
Kelulusan sebentar lagi tiba, tidak sabar akan ada angkatan baru lagi yang menyandang status alumni dari NRC. Patricia Venenum adalah salah satu dari para pelajar tersebut, hanya kembali ke sekolahnya karena festival yang akan diadakan Februari ini. Sudah lama ia tidak berjumpa dengan kasur tercintanya di asrama kesayangannya. Tak terasa sebentar lagi ia akan lulus, Patricia pun tersenyum tipis membayangkannya. Tidak lama lagi dia akan menyusul Vil yang sudah menunggunya. Tak lama sendiri didapatkannya, ketukan pintu baru saja dilayangkan. Dibukanya lah si pintu hanya untuk melihat sang kekasih yang sudah menjadi alumni dari tahun lalu.

“Kenapa disini? Tidak bosan mengunjungiku waktu intern, Leona?” Tanya si gadis penuh senyum jahil, “Tidak, aku kangen melihat wajah kekasihku, apa salah?” Lelaki di depannya biasanya membalas dengan balasan sarkastik, kali ini dibalas dengan senyuman jahil yang sama.

“Salah besar kalau tidak membawa sesuatu,” Jawab si gadis tidak mau kalah, yang hanya dibalas dengan gendongan tidak terduga dari Leona yang seketika membuat Patricia teriak.

“Leona, turunkan aku!” Pintanya keras, takut dijatuhkan Leona badannya. Pada akhirnya dijatuhkan juga sang gadis, kembali ke kasurnya disusul Leona yang langsung ikut berbaring juga di samping si gadis untuk memeluknya.

Percakapan dimulai dari Patricia menceritakan tentang kehidupan magangnya yang sedikit jauh dari Vil untuk pertama kalinya dengan Leona sebagai pendengar yang ingin membakar kosakata Vil dari mulut Patricia. Namun pembicaraaan mereka` terus mengalir, celoteh ria terus bergilir hingga ke topik masa depan.

“Sekarang, apa yang akan kamu lakukan di masa depan?” Tanya Leona.

“Mungkin tetap berlanjut di bidang ini, kembali merajut mimpi yang aku punya bersama Vil. Atau… ah, entah rasanya aku tidak mau ngapa-ngapain saja.” Balas Patricia menghela nafas.

“Mau menikah denganku?” Langsung di detik itu juga Patricia tertawa terbahak-bahak, membuat Leona kesal saja padahal dirinya serius.

“Menikah denganmu mah malah menambah beban, istri pangeran bukanlah sesuatu yang aku bisa sanggupi. Tapi…” Tiba-tiba senyum simpul muncul di wajahnya. “Jika seseorang melamarku dengan pink diamond 24 carat dengan emerald cut, aku tidak akan menolak.” Disini Patricia hanya bercanda, namun kalian tahu jika itu Patricia Venenum, mana mungkin akan ditanggapi sebagai candaan oleh Leona Kingscholar.

Keesokan harinya, Patricia sudah bersiap-siap melanjutkan magangnya dan kembali, suara ketukan terdengar di pintu.

“Kalau kamu Leona, masuk saja!” Teriak Patricia. PIntu pun dibuka dan ditutup kembali, tetapi tidak ada satu patah kata yang keluar dari mulut Leona, bahkan sapaan aja tidak.

“Leona, jangan berdiri dan diam saja disitu, ayo bantu aku packing-” Seketika Patricia yang tadinya marah-marah, berbalik tertegun ketika melihat pemandangan di balik punggungnya tadi. Leona Kingscholar dengan satu lututnya dibawah dan di tangannya ada cincin emas dengan berlian pink 24 karat dengan emerald cut, persis yang diminta Patricia kemarin.

“Jadi? Aku sudah membawakanmu cincin persis seperti yang kamu minta, maka kamu tidak punya pilihan lain selain menikahiku, bukan?” Senyum penuh kemenangan terpampang di wajahnya, skakmat. Patricia Venenum tidak punya jalan keluar lagi bukan?

“Kamu menyiksa siapa sampai membuatkan cincin yang sulit ditemukan dan dibentuk seperti ini dalam satu hari?!” Balas Patricia masih terheran-heran, tentu tangannya menjauh ke arah belakang punggungnya tapi, terlambat. Leona menarik tangannya terlebih dahulu.

“Ini punya keluarga kerajaan dan jangan menghindar Venenum!” Hardik Leona kesal tangannya Patricia terus menggeliat berusaha keluar dari genggamannya, susah dipaksa masuki cincin yang dibawanya.

“Aku cuma bercanda kemarin! Tidak, tidak, Leona!” Teriak Patricia, tapi apa daya genggaman Leona lebih kuat dan masuklah cincin itu ke jari manis kirinya.

Patricia Venenum mau pingsan saja rasanya, ini cincin keluarga kerajaan mengingat dirinya yang suka sembrono soal barang bagaimana jika cincin ini rusak, lebih buruk lagi hilang? Coret, yang paling buruk adalah bagaimana jika dia berpisah dengan Leona Kingscholar? Cincin yang tidak seberat itu bagai menghantam jemarinya dengan ekspektasi dibaliknya.

“Jangan menjadi hipokrit!” Balas Leona, dan betul Patricia paling benci orang seperti itu, namun jika di situasi seperti ini… “Aku memang hipokrit, semua manusia pernah hipokrit Kingscholar!” Adu argumen pun kembali dimulai. Hingga genggaman Leona tanpa sadar merenggang dan Patricia hampir sukses melepaskan dirinya dari itu, kata kunci: Hampir. Sebelum Leona untuk terahir kali memegangnya sedikit erat.

“Patricia, ini bukan langsung untuk sekarang. Kapan kamu mau menikahiku, itu urusanmu, kamu yang tentukan. Tapi, jemari ini jangan pernah kamu lepaskan.”

Dan di momen itulah Patricia Venenum menghentikkan perlawannya. Kini matanya bertemu dengan milik sang pangeran kedua dan Patricia merasa betapa bodohnya dia sempat ragu. Jika bukan Leona Kingscholar, siapa lagi yang akan dia habiskan sisa hidup bersama?

“Iya, tidak akan kulepaskan.” Sahut Patricia pelan, senyum mengembang di pipinya. Giliran mata Kingscholar yang berseri sekarang, berdirilah dia dan sepasang kekasih remaja itu bertemu dalam ciuman manis dan lembut pertama mereka dengan status tunangan.


Tahun silih berganti dan kini, Patricia dan Leona yang sudah lebih dewasa dari mereka yang dulu sedang makan malam seperti biasa. Tidak ada acara yang spesial, namun setiap waktu yang mereka bisa habisi bersama membuatnya terasa spesial.

“Leona, sepertinya aku sudah siap.” Ujar Patricia tiba-tiba, entah dari mana datangnya yang jelas topik pembicaraan mereka malam ini tidak ada yang menyentuh topik ini.

“Siap untuk apa?” Tanya Leona santai, dia tidak akan menduga kata berikutnya yang akan bergulir dari bibir kekasihnya di detik berikutnya.

“Menikahimu.”Jawab Patricia santai, giliran Leona yang terkaget, steak di depannya hampir disemburkannya ke meja makan. Bahagia? Tentu saja luar biasa bahagia, tapi Leona perlu tahu apa yang membuat si gadis akhirnya memutuskan keputusan ini, dia pikir mungkin tambahan 5 tahun lagi dan itu pun harus Leona yang mengingatkan.

“Kenapa mendadak, tumben?” tanya Leona setelah minum seteguk gelas air.

“Tidak mendadak ataupun tiba-tiba, aku cuma merasa ini waktu yang tepat. Sudah ku pikirkan matang-matang beberapa bulan ini. Atau jangan-jangan kamu yang sudah tidak mau bersama denganku?”

Kalimat terakhir tentu saja hanyalah candaan, mana mungkin Leona Kingscholar akan berpaling ke yang lain, mendengar nama yang lain saja sudah tidak mau karena cuma Patricia Venenum seorang yang dia cintai. Mungkin ini kesannya lebay atau dilebih-lebihkan tapi Leona bersumpah, memang cuma Patricia seorang yang dia inginkan dan tahu bisa menjalani hidup bersama sampai akhir hayat.

“Jangan membuatku kesal Patricia, kalaupun ini kamu cuma ngelantur akan kunikahkan kamu besok karena tidak ada penarikan kembali.”

Balas Leona tegas. Jujur, kehidupan sebagai anggota keluarga kerajaan dan tanggung jawabnya, sempat membuat Patricia takut dan kabur dari perasaannya. Tapi, dia yakin dia bisa mendiskusikan sesuatu sehingga bisa tetap bekerja dan menikahi Leona, memang sih hidupnya menjadi sedikit lebih rumit namun apa yang tidak atas nama cinta, bukan?

“Iya aku yakin kok,” Patricia lalu meraih jemari Leona diujung meja di depannya.

“Kali ini giliranmu, jemari ini jangan sampai kamu lepaskan.” Senyum Patricia melebar dan begitu pula dengan Leona, sepertinya sebentar lagi akan ada pengumuman dari keluarga kerajaan Sunset Savanna mendatang

Telinga ada untuk mendengar, namun kenapa kamu tidak pernah menggunakannya sesuai dengan fungsinya? Sudah aku bilang, berkali-kali cuma kamu, aku cuma cinta sama kamu. Jika perlu pembuktian, maka tunggulah selamanya untuk kamu nantikan. Karena itulah betapa lama aku akan mencintaimu. Jika itu masih belum cukup, maka belahlah dadaku dan yang akan kamu temukan adalah dirimu. Mengertilah, yang aku butuhkan di hidup ini hanyalah kamu, Venenum. Mau sampai kapan, kita begini terus? Mau sampai kapan, kamu terus meragu untuk menjadi milikku? Ketahuilah, yang kamu lakukan hanyalah mengulur waktu yang sia-sia, Patricia. Berhenti bersikap bodoh dan terimalah diriku.

“Your Royal Highness, there are your guards looking for you.” A sound was heard coming from her assistant's mouth. Patricia turned around and hissed in annoyance.

“I already said this, do not tease me with that. This is a film set-” she stopped in the middle of the track seeing her assistant's quivering body, then she looked behind her shoulder.

Oh, the royal guards were here and they were indeed scary looking, no wonder why her assistant got so scared. She just sighed and approached the scary-looking women.

“My husband and I, the prince, have this pact where royal duties won’t distract me if I have a shooting schedule. So, pack up your bags and leave.”

Patricia said, but instead, both guards grabbed her arms in a tight grip, of course not too harsh that it would not hurt her in any way.

“I’m sorry, it can’t be done, Your Majesty, since you are a prospective queen now.” One of them said, Patricia choked at the statement. What were they calling her now?

“What the f-” She screamed before being dragged into the car by the two women.

After a short while they returned to Sunset Savanna, where she marched there angrily to meet her husband for an explanation. Doors were slammed, all guards went outside and there was Leona in there, waiting for her patiently.

“You need to explain to me now, Kingscholar. What is going on here?!” Patricia said, demanding an explanation from her husband, which stood now in front of her with an exasperated sigh.

“You are a Kingscholar too, Patricia. And more so than now, Cheka this morning announced he didn’t want to be King and so, I got called upon the throne by Farena…”

“So, you said yes? Did you do anything about it?!” Patricia accused him, but Leona didn’t flinch.

“I didn’t do anything about the boy's decision, but yeah I said yes! It’s what I want to be, how could I say no?” Said Leona, which made the veins pop out right on Patricia’s head.

“Without consulting me?!” Patricia screamed hysterically, and Leona growled a little hearing it.

“I don’t even want to be a princess and now to be a Queen? Are you insane? You know I can’t, I don’t want to.” Patricia just sighed and stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath and then pressing her temple. This was too much, if she knew this would happen she would never marry him, even if he was the love of her life.

“I supported yours and it’s about time you support mine in the same amount. Won’t you shine brighter when you get to be the Queen? I promise you that and I’m not backing down.”

Leona argued, what he said made sense logically but it was too much for her because Patricia knew, in the end, it was just a promise that wouldn’t be fulfilled, once you become a Queen it would be your job for life, there would be absolutely no time for anything else.

“That’s what I’m saying, I’m not suitable for you but you with your stubborn head just went ahead and married me anyway!” She wanted to hit him, but she couldn’t not if she wanted her head chopped off now. Leona just scoffed, he didn’t want to admit defeat or anything. For him, it was still the right decision, he wanted her and he still did, marrying her wasn’t something he would let go of.

“Fine, what about the kids then?” Patricia asked, shifting this conversation to another important matter.

“Eleanora would become crown prince then,” Leona said, wasn’t that the most obvious thing.

“He didn’t like politics, Niara should be the one to be crown princess, she’s ambitious.”

“But the tradition said-”

“The tradition you hated and now you got the chance to change it. Niara had the potential and you know Eleanora doesn't want to!” Patricia cut him off and sadly she was right, Leona just ‘tsked at how right she was.

“So, I will take three of them including Eleanora and Niara would be with you as the crown princess. About the titles, worry not you can strip us from all of them.” Patricia suddenly said, catching Leona’s guard off. What in the fresh hell did she mean?

“What do you mean?” Leona growled, his eyes darkening. He got a bad vibe, he didn’t like where this was going if it was what he thought was headed.

“Well you and I hate kids, but I will take three of them and I promise I will visit Niara as much as I can and you can see the other kids.” Patricia continued, she thought she was being rational. Though in Leona’s brain anything she said right now didn’t make sense.

“And why would you take the kids?”

“Because we are getting divorced of course. Before it’s official and too late-” Then Leona’s head went blank, his brain couldn’t comprehend the rest of it. Patricia was going to part ways with him, she was going to leave him? No, no, he couldn’t have that.

“Leona, do you hear me?” Patricia asked, worried about how quiet Leona had become. Then suddenly laughter erupted from his belly. Patricia was weirded out, it was kind of scary, and never before had she seen Leona acting like this.

“I’m afraid it’s too late, dear wife.” Leona then snapped his fingers and the guards who were standing outside just a moment ago, entered the room.

“Leona, what did you do- Leona!” Patricia screamed when the guards surrounded her.

“Guards, take the queen to the bed chambers, and don’t let her out until I say so!” The guards screamed “Yes, Your Majesty!” in unison while Patricia was being dragged to the new room she and Leona would reside in this castle. She could only scream “Leona!” But he didn’t stop nor reverse it, he just watched her go. A betrayed look planted on her face, she couldn’t believe it, did her husband just keep her captive?

That night, Leona came by inside, and there Patricia was, sitting on the bed, eyes all watered out, tired of crying. It had been a long time since she last cried and she didn’t know her husband was going to be the reason for that. When he entered, Patricia just opted to go to sleep, not bothering to even greet him or look at him.

“Are you still mad at me?” Leona asked the obvious question, laying beside her. She didn’t answer it, all she wanted to do was to kill him but like she could do that. Against him, she was powerless, nothing but just a mere mage to fight against the King’s roar right?

“Fine, if you don’t want to answer me. Then don’t get mad when I’m doing this.” Then his hands moved to grope her breast behind the clothed silk, making Patricia flinch, it was an unwelcome touch at the moment.

“Don’t touch me, Leona, do you think I will ever let you touch me again after you did something like that? You kidnap me!” Patricia slapped his hands again, keywords tried to. Though Leona’s grip on her was tighter, pinching and twisting, pulling her nipple harder until she no longer could suppress it by biting her lips, letting out a scream or moan.

“You were irrational back then and I’m your husband, that’s a fact you should remember now and it’s not going to change. You aren’t going to destroy the family we made, Patricia.” Leona sternly reprimanded her, his lips ghosting over the crook of her neck, making her body shiver. He wasn’t going to give up not when his dreams were right in front of his face, being a King with his happy family.

“You are out of your mind, Ah!”

Patricia yelped when Leona’s fangs sunk into her neck. His hands slipped under her nightgown, wandering all over her body. She tried to yield out of his touch, but she couldn’t. Leona was way stronger than her, keeping her resistant body in place.

“Leona, no!”

Patricia could only say that amid her moans while his fingers trailed downstairs, meeting her clit, rubbing her intimate parts up and down while his lips pressed kisses all over her back. His other hand was still on her breast, groping it, stimulating her upwards and downside, pre cums leaking outside. Two of his fingers then thrust inside all of sudden, a shriek came out of her due to the surprise.

“Leona, don’t!” Patricia managed to say, but her moans were saying the opposite as her mind was driving her crazy.

She could no longer comprehend anything as Leona's fingers scissored her inside, curling to her g-spot until she couldn’t take it anymore and came without a warning. Leona could feel his dick needed to breathe free, it hardened seeing her cumming all over him like that. In a second clothes were thrown away, his penis springing free standing tall as he flipped her to her back.

“I don’t want this Leona, go away!” She kicked and screamed while Leona pinned both of her hands to the side. Preventing Patricia’s body to move any further.

“Ow, Pat stop it!” Leona said when one of Patricia’s kicks touched his face, she was screaming endlessly until Leona couldn’t take it anymore and moved his hands from her hands to grab both of her legs and angle his penis to enter her womb. Just before he entered, Patricia in a desperate state pleaded with him.

“Please, Leona if you do this we can’t go back to us anymore. Please, don’t do this..” Patricia begged tears began to well up in her eyes.

“Well, who said we are going to go back, my queen.” A smirk appeared on Leona’s face and there went Patricia’s will to live because she knew there was no stopping Leona now.

Her face went pale as Leona grabbed the situation to thrust himself inside all the way in, in one swift movement. And he didn’t stop there, his hips kept going back and forth, yanking and controlling her thighs like he used her body solely for his pleasure. And not before long, he painted her womb white without a prior warning, coming inside her and touching her hilt, the deepest part he could reach into inside her.

Throughout the night there was Leona, who didn’t stop pouring load after load inside of her, making sure his seeds filled up her womb, and Patricia who couldn’t react anymore even when she came cum after cum. It was like her brain went numb, she couldn’t believe it. Did this really happen, did her husband just admit to raping her? That was playing again and again in her mind.

“Why are you doing this?” Patricia managed to get out a whimper, voice quivering after he was finally done with her, his body collapsed on top of her.

“Because don’t you think, we need another spare?” Leona answered, kissing her unresponsive lips, and stayed still.

“W-what?” Patricia asked, didn’t believe what her ears caught.

“We are going to have another kid and to keep the mother and the baby healthy, you can’t go out for a short while, hm? I will instruct the guard to keep you here in this room safe until we manage to keep the baby healthy first, alright?”

Leona smiled, and Patricia knew it was a wicked one. A hope who was never there just went crushed and slipped from her forever. She would never escape Leona Kingscholar now, wouldn’t she?

Silver had a duty, and that was to protect Malleus, his master from danger as his knight. Then in the middle of doing that duty here in NRC, he found himself falling for a certain raven-haired girl. That shouldn’t have happened. He pondered in the midst of his sword fight with Sebek, what exactly made him fall for Patricia Venenum? This was the first time he had this kind of feeling, so pardon him for being confused.

  1. She was Vain She was beautiful of course, in Silver’s eyes it should be her surrounded by butterflies rather than the flowers in the afternoon. But was it that? Well, she did talk a lot about his “handsome” appearance, he supposed. Was that the reason she is close to him? Oh, God. Silver would hate it if it was that. Patricia would be vain then if that was really the reason and Silver didn’t want to believe that. Though even if that was the reason, then Silver would still be glad because at least there was a reason for bringing her closer to him than nothing at all.

  2. Her mind games Though at times, Silver felt like she was playing him. She would bat her eyelashes, acting sweet enough to melt his heart then he wouldn’t hear from her at all for the next two days. She maybe thought he didn’t realize that since he had a habit to nod off everywhere but the truth was he did realize. And it was confusing to him, did she want him or not? Then again when his worry almost overcome him, she would be back. Giving him attention again to sweep him off, making him forget all the things she just did. This was the first time he experienced this kind of treatment in his life.

  3. Her not being able to show her insecurity Patricia was amazing to Silver, and she needed to realize that. Alas, sometimes Silver saw a glimpse of insecurity seeping from her and he wanted her to tell him everything. Yes, he wasn’t the one with the best advice but he would like to try and help her. He wanted her to be open with him, yet she never did, treating him like a superficial object.

  4. ‘You like me, you love him!’ Then there were rumors about her with two of his upperclassmen, Cater and Leona. Though Silver often caught her with Leona, alone just the two of them, talking closely, his arms wrapped around her waist securely or somewhere napping together they say. He felt a pang in his heart, his father said it was jealousy. He didn‘t understand the concept of it, was it because he saw Patricia's careless words around Leona or her letting her guard down around him? She wasn’t acting sweet at all, she was rash and rough but Silver found it even more charming in his eyes. Though it didn’t solve his problem at all, did she like him or did she love Leona as the ‘I love you’ he heard slipping past her lips while rolling her eyes at Leona?

  5. She made him confused Having feelings for one thing, but don’t know how to act about it is another thing. Silver didn’t know whether Patricia wanted to date him or not? She acted like his girlfriend, sweet and charming but she said I like us being like this. It confused him, he was a first-timer in both subjects, and this was his first time experiencing falling in love yet Patricia's signal was too confusing for him. He didn’t know if should he have asked her out on a proper date or not, should he ask her out as his final girlfriend, or did she didn’t want to? This was a headache, courting a girl wasn’t as easy as his father said.

  6. She made him love her And the ultimate thing she did was make him, fall in love with her. Which she shouldn’t have done, he had duties, and his loyalty lies with Malleus. But her, making him want to take a break and throw it all away for one afternoon for a cup of tea and dessert or dinner with mushroom risotto with Patricia.

Silver gulped down a chunk of his saliva, he thought he knew what exactly to do now.

“Sebek, I think we are done here. I need to go.” Silver said, abruptly ending their practice session, his sword back in their pocket.

“What? Oi, Silver where are you going?!” Screamed Sebek but it didn’t get answered by the determined Silver who was unstoppable now. He kept marching until he met a certain black-haired girl walking down to her dorm. In fast motion, Silver grabbed her arm, stopping her tracks.

“Silver, what are you doing-“

“Patricia, do you want to go out on a date with me tomorrow?” Silver cut her off, finally deciding to ask the important question of all time. He stared at her intensely, heart still racing since Patricia hadn’t answered yet. Now, the choice is yours, Patricia. What would you answer?

Malam ini adalah malam spesial untuknya, satu hari yang menjadi hari miliknya. Empat Februari adalah hari lahir Cater Diamond dan bisa dikatakan hari ini berjalan cukup menyenangkan. Namun rasanya ada yang kurang, faktor spesial di hari yang spesial ini seperti menghilang. Cater tahu betul itu apa, dan iya sih, ucapan ‘Selamat ulang tahun.’ Sudah disampaikan si perempuan lewat pesan di sosial media jam 12 pagi lalu, rasanya tetap ada yang kurang.

Sampai akhirnya si sosok yang ditunggu-tunggu datang juga dari pintu. Mata Cater yang dari tadi terus mengitari ruangan lalu ke pintu langsung melompat melihat figur si gadis menghampirinya. Gelisahnya sirna sudah karena si gadis disini. Kini malamnya bagai seribu bintang datang, bertaburan di manik matanya.

“Selamat ulang tahun sekali lagi, Cater-senpai!” Ucap Patricia tersenyum. Cater tak kuasa menahan senyuman untuk mengembang di wajahnya, yang paling bahagia ia tunjukkan dari yang lain mala mini.

“Terima kasih Pat-chan, sekarang ayo foto dengan senpaimu ini, sekali saja. Kan ini ulang tahunku?” Tanya Cater melempar kedipan yang membuat si gadis tertawa canggung sebelum mengangkat bahunya.

“Boleh, kenapa tidak?” Balas Patricia mendekati Cater yang sudah menitipkan ponselnya ke Trey untuk memfoto mereka berdua. Rangkulan diletakkan di bahu si gadis, mendekapnya sedikit erat dari biasanya. Kapan lagi, iya tidak? Mencuri kesempatan dalam kesempitan bukannya sah-sah saja selama tidak merugikan pihak yang lain?

Senyum sumringah terpampang di sepasang pemuda-pemudi itu saat aba-aba dari Trey untuk berpose terdengar. Dan erat jarak mereka seketika hilang, sama sebentarnya dengan durasi satu foto diambil. Patricia langsung melepaskan diri dari rangkulannya. Bukan salahnya, toh Cater yang bodoh tidak melakukan apa yang seharusnya dia lakukan setahun yang lalu. Cater hanya tersenyum tipis sebelum Kembali memasang tampang cerianya lagi.

“Aku post di Magicam boleh ya?” Tanya Cater, menoleh ke arah Patricia sambal memegang ponsel yang baru saja diberikan Trey sesaat lalu.

“Boleh, kan ulang tahun senpai.” Balasnya, biasanya permintaannya ini dibalas penolakan mentah-mentah dari si gadis. Namun kali ini tidak, cukup membahagiakan sih buat Cater yang tidak bisa berhenti tersenyum dari tadi.

“Okay, aku post ya Pat-chan!” Serunya semangat.

Soalnya kapan lagi dia bisa tinggal dalam delusi dia adalah kekasih si gadis dalam pajangan potret mesra di Magicam? Memang sih itu palsu, Cater tahu betul. Namun dia juga tahu, yang dia miliki hanyalah momen-momen kemenangan kecil ini. Dia tahu cintanya ini tidak akan terbalaskan, dia sudah kalah, tertinggal jauh dari rival-rivalnya karena kebodohannya sendiri. Mungkin cater takkan pernah miliki Patricia Venenum, baik secara hati maupun fisiknya. Namun tak apa, Cater cukup ditemani harinya dalam angan suatu saat kesempatannya kembali lagi.

“Terimakasih, Pat-chan.”

‘Aku suka kamu.’ Tertinggal di lehernya seraya Cater dengan berani mendaratkan bibirnya di pipi si gadis sedetik saja. Tidak berani di bibir kan dirinya hanya pemain figuran, takut mengambil resiko terlalu tinggi. Selayaknya pemeran figuran hanya inilah yang berani diambilnya, seonggok roman picisan yang akan dilupakan secepat ciuman di pipi ini berlangsung.

Katanya anak kecil adalah manusia paling jujur mengenai perasaan. Tetapi tidak pada kasus Ryuuguji Ken, dia lihai menyembunyikan perasaannya. Terutama mengenai jatuh cinta. Sedari umur sepuluh tahun, pertama kali mereka bertemu, jantungnya sudah berdegup kencang ketika kali pertama pandangannya jatuh pada si gadis bersurai cokelat. Baru berani diungkapkannya dengan hati berdebar saat mereka menginjak kelas dua SMP. Sayang, jawabannya bukan yang diekspektasikan.

“Maaf, kita berteman saja ya Ken?” Terucap dari mulut si gadis.

Draken kecewa, berat. Namun dia tidak mau memaksa, rasanya sesak ditolak seperti ini, dia pikir Tata memiliki rasa yang sama juga dengannya apalagi dia sudah bersama si gadis kemana-mana, berdua saja meninggalkan teman kecil mereka lainnya.

“Oh iya, tidak apa-apa. Kalau boleh tahu alasannya apa?” Tanya Draken, memalingkan wajah sedihnya.

Tata sendiri tidak mau bertemu mata dengannya, bohong kalau dia tidak sadar dengan perlakuan spesial Draken. Sayang semua perasaan yang dibibitnya sirna saat Emma mengakui kepada Tata tentang perasaan yang dipendam pada Draken selama ini minggu lalu. Tata memang pura-pura tidak tahu, namun saat Emma mengakuinya seketika perasaannya pudar. Tata tidak mau terlibat dalam cinta segitiga klise bersamaan teman kecilnya.

“Emma menyukaimu, tembak dia saja.” Sahut Tata dengan senyum tipis.

Draken bukannya buta kepada afeksi yang ditaruh Sano Emma kepada dirinya. Apa daya afeksinya berlabuh kepada Kudou Tata, cinta tidak bisa disalahkan bukan? Semenjak saat itu, dunia Draken sedikit terasa hampa. Tata yang perlahan menjauh, menyodorkan Emma ke sisinya. Draken tidak suka. Bukan karena Emma bukan gadis yang tidak patut disukainya, Emma baik kok, cantik dan manis. Hanya saja ketika kamu jatuh cinta dengan Kudou Tata, rasanya tidak ada kesempatan untuk berpaling ke yang lainnya. Singkatnya Draken sudah jatuh terlalu dalam.

Setahun berlalu dan kini Emma sudah resmi menjadi kekasihnya. Draken merasa bersalah, motivasinya menerima Emma bukanlah satu hal yang didasarkan suka. Malah didasarkan rasa cemburunya melihat Tata dengan Kakucho, junior mereka satu tahun. Draken kesal, kenapa sih Toman harus bergabung dengan Tenjiku? Ya, sebenarnya dia mengerti. Dia hanya tidak suka, kejadian ini mempertemukan Kakucho dengan Tata. Lambat laun dari pertemuan pertama Kakucho datang menyisipi kehidupan mereka dan sekarang sudah menggantikan perannya di kehidupan Tata, bedanya pengakuan cintanya diterima, sedangkan Draken tidak. Kepala penuh emosi, Draken menerima pengakuan cinta Emma dan rasanya jahat saja jika dia tiba-tiba memutuskan hubungan yang tidak ada masalahnya ini.

Sampai hari itu tiba, hari dimana yang seharusnya menjadi hari kematiannya di masa hidupnya yang lalu. Bagai disambar petir, Draken mengingat semua kisah hidup yang pernah ia alami dan bagaimana dia sempat memiliki Kudou Tata sebagai miliknya seutuhnya.

Sekarang yang bergema di kepalanya hanyalah kata tidak. Tidak hidupnyai seharusnya tidak seperti ini, seharusnya di dua masa kehidupan yang lalu ia masih bersama Kudou Tata. Draken ingat seharusnya mereka bertemu bukan pada umur sepuluh tahun, seharusnya saat mereka kelas 2 SMP dan seharusnya, dia menjadi miliknya sedari tiga tahun yang lalu. Draken geram, hidupnya yang seharusnya berjalan dengan manis, asal ada Tata disampingnya, malah diutak atik seenak jidatnya oleh pemeran pembantu hidupnya, Mikey dan Takemichi. Dari rasa kagum, sahabat seketika berubah menjadi benci, tidak suka.

Draken geram, siapa mereka berani main hakim pada jalan hidupnya? Agar semuanya bahagia? Jangan main hakim seenaknya, siapa bilang dia bahagia seperti ini? Siapa bilang dia lebih baik bersama Sano Emma di hubungannya yang tenang ini? Seketika Tata yang suka egois, mau menang sendiri rasanya tidak menjadi masalah bagi Draken. Asal dia masih bisa bersamanya terserah jika Tata akan menjadi pemenang setiap pertengkaran mereka, asal di akhir hari dia masih bersama Kudou Tata dan hanya dia seorang. Hidup itu lucu ya, menjadikan Draken menginginkan sesuatu yang bahkan tidak pernah di genggamannya di kehidupan ini.

Draken kecewa, rasa dirinya dikhianati, ditusuk dari belakang dengan pedang bertubi tubi oleh Mikey dan Takemichi. Jika saja mereka tidak ikut campur, Tata akan menjadi miliknya sekarang. Dikiranya pilihan mereka yang terbaik apa? Bongkar pasangan agar semuanya bahagia, omong kosong. Draken tidak bahagia tuh buktinya. Siapa yang bilang takdir setiap manusia itu ada di tangan mereka masing-masing? Nyatanya, takdir bukan di tangan setiap orang, takdir ada di tangan dua orang, Mikey dan Takemichi.

Tapi, apa yang bisa diperbuat selain menjalani hidup yang telah mereka rancang ini? Semuanya sudah berada sesuai pada posisinya di panggung sandiwara mereka, melakoni peran dengan sempurna. Hanya dirinya yang berlaku aneh, merusak simfoni yang telah dibangun dan ada kemungkinan dirinya malah semakin merenggangkan hubungannya yang sudah tidak dekat ini dengan Tata. Yang sudah jelas bahagia bersama Kakucho dan sedihnya, Draken tahu Tata tidak pernah sebahagia ini di fase pacaran bersama dirinya. Maka dia diam, membiarkan Emma dan Mikey menarik dirinya ke kehidupan yang mereka inginkan dia ambil perannya.

Tiba hari pernikahannya, dan lewat bibirnya Ryuuguji Ken bilang, ini hari terbahagia di hidupnya. Tapi di dalam hatinya? Saat ia memandang Emma di depannya di altar dan Tata yang di bangku gereja, sialnya bersama Kakucho di sampingnya. Draken tahu, dia tidak akan pernah bahagia sebahagia Tata membuat dirinya. Di detik dia mengucapkan sumpah suci, bukan memori Emma yang membuat rintik air jatuh dari matanya. Melainkan Summer, Robin, Luke, anak-anak yang tidak akan dia punyai di kehidupan ini. Tata menyumpah serapahi dirinya di hari persalinannya. Tata yang tersenyum dengan indah berjalan dari ujung pintu gereja.

Ucapan selamat terlempar dari mulut Mikey dan Takemichi sesaat resepsi selesai. Padahal yang Draken inginkan adalah merobek wajah mereka berdua. Beraninya mereka tersenyum lebar seperti itu, seakan mereka membuat hidupnya lebih baik, padahal merekalah yang merenggut kebahagiaan dari dirinya. Draken sadar dirinya hanyalah pemain di fantasi yang mereka berdua ingin ciptakan. Brengsek.

Draken ingin menunjuk nunjuk, salah ini salah mereka berdua. Hidupnya seharusnya tidak seperti ini, wanita yang seharusnya dinikahinya adalah Kudou Tata bukan Sano Emma. Masa depannya berkeluarga seharusnya dengan tata, anak-anaknya yang paling dia cintai sedunia tidak ada sekarang dan tidak akan pernah ada. Ah, seandainya dia punya kekuatan untuk mengubah waktu seperti Mikey dan Takemichi akan diubah waktu ini dari awal. Stasiun mana yang harus dia tabrakkan dirinya nanti ya? Jika nyawanya tidak ciut sih.

I Think He Doesn't Know

Silver was odd. That was the second memory of Patricia Venenum after eyeing him for a while. Her first memory of him was obviously his perfect face, Patricia Venenum never met anyone more gorgeous than him in her entire life. Patricia had taken note of him nodding off everywhere and animals seems to love him, he was like a princess honestly. Still, she wanted him. That much she knew, and he managed to steal her away for a few moments than thinking about a certain prince.

While she didn't really actively pursue him, she had a crush on him, that much she'd admit. She was thrown off when she learned he didn't have any relationship prior to this, with that kind of face? You must be kidding right? Though later she got the reason why. Silver was kinda dense even when her occasionally joking about an invitation to date, which frustrated her. The third thing Patricia Venenum noticed about Silver was, he was too dense and kind for her.

Not that she'd outrightly given up just like that. Maybe Silver himself didn't notice it, but she got a feeling maybe he liked her, or that was just her not wanting to admit a loss and she wasn't bored yet, why would you throw something away when you were still having fun? Still, though, it frustrated her to no end. Because there was nothing Patricia Venenum hated more than what she couldn't have when it was actually in her grasp.

Here she was again, on a 'study' date with Silver this lunch. And the guy fell asleep very suddenly, a normal occurrence. She didn't even get surprised again at this point. She just sighed and looked at his gorgeous silver-haired lashes blown by the wind while he was sleeping. He was peacefully sleeping while she was here wanting to yell at the guy but couldn't because, just look at his face, damn. She couldn't get mad at that face, could she? Did he know how much she wanted to have him right now? Then suddenly in his sleep, Silver's hand moved to touch hers briefly.

“Oh, you have to pay the consequences for that Mr. Silver.” Patricia slyly said, chuckling to none but herself. After all, the guy was sleeping, whom else was she talking to?

“I will ask you for a hand in marriage as father said, that's what should you do when you liked a girl. Then again we are still in school. So, what do you think?”

Out of nowhere, the supposedly sleeping guy replied to her. Patricia went silent for a moment before the realization hit her like a truck, making her face blush a deep red in an instant. But this was too far, why didn't he ask for a simple request. For example, like the one she had been dying, he asked her to, a date?

Then she looked back again at his face after looking away somewhere else for a while, not able to meet his eyes. And he had the same sly expression she had some moments ago with that damn smirky smile like he finally one-upped her.

Maybe, Patricia thought, he did know.

It was early in the morning and usually, Fatin Selim never woke up around these hours, but he did, and guess where he was? In the kitchen. Surprises, surprises. If anyone in Scalding Sands heard that, especially her parents, they wouldn’t believe it and would get a shock seeing he was indeed inside the kitchen during this time of the day. There was only one reason why he was up so early and that was to help Jamil cook and change his bandage from his cast. If it didn’t relate to Jamil, there was no way in hell Fatin would let himself be awakened this early in the morning.

“That Bucchi guy shouldn’t have done that…” Fatin grumbled while wrapping Jamil’s hand with a bandage.

“He made you hurt like this, it’s despicable.” Fatin continued on his rant, actually, he reacted only like this because the guy who got hurt was Jamil. If it was others, he would take pity on them but in the end that didn’t concern him, did it? While with Jamil, everything about Jamil concern Fatin.

“He shouldn’t have done that, but you don’t have to worry like this. I’m fine, really.” Jamil said trying to convince him, but Fatin didn’t budge, an annoyed expression still plastered on his face.

“It’s done, Jamil,” Fatin said, finishing wrapping the new bandage on Jamil’s cast.

“Thank you, Fatin,” Jamil replied calmly, thanking Fatin for his efforts although the bandage wasn’t perfect it was perfectly acceptable.

“Are you sure you are going to help me cook by yourself? We can wake up some of the others.” Jamil said a bit worried that Fatin was determined to cook the whole thing by himself. But Fatin was determined now more than ever, he nodded at Jamil’s question.

“I’m sure I can handle myself, Jamil. Don’t you worry, just sit back there and give me instructions. I’m not Kalim, geez.” Fatin replied, trying to relax Jamil. Although instead, Jamil was more worried now inside. But he would try to trust Fatin, after all these times it was true, he was never more troublesome than Kalim ever was since their childhood. In the end, Jamil decided to trust Fatin and put today's breakfast in his hands.

“First, chop the vegetables on the table properly. Make it shaped like a dice, cut them in small pieces.” Jamil instructed Fatin. Fatin placed a chopping board and diced the vegetables with a knife.

“Is it like this?” Fatin asked, showing the results. Jamil smiled, and the result was alright.

“Yeah, just like that. Now onto the next step…” Jamil instructed the steps one by one, and without missing a beat Fatin followed them all. Jamil couldn’t help but wonder as he watched Fatin cooking Scarabia’s breakfast, was Fatin really okay doing all this? He never really liked cooking, this wasn’t something he usually did or was passionate about.

But he did them all because he was in pain, somehow which made Jamil’s stomach swirl with butterflies. Though he didn’t want Fatin to feel like he was imposing Fatin of his time, he liked to sleep and this again wasn’t something he was passionate about. To have someone like Fatin do what they usually didn’t do just for the sake of him, Jamil would like to think so even if there was a chance Fatin did it for their master Kalim, truly deep down made him feel special.

“Is it good yet?” Fatin hummed to himself, taking a sip of the soup for today’s breakfast. When he tasted it, his eyes lit, and he turned around to Jamil with excitement.

“Jamil, come taste this!” Fatin said excitedly, coming to Jamil’s side with a spoon. He first, blew the spoon so the heat would come off. Realizing this close distance between them, made Jamil’s face redden. Though Fatin still blew them like nothing out of ordinary was happening here, couldn’t he hear Jamil’s heartbeat thumping loudly from over there? Although Jamil still trying to keep his cool, trying to hide his flushing face. Though he failed in the end since Fatin noticed it.

“Why is your face bright red like that Jamil?” Fatin asked, clearly confused by Jamil’s reaction. Was the soup that hot he turned a blushing mess?

“N-nothing, just give me the soup.” Jamil shook his head. It was weird to see Jamil out of place like that, but Fatin didn’t bug too much into it. Maybe the pain made his brain tune slightly the other way? Fatin didn’t know.

“Say, aah,” Fatin said, trying to spoon feed him. Jamil was surprised and blushed even harder. But he nonetheless opened his mouth, when again he got the chance to be spoon feed by Fatin? He got to take chances when it presented itself in front of him.

Fatin then continued to cook, stirring the soup inside a big pot. Seeing Fatin diligently trying to take over his job, trying to lighten up his daily responsibility by taking this cooking breakfast role for him made it possible to see Fatin in a domestic light like this. Seeing Fatin in flesh, cooking in live action in front of him was a sight Jamil never thought he would see. Somehow it was like seeing a piece of the future he could have, far down there with him. Cooking together with Fatin. Hm, how would that feel like? Jamil wondered.

“Hm? What is it, Jamil?” Fatin asked, confused when Jamil suddenly approached him and put his face on the crook of his neck, standing behind him. His heart unknowingly skipped a beat faster, and Fatin couldn’t understand himself. Jamil nuzzled in, and Fatin could feel the rise of heat on his cheek, and again he couldn’t understand why. What was the reason behind this tension right now between him and Jamil? They were together since childhood with Kalim, this should be usual for them, but Fatin couldn’t comprehend it.

“Nothing, just… thank you,” Jamil replied, appreciating this close moment between the two of them when again he got the chance like this?

“You're welcome, Jamil.” Fatin smiled back at the guy, patting his head as he continued to cook the almost finished breakfast of the day.

The mood was festive tonight in Liyue. There wasn’t a thing going on, not really, but it was just the mood of the Liyue food street’s corner every single night. Chie had been one of the customers tonight. After the work day had ended in the guild, her work friends had been inviting her to after-work dinner and drink. Chongyun had been out of town today for an exorcist job, leaving Chie alone to work in the guild without him today. Chie had never been a good drinker, but after some nudging from her work friends, she didn’t have the heart to reject.

“C’mon Chie, drink up. Just one drink, pleaseeee. I promise you won’t be drunk just after a drink!” Her friends said, begging her by shoving a drink from their hand into Chie’s hands.

“Fine, just a drink..” Chie said finally accepting it, she had been bad with people begging her, she had been a little known as a pushover. Sometimes Chongyun had been worried people took advantage of her because her personality of her who was too kind to reject people.

“Yeayyyy!” They said, cheering on Chie as she gulped her first drink of the night. Chie gulped it in one shot and it burned every time in her lungs she never liked the taste of it.

“Is Chongyun out of town tonight?” Chie's ears perked up at the mention of her boyfriend’s name. One of the customers far from her table said starting a conversation with their friends.

“Well, just look at her girlfriend sitting all alone with her co-workers tonight.” Chie blushed hearing the mention of her presence in their reply.

“Yeah, you are right. About that, isn’t Chongyun family kinda strict about marriage? They are still pretty traditional right?” It jabbed through Chie’s heart immediately, unconsciously she poured another shot into her glass before drinking it again in one shot.

“And don’t they have arranged marriage through generations from an exorcist clan to another?” Said someone else on that table, Chie took another shot immediately. That her co-workers’ voices panicked telling her to slow down.

“Chie, calm down you usually don’t drink this much!” They hurriedly said, but Chie didn’t listen, drinking shot to another shot until it all began to blur and her mind went spiraling.

What they said was true, and Chongyun, in fact, belonged to one of the family's important parts. And who was she? Just an outlander from Inazuma, to boost she wasn’t an exorcist. She just was an ordinary adventurer. In comparison, Chongyun’s family had a high reputation, so different than her who came from a normal family from Inazuma, she was a foreigner in this country without a name, nothing to compare to Chongyun.

Chie was pretty drunk that night, she almost passed out. Her co-workers got pretty worried that they called Chongyun who just arrived back in Liyue Harbor. Chongyun, being a good boyfriend decided to pay a visit. By the time he arrived, Chie already passed out, her head on the table.

“Thank you for taking care of Chie while I’m not there, I’m going to take her home now.” Chongyun then bid goodbye to them and carried Chie back to the house she rented in Liyue. When he arrived at her home and laid her on her bed, suddenly Chie woke up.

“Chongyun, is that you?” Chie groggily said.

“Yes, it’s me. You got pretty wasted tonight, what happened to you?” Chongyun chuckled, but instead of a response what he got was a kiss. It tasted heavily like alcohol, although Chie’s kiss would always be sweet and intoxicating, like the drink she got wasted on tonight.

“Chie, what are you doing?” Chongyun nervously asked, blushing hard when their kiss broke. A string of saliva was formed as Chie let out her tongue, connecting their mouth together. But Chie didn’t stop only there, she continued to kiss him just when they broke it off, giving Chongyun no break. Then she got bolder, her hands went under Chongyun’s shirt, hands on his abs. While Chongyun got carried away at the moment, his actions got swayed. His hands traced the bra line formed on Chie’s adventurer’s outfit. Slowly making its way to her boobs, before softly grabbing it, making Chie moan a loud one, filling up the room. Just when he was about to lift up his shirt, Chie startled Chongyun by asking a question that had been plaguing her mind the entire night.

“Chongyun, am I enough for you? Don’t your family prefer another girl from the exorcist clan, the one on the same level as you? What if you met her and then fall in love with her? What if I was actually just a bump in the road for you before reaching your true love? Do I deserve you-“Chie's rambles got interrupted by Chongyun’s kiss? This time it was slow and passionate, it was intimate, like the bond they had. Chie could feel the closeness and his yearning for her, he was making sure she understood him with this kiss.

“You are enough with me Chie. I may not say it often, but I love you. And I don’t want anybody else, my family would accept you and it’s only you for me, no one else.” Chongyun had never been honest like this before, maybe it was easier because Chie wasn’t entirely sober? But it was true, he may not show it in words enough, though the fact still remained, Chie was the love of his life and he didn’t want ever to be separated from her.

“Really? Then make love to me.” Chie said, getting bold. She was already bold from the start, but she was never this brave on this topic. Alcohol giving her extra courage tonight. Chongyun now blushed a deeper shade of red than before, his cheeks turning like a tomato in the garden.

“Are you sure? You are drunk Chie. What if you regret it in the morning with a hangover?” Chongyun asked worriedly. Chie shook her head.

“Yes, I want this Chongyun, and no, I won’t regret it no matter how bad the hangover would be,” Chie replied, a determined look placed on her face. Chongyun gulped, he couldn’t say no to Chie if she was determined like this, he couldn’t deny that fierce look from her.

“Fine, we will make love tonight,” Chongyun said, then he slowly brought Chie’s body onto the bed. When she already laid on her back, he climbed on top of her. With his arms, caging her body on the bed. Slowly his lips made their way down from her neck, lightly biting it and then trailing down as he took off pieces of clothing hanging on her body one by one. When he arrived at the last piece, her panties, using his teeth he took them off. Then he gave her a kiss there, eliciting a moan from Chie.

“Chongyun…” She panted, Chongyun continuing his kisses from her thighs to her feet. Peppering kisses as many as he could, as softly as his lips could. Then Chongyun went back to her breasts, giving them special attention. Her lips nipped her bud softly, receiving a high-pitched “Oh!” from Chie.

While the other breast had his hands on them, softly massaging it. He took turns with them before going down again. With his two fingers, he found himself away in Chie’s clit, gathered her precum, and measured it. Was she wet enough yet? And by the amount he gathered, she was already wet enough, ready for him to enter her.

“Bear for me Chie, it’s going to hurt a little bit,” Chongyun said, it wasn’t their first time. But he occasionally said it, afraid of hurting his precious flower. After all, a man on a sheet was still a beast no matter what. Chie with a flushed face only nodded, her brain couldn’t think coherently anymore. Chongyun then took the rest of his clothes off, freeing his penis who stood upright immediately from how hard it was after being restrained for so long in his pants. Chongyun then took both of Chie’s legs to his hips. Before slowly entering his penis inside her pulsating tight walls.

“Ah!” Chie moaned the entire time he slowly entered in, afraid if he took it in one shot, he was going to rip her apart. Then Chongyun when he finally sheated fully inside, he rocked their hips slowly to meet. He started off slow before picking up his pace slowly. Soon moans and grunts filled up Chie’s bedroom. It was sensational, the feeling of Chie’s warm wall every time he entered in. Like it was welcoming him in a tight hug, refusing to let him go, inviting him deeper and deeper to the deepest part of her.

Before long Chongyun could feel his high was nearing and he could feel Chie was too by how tight her womb hugging his dick inside. With one last thrust in, pleasure overcame the both of them together. At the same time they cum, their cums mixed together, pooling inside Chie’s womb. By the time it ended, Chie already passed out, knocked out asleep on her bed. Chongyun just smiled a faint one, still inside of her while leaning down, kissing her temple.

“I love you Chie,” he said, before laying down next to her and taking her in a hug, joining her on the trip away to the dreamland.

Nothing Without You

For someone with the special skill of falling asleep in 3 seconds, Leona Kingscholar found himself couldn’t sleep at all tonight. Something was missing and he knew what it was exactly. This empty feeling on his arm belonged to the warmth of Patricia’s Venenum body. Even his ego couldn’t deny it any longer, he belonged to her which was made all too clear since the start but even his deniability couldn’t keep up anymore. Pretending he didn’t need anybody, or her, was exhausting. Because in the end indeed, he needed her, or else his world would turn dark, collapsing in an instant.

He didn’t want, he didn’t need this unnecessary feeling of losing Patricia Venenum to someone else that kept bugging his consciousness even to the realm of the unconscious. Like his life wasn’t chaotic enough, yet now they chose to bug him even in dreams? The only place he could escape to? Although surely, his reality would be sweeter if she was his officially, so no one could ever touch her, again besides him.

At this point he would take back his pride in a heartbeat, he was desperate enough to admit she was what he bleed. He couldn’t let her in someone else's arms, he couldn’t have her walking out on him like anybody else. If they gave up on him, fine! But Patricia? No, never, not in his wildest dream.

He’d bend his principal, he’d learn to love her the way she needed, the way she wanted him to, as long as he became her only one. Yet, reality still remained bitter. Because the suckiest thing was, the reason why Patricia Venenum didn’t want to fully accept him was the one thing he couldn’t change, the circumstances of his status at birth, a freaking royal.

This wasn't pain, this was loss and Leona Kingscholar knew it better than anyone the pain of rejection. Being the unfavored second prince. But after experiencing both, he loathed it more, the feeling of losing Patricia Venenum to somebody else. Which reminds him where was she anyway tonight?

He had a feeling of her exact location tonight, though he didn’t want to accept it. There was a part of him that hoped she was safely tucked behind the blanket of her dorm room. A scowl appeared on his face, bracing for reality to hit him when he reached for his smartphone. He gritted his teeth, his guts were right. Patricia was at Cater's party right now as he saw on his Magicam, he got invited but declined. She probably accepted in exchange for a body double at Vargas’ flight lesson.

Leona clicked his tongue, he was pissed there wasn’t a question in that. As he searched for her contact, he realized the one thing he tried so hard to conceal. The reason for these past recurring nights like this to happen, him searching desperately for her location, if she was with someone else, was because he couldn’t stand this empty feeling. He couldn’t stand to be with himself any longer, without her as a constant reminder yeah he got one more purpose to live. The bitter realization was setting in and the truth was, Leona Kingscholar had become nothing without Patricia Venenum.

As he dialed her number, he grumbled for her to pick up her phone fast. Mere seconds later, his wish came true, she picked it up but not without a protest from the other side.

“What is it now, Leona? You have been calling me every night now!” Patricia grumbled, Leona could hear Cater’s voice in the background, irritating him further.

“If I die tonight, would you regret it?” The air was immediately frozen in an instant. Leona heard her breath hitch, and his mission at grabbing her attention succeed.

“What the fuck Leona? Don’t you dare do anything until I go there!” Patricia screamed before hanging up the call. Leona was satisfied with the answer, that meant she cared for him more than anybody else, right? To drop everything for him, meant he was somewhat her priority. Leona smirked, she was coming. Now, all we left to do was wait.

“1, 2, 3…”

Leona counted, and right on cue, a door was slammed open in front of his eyes. Revealing a very messy-haired Patricia in her heels, it seemed like she was rushing down to get here. This sight was enough to satiate him, for now.

“You just lay in bed like usual, what the fuck I run here for nothing?!” Patricia shouted, obviously enraged by Leona’s action and furthermore to him, who casually just laid on his bed like he didn’t say something so gratifying mere minutes ago.

“Hey, you are the one who told me to do nothing.” Leona retorted back with a smirk. He wasn’t wrong, but that didn’t stop Patricia from beating him up to a pulp with his other pillow.

“Ow, what was that for?!” Leona protested while Patricia was still continuously hitting him with his pillow.

“That is for wasting my time! I don’t care anymore, if you want to die then just die!” That obviously was a tantrum and she didn’t mean it, but it felt like a jab to Leona’s heart. As she was done, she turned her heel to walk out on him and he stopped her. His tail wrapped around one of her legs while his hand grabbed one of her arms.

“Don’t go, please…” For Leona Kingscholar to be begging, was humiliating. But he couldn’t have her walking out on him, not after she said those words she clearly didn’t mean. He needed the reassurance that she didn’t mean it.

She stopped for a moment, unmoving. And Leona did the only thing he knew to do to make her stay until the morning at least. He stood up, his lips nipped her neck, biting and leaving a trail of hickies on her shoulders while his fingers fumbled with the strap of her dress.

“Fine, do what you want. But I’m not in the mood tonight and my feet are killing me running in these heels, so you gotta do all of the work.” Patricia said, sighing in defeat. She did want to inquire about him more, but knowing the lion she knew it wouldn’t bode well. So, she opted to ask for it the next day, letting him have his way tonight. Leona did feel a pang of guilt, knowing he made her feel hurt. Though he knew how to make up for it precisely.

In one move, he swiftly swooped her up in his arms before gently placing her in his bed contrasted with what he did in those rough days in the past. He slowly took off her shoes, so that she didn’t feel any pain. He kissed her feet, where the red marks were visible. That was an apology, for making her run all the way here. His kisses slowly made their way up as he removed one by one piece of her clothing, from her thigh to her breast until she was bare naked in front of him. It made her squirm, but she couldn’t say her body didn’t enjoy it.

For the final touch, he gently cupped her face, before giving her a slow but burning passionate kiss that left her breathless for minutes. His tongue engaged her in a devil dance, swirling inside her cave before leaving her lips until she was red in need of air. He would make sure she was too entranced by him to leave. No, actually it was him who couldn’t function if she left, Leona was doing himself a favor. Without her love, without her touch, he would be driven mad because that was all he had in this bleak world.

While Patricia was left panting from the kiss, Leona went down on her body until he arrived at her opening down there. His lips gave open-mouthed kisses to her clit, licking away all her precums. Patricia tried so hard to hide her moans by biting her lips until it was bleeding, not wanting to be found out by his other dorm members. Leona knew it by the squirming of her body, he pinched her hips making her yelp out an “Ah!” A loud moan escaped past her lips.

“Don’t hold back, they knew better than to mention something. I will kill them if I hear even just a thing.” Patricia was still hesitant to comply but Leona was relentless in his pursuit. Focusing on her pleasure, she was the center of his attention tonight. His tongue delved in, giving a lick to every spot of her walls, pressing deeper as far as his tongue could reach, making the coil in her stomach flare until she couldn’t resist it anymore. Giving in to his wanton, letting out shameful moans she couldn’t hold back anymore.

He was determined to make her cum at least three times with his own tongue. And boy, did he do it. His tongue hit her g-spot numerous times, repeatedly until she couldn’t take it anymore and let herself be undone on his mouth as her legs wrapped themselves around his neck. While his tongue was hugged tightly by her walls as she cum, he still didn’t stop, he swallowed some of it while licking every inch of her walls clean for her to be ready for the next one. He did it all so he could hear Patricia panting the name “Leona, Leona!” At top of her lungs, crying because he made her a mess on his bed like right now, that was the only thing that matters to him at the moment.

Patricia was on the brink of passing out, she thought this was the end after the brutal oral session he gave her. After three times coming undone, all she wanted to do was rest in peace for a moment, her legs on Leona’s neck already gave out, turning into a numb jelly that she couldn’t feel anymore. But she was wrong, that was indeed Leona’s purpose for it. So that her numb legs wouldn’t feel any pain when he thrust inside of her roughly.

Leona could feel the pulsating of his penis getting dangerously close to cum and his own heartbeat yelling for him to get to the main course when seeing Patricia be a freaking mess on his bed.

“We aren’t done yet?!” Patricia gasped when he saw Leona wrap her numb legs gently to his waist. Then she saw his big boner standing up and knew this was going to be a long night and she couldn’t get out not even if she wanted to.

“Are you ready?” Leona asked, she only nod, giving him the okay. He then slammed inside, fully going in just in one go. And in that thrust, he came inside all over her by the feeling of tightness around her walls he had been yearning for all night long, but he didn’t stop there, in the middle of his high he still kept going, not taking any break until she came again, creaming all over his dick. He was insane, he was like a madman chasing a sole goal and he wouldn’t stop until he got it. Leona Kingscholar couldn’t get enough of this, Patricia’s Venenum cries and touches. He was going insane, for her and her only.

As he continued his never stopping thrust in and out of her tight but welcoming walls, hitting her to the deep far places he had reached before. Leona knew what his mistakes were, he hesitated the first time he felt it, he let her wander, roaming too long in the arms of other guys. That is what he was guilty of, he shouldn't have let her. So he was going to make up for it tonight by showing her his endless love for her until she passed out from overstimulation and he collapsed on top of her while burying himself deep in her hilt until the morning came.