eternally grateful that Kalim knows all of them and still loves me.

Although maybe it’s not a complete win yet for me, we are still in high school after all and highschool sweethearts wouldn’t last they say. But I will make sure this one sticks, no matter what. Let’s just see then shall we,but I will make sure I come out of this as a top dog.

I begin talking about the future and forever, Kalim being a sweetheart believes in all of this fairytale bullshit I’ve been spouting. Like we would live that happily, but Kalim doesn’t need to know that yet. What he needed to know is that I want something out of his family collection right now.

“Baby, this ruby is quite stunning, don't you think so?” I said, snuggling up to him, even if I am taller than him which made it a pain for my neck.

“I have that kind of ruby in my house, it’s my grandmother’s. I think it will suit you very much, do you like it babe? I will tell someone to bring it in next week if you want to!” Kalim responded quite excitedly. Of course I actually know he does have that stored in his home, I have done my research before bringing it up to him.

“Is it really okay?” I batted my eyelashes, pretending I don’t want to burden him when I know what his answer is going to be.

“Of course, it is. Anything for you, Nebu! You could also reset it, make it your own like with the addition of diamond. We have plenty of those back home, so don’t worry.”

How sweet was he to ask for that? But resetting a ring with diamond is abasic move which all girls have been doing right now. Precisely why I won’t. I intend to send a very clear message when people see me with it. This is an heirloom, we don’t just have money, we came from money. Those people won’t dare to look down at me again, they will think twice when they see the status behind this ring.

“No, that’s okay. Asking you for it, is already enough, Kalim. I like it the way it is.” Not really, I prefer sapphires actually. But the trademark for Asim is their ruby eyes, so what sticks out more than rubies from them? Wearing it on my finger soon will consume the hell out of those girls, extinguishing their hope to ashes.

Yeah, maybe I’m not engaged yet to Kalim. But as soon as he heard of the rumours circling around how perfect I am to be fitted with this ring, I think he will soon. And for now, let's just wait patiently before I make it into a reality, huh?

Passion is a passing thing, it could go as quickly as it lit. Accidental chemistry would only lead you as far as a short term sweet summer fling. Lust is a liar, it’s a short lived fire clouding our head with smoke. Take it all out, all left would be one answer, an unchanging one. Love, the answer is love and it’s only reserved for one person, Leona Kingscholar.

It’s a secret she never dared to uncover, but when it came to Leona Kingscholar, Patricia Venenum couldn’t help but be hopeless like a weak willed person, breathless whenever he was in her presence, loins burning each time he entered the room. She was a young maiden in love, helpless to his advances, slowly burning with desires as heat fighting it urged to run deep on her cheek with every thought popped up inside her head.

Like air, she needed him to breathe or else she would suffocate. He was a need, a necessary for her to live though she never would say it upfront. If only Leona knew how he had become a necessity for her, Patricia hoped he never uncovered it. Let it be the tiny little secret she kept, until she could slowly let him go (A lie, she would never, she couldn’t, she wasn’t capable of). Leona Kingscholar and her, Patricia Venenum and him, they weren’t that burning fast love, they were the thousand candle lights burning for eternity which not even wind could blow it up.

Instead of ‘I love you’, the uttered three words were “I miss you.” on the three seconds phone call before the boy dropped everything to come running to her doorstep. Addiction was a bad thing, though it was too late for Patricia as she was already addicted to him, the prince who grumbled yet teasing as his sleep was cut short.

She wanted him badly, more than anything. Yet the deal was never sealed (because of her own want) making fear of intrusive thoughts that someone else caught the breath addictive smoke of cigars she never put out. To keep him, all she could do was make him come around, which he always obliged as his feelings run deep for her (despite the grumblings). Patricia knew that well of his feelings, yet fear was something else indeed. In the middle of the night like this, she was scared he was getting tired (he was tired) and a nightmarish thought seeped in, him wrapping his arms around another and forgot about her.

The one thing Leona Kingscholar wanted to hear was ‘I love you’ to escape past her lips. She replaced it with the kiss as she greeted him on her doorstep, she hoped it would satiate him for now, to replace those I love yous she couldn’t utter outrightly. To him it was never enough, but it didn’t mean those kisses were unwelcomed as he kissed her back, closing the door behind him.

No matter how many times they kissed, the touch of his lips always felt like something new. It’s a need, to have him secured, wrapped around the tight longing embrace of her desires. She was caught up in her feelings, one wrong move and she would give it up, everything she had for Leona, to be with him once and for all. Though she was stubborn as she was smart, desperately trying to rationalise her feelings for him, which she failed time and time again.

Oh, if only Leona Kingscholar knew. All he needed to say at that moment was “I won’t let you go.” to seal the deal once and for all. She wouldn’t leave him (like she could?), she was hopeless for him after all. Especially with his touch, with his hold, the only thing he needed to say were those three words she didn’t allow him to find out. In a matter of seconds if those words were to escape past his lips, she would go anywhere that he led like a spineless little lamb. Even if it was to the end of the world or following his secret heart burning desires, that was how much the actual hold Leona Kingscholar had over her. Whenever Leona Kingscholar strayed, Patricia Venenum would follow.

As their lips parted breathlessly before continuing in a matter of seconds to consume the wishing, longing they had no matter how little they spent their seconds apart from each other. Truth was all she needed was him, all she needed was the confirmation he was hers forever, even if she couldn’t say the same outloud. It’s essential to her, to know and to have Leona Kingscholar loving her more than anything, more than just mere yearning, wishing and longing. To have Leona Kingscholar under her spell forever, what an egoist little prick but she couldn’t help it. After all, it was a need to have Leona Kingscholar in love with her, drowning in her every single day as she was drowning in him.

There was Floyd Leech, in his late twenties, smoking in front of the building waiting for his date. When he thought about his special lady, he was sure she was ‘special’. He had thought about it long before when they were just teenagers, but he was sure of it now. The question was, did she feel the same way about him?

Honestly? Floyd didn’t care. He had suspected she still had feelings for a certain beastman prince, someone she would never forget. But he wanted her and that was all that matters, although it was kind of annoying and irked him a bit. Though if he thought about it more, maybe he owed a thanks to Todo senpai.

The way Patricia called him honey now, was the one he kind of yearned, the tone he wanted when they were in NRC, to hear her called Leona with that tone and now the endearments passed to him. She was someone else’s before she was his and Floyd was glad. If he did get her when they were in highschool Floyd wouldn’t be sure if they would survive or not.

She used to have a temper, she still had but she was more patient with his mood swings than she was back then. Was it because of Silver who kept forgetting their dates because he was asleep? Should he also thank Cater’s foolishness for never pursuing her hard enough in highschool? Well he didn’t either, when he was not in the mood anyway. Though the one he was most thankful for was the dead end street she had with Leona’s status. It brought her here with him, it led her to meet him again after all those years in NRC, now grown up, more mature, more capable of love than just meaningless fooling around kisses.

All of the boys she loved before, shaped her to be the one made for him. Every man that she knew brought her here, to his arms, to the Patricia he got to be with now. Making him even more sure, she was the…

“Floyd, thank you for waiting. Did you wait long?” Patricia said, smiling at him with that darn smile which he appreciated now more than he did back in NRC, it made his heart twinged every time he saw it.

“Not really, c’mon Wooper Looper-chan, Jade and Ardia had been waiting in their apartment for us.” Floyd said, instantly standing up straight, taking her small hands in his big ones.

“I already told you to stop calling me that, it’s so highschool.” Patricia said, but Floyd just laughed. They continued their walk with conversation along the way. Floyd couldn’t wait until they arrived at his brother’s residence, his other hand subtly rubbing his pants’ pocket. The ring box was still there, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Maybe some people found it weird why he wanted to be with a woman who always would love him second in comparison to her past lover. But Floyd knew the one he wanted to be with was Patricia, because he loved her more, his love was enough to cover up the love remaining from her side. He even dared to challenge Leona when it came to loving her because he loved her more, he would say. Floyd couldn’t wait to teach her how forever felt like.

If she said yes, he would make sure she said yes. He would make sure to send his thankful notes to all of the past men in her life, especially Silver, Cater and Leona. A smirk appeared on Floyd’s face, maybe along with a wedding invitation? That would be wonderful, wouldn’t it?