
'loving her made me feel like a super human'

“Mrs. Ryuguji, I need you to tell me where are you before you found your husband missing this afternoon?”

The detective asked, while the person in question was not even a bit unfazed or sad, which was ridiculous. We were talking about her husband missing today, yet she didn’t even freak out.

“I was at the inside penthouse of a man I’ve been cheating on my husband with”

She answered, didn’t even bat an eye. To Naoto, the detective on this case, this was ridiculous. He knew who she was more than beyond her marital status. She was Kudou Tata now Ryuguji Tata, the once-hot sensational socialite, who had been dubbed by vogue countless times as one of the most beautiful women in the world.

She had several acting gigs in the past, and all of her performance was flawless. Yet in this house, she didn’t even have the decency to act sad about her husband being missing.

“Mrs. Ryuguji please be serious-“

“I’m serious though, see these bite marks? these are from my lover”

Tata said cutting Naoto off, she pointed out the visible purple hickies on her neck.

“And oh, don’t worry about Ken. He’s probably running off somewhere else, not dead”

She continued, while Naoto was still standing there, shivers running down his spine with how cruel this woman in front of him was with her husband.

“Or you could murder him because you want to be with your lover”

“Left night table beside the bed, second drawer, you would see a divorce paper that had been there for two months and today on our anniversary dinner, he supposed to say his decision”

Tata answered, which made Naoto more inquisitive.

“So because he didn’t sign the papers, you got more and more impatient and decided to kill him?”

“If that had been the case I’d kill him two months ago, why do I need to wait?”

Naoto was a bit frustrated, this woman in front of him had all comebacks to his question, and not even once did she stutter. She was confident and Naoto would appreciate it if the situation was anywhere besides this, when he questioned her about murdering her husband.

“Then are you suggesting it’s a suicide?”

Then she laughed real hard, like something he said was a funny joke, which it wasn’t. Naoto was even more puzzled now.

“Ken was pathetic, he knew how long the affair had been going on and I’ve never even hidden it from him. He saw the bite marks, he saw the scratches, he saw the gifts yet he still slept beside me on the bed every night. The man wouldn’t give me up even if I didn’t care about our marriage anymore, detective”

Tata answered, a smile tugging on her face.

“He could be devastated and desperate for your one last attention”

“Look detective, Ryuguji Ken would die under two circumstances only. Natural causes or when I perish from this world. As long as I’m breathing, he wouldn’t dare to be dead”

Tata answered him again with a smile with utter certainty that Naoto had never found in his years as a detective.

“Mrs. Ryuguji, remember you are the prime suspect in this case”

Naoto tried to dignify his authority, but this woman seemed didn’t even acknowledge it from the moment they met.

“Yet you can’t arrest me because of lack of evidence”

And she was right, Naoto knew damn well she would still walk out here a free woman. There was no murder case if the body hadn’t been found, and the man went missing not even 24 hours long.

“…That’s what probably she was going to do”

Draken said to the man sitting beside him in the garden.

“Wait, so you’re telling me your wife would outright admit she was cheating on you? Don’t you think she had a bit more of a heart than that?”

The man sitting beside him retorted back, what kind of husband predicted his wife would do all of those things. Even if what Draken did and said was proven to be the truth.

“With all due respect I know my wife better than anyone else. She is smarter than playing the part of American sweetheart because she calculated my moves too.”

The first step to clearing your name of a crime scene, be truthful. Lay out all your pieces of evidence before the enemies could use them against you and that was exactly what Tata did.

“Then why would you want to stay?”

What to say, what to answer, hm. Draken pondered to himself. There were so many reasons why he couldn’t leave Kudou Tata. But let’s start on their first meet. The first time Ryuguji Ken laid eyes on her was when her sports car broke down and he was the only garage open in the middle of the night back in New York.

From the very first gaze he laid upon her, she was dazzling and mesmerizing even when her action was stepping down from the car. He didn’t always work up this late, especially without his friend, this was his first time being here all alone at midnight and then her perfectly fine car suddenly broke down. It was like fate arranged this little meeting.

“Alright, your car is already fixed but you need to swing by a couple more times”

Draken said after done fixing her car, hoping to see this attractive woman a couple more times and maybe snag a coffee date with her. “Oh no, I’m going to sell this car after this”

Tata replied to him, there went Draken’s hope away vanished just like that.

“Why? This car is still great”

“I can always get another one, new is always better”

Tata then handed Draken the money from her purse, which he declined but Tata still held out the money.

“Always?” He questioned back, finally taking the money after feeling Tata glare at him

“Always, …unless” Then she stopped, keeping Draken in suspense. She opened her car door, while he still watched her every movement.

“Unless what?”

“My, my, you are curious aren’t you? Unless there was nothing like it anymore in this world, and it’s good enough to keep and repair over and over, a rare one. A limited-edition in this world”

Draken felt like this conversation was no longer about cars as he watched her getting inside of her soon-to-be abandoned car.

”Goodbye handsome, see you around”

She bolted out of his place and then it hits him, he was a fool to think he had a chance with her for even a second. Tata was clearly out of his league.

So, he worked hard to be in the same circle as her, to be playing in the same league as her and he needed to do it fast or else someone may snatch her away. Luckily fate was helping him again this time, quickly his business and Inupi went booming. He was known as the best, he became the best only to impress her.

“I didn’t expect to see you here, Mr. Ryuguji”

Tata was amused when she saw him again. Draken certainly got his second chance to be with her and Tata certainly didn’t mean her words when she said see you around. Color her impressed with him.

Because he fell for her, he worked so hard then Draken the one who stood in front of Tata now was the ultimate Draken, the very best version of himself he didn’t even know existed. Chasing her, getting her attention, and trying his hardest to make her fall in love back with him was exhilarating.

Loving Tata made him a superhuman, it made Draken feel more alive than he ever felt. He was the way he was, attaining this massive success was all because of her, she pushed him to do all the things he never knew he could achieve. As he said, there were so many reasons why Draken still wanted Tata but it all boiled down to only one reason.

“What else? I’m in love with her. Always be, always will”

Draken said with absolute certainty and a smile on his face, after all, what do we need in this world besides love, right?

“Kamu ganteng banget deh”

Tata menangkup wajah Kakucho di tangannya. Wajah pria di depannya langsung berubah warna menjadi merah masam seperti buah tomat. Tata hanya tertawa kecil melihat reaksi Kakucho yang menggemaskan di matanya.

“Ganteng” Kecupan di layangkan di kedua pipi Kakucho. “Ganteng” Kecupan lain di hidungnya. “Ini juga ganteng” Kecupan kali ini di kening.

“Apalagi yang ini, paling ganteng”

Lalu Tata mengecup bekas luka di bagian mata Kakucho dari atas hingga kebawah mengikuti polanya, berkepanjangan.

Tata memberikan atensi lebih detail pada area ini, dimana kekasihnya selalu merasa tidak percaya diri.

Namun untuk Tata, justru bekas luka itu adalah bagian dari fitur wajah Kakucho yang paling indah, membuatnya menonjol dari yang lain. Malahan itu adalah tempat favoritnya mencium Kakucho.

“Kamu... tumben kok, kenapa begini?”

Kakucho kehilangan kata-kata atas tindakan yang baru saja dilakukan kekasihnya. Dia tidak tahu harus bereaksi bagaimana, karena jujur pujian dari Tata biasanya disampaikan secara singkat, padat dan jelas tanpa berlama-lama.

“Ya gapapa dong, kan mau memuji Kakucho nya Tata soalnya ganteng banget sih”

Tata mengusap pipi Kakucho dengan jemarinya. Memang Kakucho dapat dikatakan adalah pria yang tampan,

Hanya saja dia tidak pernah menyadarinya karena A) Tidak peka dan B) seluruh atensinya sudah tertuju kepada Tata, Kakucho tidak punya waktu serta kapasitas untuk melihat yang lain.

Wajah Kakucho masih memerah namun kali ini senyuman kecil terbentuk di wajahnya yang kemudian menjadi cengiran besar.

Perkataan Tata tentang dirinya menjadi milik Tata berulang-ulang terus di kepalanya, sampai membuat dirinya tak kuasa tersenyum, sedikit seperti orang bodoh di mabuk cinta.

Tata menempelkan keningnya dengan milik Kakucho, sekali lagi membuatnya terkejut.

“Apalagi kalau tersenyum kaya gini, makin ganteng! Makanya sering-sering nyengir sama senyum dong depan publik juga, jangan depan aku aja, biar semua orang tahu kamu ganteng. Pilihan aku yakali nggak sih”

Sahut Tata terkekeh lalu menautkan bibirnya dengan pria setahun lebih muda darinya ini yang sudah menunggu-nunggu kecupan di bibir dari nona manisnya.

“Kamu ganteng banget deh”

Tata menangkup wajah Kakucho di tangannya. Wajah pria di depannya langsung berubah warna menjadi merah masam seperti buah tomat. Tata hanya tertawa kecil melihat reaksi Kakucho yang menggemaskan di matanya.

“Ganteng” Kecupan di layangkan di kedua pipi Kakucho. “Ganteng” Kecupan lain di hidungnya. “Ini juga ganteng” Kecupan kali ini di kening.

“Apalagi yang ini, paling ganteng”

Lalu Tata mengecup bekas luka di bagian mata Kakucho dari atas hingga kebawah mengikuti polanya, berkepanjangan.

Tata memberikan atensi lebih detail pada area ini, dimana kekasihnya selalu merasa tidak percaya diri.

Namun untuk Tata, justru bekas luka itu adalah bagian dari fitur wajah Kakucho yang paling indah, membuatnya menonjol dari yang lain. Malahan itu adalah tempat favoritnya mencium Kakucho.

“Kamu... tumben kok, kenapa begini?”

Kakucho kehilangan kata-kata atas tindakan yang baru saja dilakukan kekasihnya. Dia tidak tahu harus bereaksi bagaimana, karena jujur pujian dari Tata biasanya disampaikan secara singkat, padat dan jelas tanpa berlama-lama.

“Ya gapapa dong, kan mau memuji Kakucho nya Tata soalnya ganteng banget sih”

Tata mengusap pipi Kakucho dengan jemarinya. Memang Kakucho dapat dikatakan adalah pria yang tampan,

Hanya saja dia tidak pernah menyadarinya karena A) Tidak peka dan B) seluruh atensinya sudah tertuju kepada Tata, Kakucho tidak punya waktu serta kapasitas untuk melihat yang lain.

Wajah Kakucho masih memerah namun kali ini senyuman kecil terbentuk di wajahnya yang kemudian menjadi cengiran besar.

Perkataan Tata tentang dirinya menjadi milik Tata berulang-ulang terus di kepalanya, sampai membuat dirinya tak kuasa tersenyum, sedikit seperti orang bodoh di mabuk cinta.

Tata menempelkan keningnya dengan milik Kakucho, sekali lagi membuatnya terkejut.

“Apalagi kalau tersenyum kaya gini, makin ganteng! Makanya sering-sering nyengir sama senyum dong depan publik juga, jangan depan aku aja, biar semua orang tahu kamu ganteng. Pilihan aku yakali nggak sih”

Sahut Tata terkekeh lalu menautkan bibirnya dengan pria setahun lebih muda darinya ini yang sudah menunggu-nunggu kecupan di bibir dari nona manisnya.

Draken was fucking tired after the long hour and long shift from his garage. He entered the living area upstairs, groaning about his day to his girlfriend who was supposed to be there.

“I'm fucking tired”

Then his eyes found Tata sitting on the sofa, playing with her phone with his white t-shirt that was too big for her, covering her things, her shorts disappearing under it.

Yet, that big white shirt didn't hide her figure at all because it was see-through, showing her pastel bra that accentuates her breast. Draken gulped, now he felt the urge to do the things that needed a lot of energy

“And fucking horny...”

Tata looked up at him, finally taking her eyes off the phone. She just scoffed at her boyfriend, this was her usual attire whenever she stayed over wasn't like he ever saw her wandering around his place with just her undies.

“I'm in no mood tonight, just go take your shower and let's go to sleep. I'm tired”

Tata yawned and moved from her spot on the sofa to Draken's bedroom, shutting the door.

Draken let out a long sigh before going to his bathroom, cleaning himself up after a hard day at work. He had hoped his girlfriend would join him but the reality was the girl already made herself comfortable on her side of the bed.

Draken entered his room, his hair down a bit wet from the shower, just to see Tata hugging his bolsters facing her side of the wall and her eyes were already shut. Draken then sat up on his side of the bed, before hovering over his girlfriend's body.

“Aren't you going to ask me what happened today at work?”

“Mmm, what happened at work? I know you are tired today, Ken”

Tata replied but her eyes were still shut, curling her legs up to her bolster. Her voice was groggy, but Draken wasn't going to give up just like that. Draken snuggled to her side, spooning her from the back.

“Well there was a vintage bike that seemed to be utter beyond repair”

Then he planted a kiss on her nape.

“Inupi and I had a hard time brainstorming how to fix it”

Another kiss again on her shoulders.

“We managed to find the solution, now all I need to do is order the spare part but it's fucking rare”

This time on the crook of her neck, he lingered a bit longer on that part knowing Tata was sensitive on that part. Her body shuddered for a bit, Draken decided to strike now and slip his hands under her shirt.

He tried to unhook her bra with his lips diving for a kiss on her earlobe before Tata caught his hand, pushed it away and turned her head around, her palms touching Draken's lips as a sign for the male to stop.

“I said no then it's a no Ken, just go to sleep”

“I'm tired but I'm fucking hard because of you”

He said pouting, acting a little bit cute and pleading to get inside her pants. Which was unusual and was weird for anyone, not to her though.

“Cut out the bullshit, you saw me lounging on the garage a thousand times half-naked!”

Well, it didn't work on her, but certainly worked for their friend outside who accidentally heard their conversation.

“Please, please if you decide to fuck tell me so I can put on my headphones!”

Inui shouted, Tata was a little bit embarrassed remembering how many times he returned home and the two of them didn't even hear him because they were fucking too loud. While Draken was unfazed, his attention was on Tata, still trying to get her to fuck him.

“Ughhh, fine you can put it in and in the morning we can fuck”

Tata said finally compromising, Draken grinned and lay on his back. He watched in amusement, no matter how many times he watched it this scene was still spectacular in his eyes.

The sight of his girlfriend climbing on top of him, slipping out of her shorts along with her panties.

“Stop grinning you moron”

Tata said a bit embarrassed with the way Draken stared at her, throwing her panties on his face which he caught and put on the night lamp table beside his bed.

“That's going to be my jerk-off material for next time”

“You should have done that today and I would be asleep for 30 minutes now”

Tata spat back sarcastically but nonetheless her hands were working with the zipper. His dick fully sprang; standing there proudly.

Tata shifted her position, sinking on his dick slowly, her insides felt like ripping apart even if she had already taken it once too many times.

“Fuck you and your big stupid cock, I hate you, Ken”

Tata said still struggling to sink it in because of his size, Draken groaned from the sensation of her insides wrapping his cock.

Her ass was right there, a perfect view in front of his vision. Draken couldn't help but slapped it a little, watching them jiggle, pissing Tata off.

“Do that again, I will fuck Seishu instead”

She turned her head to see him, grinning stupidly like he did since she took off her panties.

“Don't do that, it's tempting but I don't want Draken to beat me 'till I'm dead!”

Seishu replied again from the outside, now it was Tata's turn to groan not from pleasure but annoyance.

“Sorry, wouldn't do that again”

Draken said chuckling, inside his mind if she did do that he knew he would beat up Inui into a pulp even if they were such good friends now. Draken grabbed Tata's hips, helping her until his dick was inside of her all the way through.

Then she collapsed on his body, Draken's arms were wrapped around her waist then they turned sideways. Cuddling her into sleep while his dick was inside of her.

Draken didn't totally give up on his chance to get laid tonight, he moved a bit for friction inside of her womb and Tata didn't appreciate it.

“Stop trying to get me wet, I already said in the morning. What word did you not understand there Ryuguji?”

“But you always wake up at noon, and I work in the morning”

Draken held her tighter, his face nuzzling into the crook of her neck.

“So, wake me up in the morning Ken, easy. You know how to wake me up”

She replied, leaning into his touch this time.

“How? The real way or the horny way?”

“The turn Tata on way”

Tata corrected him sassily, feeling Draken's lips forming a smile on her skin that he kissed.

“You mean like this?”

He snuck his hands again under his shirt that she was wearing, groping her breast, and took one of them out of her bra which she stopped again.

“Nuh-uh, save it for the morning mister”

Tata said yanking his hands away from her waist.


Draken groaned, he stopped trying for the night before the two of them drift off to sleep in his embrace.

“I was and still in love with you, Circe”

Morax said, his tone chilling. Anger seething from each word he said.

“But I’m not!”

Circe retorted back, but she knew all she could do was scream at him. In reality, she was powerless, there was nothing she could do at the moment.

“Just accept the fact we are tied by the bound no one can’t break, a contract. You signed this contract”

“Because you left me no choice! So, we slept together one time, big deal! Just let it go, Morax, please. You can undo this contract. Venti is still sleeping, I need to take care of Mondstat”

She pleaded with him, this was unfair the seven-nation was already established. Morax had no right to do this to her. The seven-nation war already happened, he already got his piece of land a thousand years ago.

Now he threatened to invade Mondstat during Venti’s sleep? When Durin had already fallen? And there was no way Circe could fight him back when she was all alone protecting Mondstat.

“For what? Sleeping around with mortals?”

His voice was mocking, daring her to say a word again. Circe flinched, but she wasn’t afraid one bit. Sure she didn’t like to be tied down but it was her damn business and Morax shouldn’t even have to bring it up when it didn’t concern him she thought. Although to Morax it was different, it did concern him and it was indeed, his business

“It’s my private matters, why are you so obsessed with me? I never indicate anything that I was interested in a relationship with you, not even once Morax!”

False, everything related to her automatically became his problem. Why couldn’t she just see that she belong to him? For Morax, the moment he laid eyes on Circe, it had become clear that she was the one for him.

She was the fairest of them all, she was radiant, wouldn’t she befit the most with the high and mighty God of War, the strongest of them all? But Circe never thought of that even for a second.

The first time they slept together was all the confirmation Morax needed to believe that they belonged together. Alas, to Circe it was a drunken mistake that wouldn’t happen again. She left immediately the next morning leaving Morax, all alone in his chamber.

Morax tried to vie for her attention the next day, the usual way. He tried to gather intel, with her underlings on the work if Circe had any interest in him at all or not. But Circe was sharp, she knew there was something off with Morax and his attention to her.

So she threaded along the lines carefully, saying things that they wouldn’t work out but never a call of bad names slipped out of her pretty lips. She was smart enough to know not to anger Morax.

Then the time came for choosing sides, it was the war for seven archon posts. Morax ask Circe to join hands with him, it was sort of a marriage proposal tying her to him until the end of the time but she refused firmly. Saying she would help Barbatos because Mondstat had a special place in her heart, he let her go while gritting his teeth.

Again, when Circe had the habit of sleeping around with beautiful gods, their underlings, or mere mortals albeit Morax's distaste of it, it was better than her promising herself to someone else. Then came along her favorite lover of them all, Odysseus.

She favored him even if he was just a mere mortal. Morax who had been eyeing her all this time couldn’t let it slip out. So he alienated the enemy, and his body was found o the bottom of Starfell Lake.

Yet after all he did for her, Circe never realized her destiny; to be with him. Instead, she suspected him, but there was no evidence in sight. It was already far too long as he waited for Circe to come to her senses. Morax took matters into his own hands, it was time for her to do her responsibilities.

“Oh, but you did and I have been patient enough”

Suddenly he caged her on the bed, she knew where this would lead and Circe was horrified by the thought of it. “No, no, no, Morax!” Could be heard repeatedly. But Morax didn’t care, it was his right, she did sign the contract yesterday (reluctantly).

And a contract with a God of Contract? Was the unbreakable one. He force himself on her and there was nothing Circe could do. Sure she was once a god, but there was no way her power would be comparable to the almighty God of War. All of his sacrifices for her would be paid from today and onwards.

Morax was giddy just thinking about it, he formed a devilish grin on his lips. Then today, let him have a piece of fun that he had been missing for thousand years.

Kakucho and Tata were cuddling on her sofa, watching some rom-com she picked out which Kakucho had totally forgotten about. All he could think and sniff was her scent and the close distance between them. But he didn't want to be that guy who got horny in the middle of watching a movie and ended up with Tata not wanting to do normal activities with him. Tata shifted her body a little, Kakucho tensed up and she could feel it. Then she looked down and figured out why he tensed up.

“Oh, you're hard down there”

Kakucho was embarrassed he got found out, while it wasn't anything surprising for Tata. She did suspect it but she didn't know he would be shy enough not to ask for it.

“Want me to suck it?”

Tata said and Kakucho was ready to say no, but she slide herself down to the sofa first, sitting on her knees directly under him. His face was burning red, especially when Tata grabbed his pants' zipper and then unzipped it. Her expression was indifferent like it was nothing, while for Kakucho it was the first time he experienced it.

Tata pulled down his underwear, and his dick sprang over all hard and tense. No matter how many times she had seen it, Tata was still amazed by how massive Kakucho’s cock was.

He got the length and the girth, she couldn’t believe how this thing had entered her inside countless times and how this massive thing even fit inside of her. Kakucho felt so awkward with the way Tata stared at his thing but was too embarrassed to say anything.

“Is this your first time Kaku?”

Tata finally looked up, noticing his red embarrassed face. Kakucho only nodded, too embarrassed to say something. Tata’s grin got wider and then she gave it a stripe of lick for the first time.

It was tingling, the sensation was burning but he liked it? Kakucho couldn’t describe it, covering his mouth with the back of his hand, he looked down and saw the sight of her licking him and her fingers wrapped around his thing.

Kakucho felt awkwardness running through his spine, but Tata was making him too good down there. He didn’t know how to react, only slipping out a grunt and moan here and there, one of his hands resting uncomfortably on the sofa. Tata knowing by his body language that he was still tense, took a break and threw her bralette away, exposing her breast out cold open to the air.

“T-tata, what are you doing?”

Kakucho stuttered, but Tata was getting impatient and yanked his hand finally grabbing his hand and guiding it towards her breasts. She just casually planted it, forcing him to grope it. Kakucho.exe stopped working for a moment there.

“I know you like playing with it”

Tata didn’t even bat an eye at her statement before continuing to suck at his dick. Kakucho was too stunned, he swore to god he could pass out right at this moment but how could he do that when Tata looked heavenly gagging at his cock trying to shove it all in and wrapping it with her pretty lips?

Pick Me, Choose Me, Love Me

Tata was washed up, too much drinking, too much crying. A make-up couldn’t conceal her red eyes. It was another break up right? She was so used to breaking up with Draken that she didn’t shed a single tear anymore nowadays.

But why was this time the tears were overflowing so much? The tears had finally stopped, but the taste of betrayal was still there, even the amount of alcohol she consumed which was a lot couldn’t wipe the taste off her tongue.

Then there was a loud banging on her door, a man who had been waiting for her at every single of her breaks, usually she would be happy just to run to Kakucho.

Though this time, this break-up between her and Draken felt different, something major was going to change and she knew that this was going to be a turning point in her relationship with Kakucho too. Especially with that look planted on his face.

“Kakucho, what are you doing here-“

Then he cut her off in an instant, with a determined look.

“I know you just broke up but I need clarity, Tata. Your choice, it’s simple. Him or me. And I know you both go way long back. But Tata, I love you, in a really, really big way like pretending to like the taste of a cigarette on your lips, letting you eat the last piece of pizza, waiting patiently for you to break up with him even if it slowly kills me a little every time. Unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you. So pick me, choose me, love me.”

He said it all in a single breath, now he was breathless. It was rare, this was the first time Kakucho let Tata know his truest feeling right down to the roots.


Tata suddenly called him out, sure she was shocked but her facial expression didn’t change at all.


His heart was racing, was he going to finally get his answer? What if it wasn’t the answer he wanted to hear?

“Are you going to stand all night long on my door? Come on in first”

Tata said finally smiling after three days of not smiling even once, Kakucho was a bit embarrassed, but nevertheless, they went in and sit on her couch.

“Look Kaku, I just got out from probably one of the biggest fights my relationship had. I need time, I need time to think, I need time to breathe! I had been with him for 6 years, 6 freaking years! What do you expect? And probably Draken and I will get back together because it’s just… it’s us. I don’t expect you to understand, Kakucho”

Kakucho’s face fell, he should have expected it. What was he thinking that she would pick him over a guy who had been with her for six years?

“So, your answer is him, I’m-”

Kakucho said, trying to sound calm even if his heart was breaking inside but Tata cut him off unexpectedly.

“I’m not finished”

She shouted a little bit angrily, making him surprised before turning her face towards him.

“But then you came around and since then you changed what was supposed to be my constant. You aren’t like-, it wasn’t like with the other guys. When you did something I liked, I didn’t think of I wished Ken could do this instead. I’m glad that you did those things for me, I like it and I only want you to do it, no one else. You aren’t a replacement in my head, Kaku”

It wasn’t a love declaration, it wasn’t an answer but Kakucho’s heart was soaring anyway. He stared at her in disbelief, does this mean he got a shot with her? Many thoughts were running in his head until Tata snapped him off, continuing her speech.

“Look I guess what I’m saying is, to me you aren’t an affair. You weren’t Ken replacement despite what other people might say. I really have genuine feelings towards you and I mean it, Kaku”

If his heart was soaring before, this time Kakucho's heart might stop instead. This was in her own way, Tata’s confirming her feelings for Kakucho. His face was bright red, and his feeling was reciprocated.

She had feelings back for him. But then again she still didn’t really answer his real question. Kakucho’s mouth was agape, tata knew he was trying to ask her that question so she just took a deep breath and answered it instead for him even if he didn’t ask for a second time.

“This doesn’t mean I’m picking you. I will be straight with you. I can’t promise you anything, Kakucho. I can’t promise you a commitment, I can’t promise you a relationship. You only get a month for my undivided attention, three months maximum for me to not be in any relationship. Are you willing to take me up on this offer?”

Did she have to ask? Kakucho wanted to scream that. Yes in the end she didn’t pick Draken or him but tata should have known that he was in love, too in love with her that he would take the scraps.

Even the tiniest bit chance of him having her, he would take it. Why do you ask? Because it’s love, it’s her, she had him wrapped all around her fingers. He would keep trying even if most of the results were a failure.

“You are selfish”

Kakucho replied back, and although his heart skyrocketed when she admitted her feelings toward him, he still felt a little bit disappointed.

“I think you know that first hand, it’s my main trait.”

Tata's lips formed her snarky smile, despite what Tata said about her messy appearance. To Kakucho she was still breathtaking, the same way as the night he first saw her and that would never change. Kakucho pinned Tata down to the sofa, his hands cupping her face.

“So, are you letting me use you again?”

Tata giggled, tangling her fingers on his neck, letting his face inch closer to her.

“Well, what do you think?”

It was more like an answer rather than a question as his lips crashed against her, he would make sure to ravish her every being tonight, and every part of her would become his. He knew he was being used, so he let her.

Kakucho didn’t care, as long as he got her confirmation of feeling tonight, he wouldn’t mind as long as he was still useful to the woman he loved. Kakucho was ready to be drowned in a sea of foolishness called love once again because of that tiny hope called feelings he got from Tata.

The vow of forever

Tata sat up from the bed while Kakucho was still groggy, she buttoned her shirt. He saw her back with his eyes half-lidded. She was quick to go when there was no reason to hurry. His house was nice compared to when he was a teenager, it was a big penthouse from all the murders and dirty works he did for being Bonten’s number three.

It was luxurious, and Kakucho knew the woman he was in love with was made for finer things in life. They met at a bar a few years back, she was so done after the nth break up with her boyfriend, who he recognized as Draken, toman’s ex-vice captain, and that day he just finished another Bonten’s work.

At first, it started with a talk, she complained about the trust issue her relationship had which they’ve never gotten over even if they love each other so damn much. Kakucho didn’t talk, but Tata knew his line of work and his gang without him ever mentioning it and she didn’t judge him which was a surprise to him although later he discovered she was too egocentric to care for anyone except the people she loved’s well being.

Then it started to get handsy, fast forward a few months it became a routine he started to talk then fell for her when he knew damn well Tata was here only because she was on another break with Draken.

Kakucho just hoped Draken was dumb enough to keep having breaks with her so Tata would eventually get tired broke up with him for good and finally be with him, he had already done it for years after all. Unfortunately for him, Draken wasn’t that dumb and Kakucho’s fate was deemed doom after all.

“Kaku, there’s something I need to tell you”

By her tone, Kakucho knew it was something important. He immediately jolted from his spot, joining her beside his bed. Tata cup his face with both her hands gently, staring deep at his eyes. Oh no, this couldn’t be it. Kakucho’s mind went to a panic state, it was shown clearly in his face but she needed to say it anyway. At least she would give him the truth.

“I heard from Takashi and Seishu, that Ken would propose to me tomorrow when we saw each other again to end yet another break. If I got engaged, I don’t want to be in an on-and-off relationship, I guess we have to get past our trust issue and worked on it no matter how hard is it rather than me storming out. I have just to blindly put my faith in him this time, the same thing he will do to me.”

Tata took a pause, Kakucho wanted to say something back about what he could offer her. She deserved to be pampered and not work a single day of her life, bathed in that Chanel No 5 perfume she always had on her purse. Right now he could offer that, he knew it wasn’t like she couldn’t buy those things, she was the top on her field but did Draken deserve her?

Tata didn’t deserve to live in a suburb, with white picket fences near the garage because of him. She deserved to be somewhere secluded, somewhere expensive like this penthouse without lifting her finger yet with the other guy she still had to go to her own job every day. But then again Kakucho realized his job was dangerous, at least Draken’s way was an honest way to make a living. You couldn’t compare safety to material things, right?

“So in other words this is a goodbye”

Then Tata closed the distance between them, she kissed him tenderly while a single tear fall from his eyes. They stayed like that for a moment before eventually, she broke it off.

“This is our last kiss and goodbye, Kakucho”

Tata smiled before leaving his home, for the last time and Kakucho just watched the love of her life go away forever and there was nothing he could do about it.

“Will you marry me?”

The proposal was grand, here Draken on one knee proposing to her in the backyard of what was supposed to be their future home. Rose petals were laid everywhere, and a candlelit dinner was set on there waiting for them. Draken set this place up all romantic with the help of Seishu. Tata got the biggest smile on her face in forever but she shouted her answer.

“Yes, Ken. A thousand times yes!”

The kiss right there was the new commitment they made that they did not broke, no more break they said and they stayed true to that arriving on their wedding day.

The bells chimed, the bride entered the church, and all of a sudden the attention went to her including Kakucho’s. Tata was breathtaking, she sparkled even more in her fitted with a twist wedding dress, a long train too as she had always wanted.

Kakucho glanced at the man on the altar and he saw Draken was holding back his tear, this was it, this was the moment their fates would be intertwined together forever and he was ready to spend the rest of his life without a break (pun intended) with the love of his life. Their eyes met and Draken knew, he didn’t make a mistake, their journey even the bumpy road was worth it because it lead them here.

“You are the most beautiful woman in the world, Tata”

Draken smiled when Tata arrived at the end of the alter, he offered his arms and she took it smiling back at him.

“Ken, you know how I think that kind of compliment is a bull-“

“But to me you are, Tata”

With one look at Draken’s smile, Tata knew he meant it and she didn’t mind losing the argument this time.

The minister started the ceremony, and the members of the audience filled with people they love went silent paying attention to them. While Kakucho was on the dark corner of the second floor, watching the woman he loved sealing her fate with away with another man.

It was Draken's turn to say his vow, he took a deep breath and looked deep at her eyes.

“I promise to love you even if when we are in a fickle, no more running. Nobody walks out, no matter what happens. I’m going to spend the rest of my days loving you to the utmost God allowed a person to love someone. This is us, this is forever.”

And It was her turn to say her vows.

“Honestly… marriage vows are all craps”

Cue the gasp from the audience and the minister, not Draken though he knew what was he getting into. Tata snickered before resuming her vow.

“But there are three things I will promise you and I won’t break it. I promise you my love, honesty, and my faithfulness to this constitution of marriage to the eternity”

Tata gaze into Draken’s eyes and he holds it. They meant their vows and couldn’t wait to spend the rest of their days together without a break allowed on each other part. They’d just blindly trust and hold on faith in one another.

Although Tata did promise Draken her honesty, there was a secret, a part of her heart that Draken wouldn’t know. The one she would keep to her deathbed because Kakucho would always live on her heart, he owned that piece. She would bury it until it got forgotten and didn’t exist anymore in her mind.

There was a sense she couldn’t shake that maybe Kakucho was her perfect piece but then again Ryuguji Ken would always be the greatest love of her life no matter what happened. Tata chose the blue French horn, the destiny she wrote for herself instead of the yellow umbrella the one destiny waited for her to pick it up and continue the journey with it, this was her decision.

“Speak now or forever hold your peace”

The minister said, Kakucho so severely wanted to rush down to ruin the wedding and begged her to run away with him. But he knew it was going to be futile, because Kakucho knew the woman he loved, once she made up her mind there was no going back. So what was the use for him to try?

“I pronounced you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride”

People cheered hearing that last line from the minister. Draken dipped Tata to the floor taking her for a passionate long kiss, that made her lips giggle and her heart beat as if it was the day he asked her out to be his girlfriend.

Kakucho just watched knowing his fate and place in her life now, the stranger who watched from the sidelines as the newly married couple walked out from the church announcing their sacred bond to everyone in the world.


Kakucho tahu sedari dulu dirinya hanyalah yang kedua di hubungan mereka, hanya tempatnya menaung sementara sebelum pulang ke rumah aslinya. Namun kenapa hatinya masih saja sakit melihat sang gadis bercakap dengan riang di samping kekasih aslinya.

Sulit untuk diakui, namun Tata memang tampak bahagia bersama pria berambut pirang yang sedang merangkulnya itu. Dari sudut matanya Tata akhirnya melihat Kakucho yang masih terdiam berdiri di ujung jalan lorong kampus mereka.


Panggil Tata karena tidak sopan tidak memanggil orang yang kamu kenal bukan? Kakucho hanya melambaikan tangan balik terlihat warna pink pudar di pipinya, dia juga bisa melihat rangkulan Draken yang sedikit lebih rapat. Lalu kedua pasang kekasih itu kembali melanjutkan jalan mereka dan Kakucho hanya bisa menatap punggung Tata yang semakin menjauh.

Ternyata ini kegiatan Tata akhir-akhir ini berduaan dengan kekasihnya, sampai sama sekali tidak memberi kabar ke dirinya ini. Namun apa yang ia harapkan? Toh yang Kakucho hanya bisa lakukan adalah menunggu Tata untuk putus lagi dari Ryuguji Ken.

“Lupain aja udah ucok baba, lo lihat aja ya mereka berdua tuh tipe pasangan yang nanti cerai 3 kali terus nikah 4 kali. Then somehow they’d still lead a pretty happy life together”

Ucap Izana yang muncul di belakangnya entah darimana ia datang. Kalau ini perkataan Izana yang lain, Kakucho akan langsung mengiyakannya. Namun kali ini ia tidak bisa, Kakucho tidak mau melupakan Tata. Padahal ia tahu, bukan dirinyalah yang memiliki Tata dan sudah jelas dimana kesetiaan Tata berada.

Lantas mengapa rasa cemburu yang membara ini malah berkobar di hatinya? Pantaskah dia menyimpan rasa untuk gadis yang jelas-jelas masih berstatus milik orang lain? Kakucho tahu ini keliru namun dia tidak bisa berhenti. Kakucho merasa Tata tidak tahu bagaimana dia mengenggam dirinya dalam genggamannya.

Kakucho ingin marah atas segala ombang-ambing perasaan yang di alaminya semenjak Tata datang ke hidupnya, kenapa dia harus tersiksa dengan perasaan ini? Namun satu senyuman dari Tata dapat meredakan amarahnya seakan hilang begitu saja, tanpa pernah hadir.

Akal sehat sudah tidak bisa menolongnya jika berkaitan dengan gadis ini, Kakucho tahu betul bagaimana dirinya akan terlena dengan angan-angan palsu yang tak akan kunjung nyata mengenai masa depannya dengan Tata.

Lantas sudah jelas semuanya tidak berarah apalagi dia hanyalah lelaki kedua yang dengan mudah dapat digantikan atau dilupakan, tidak pantas menaruh rasa, apalagi memiliki rasa cemburu yang membara terhadap kekasih aslinya.

Tidak tahu diri, tiga kata yang mendeskripsikan gejolak antara logika dan perasaannya yang berlawanan. Kakucho tidak tahu dia akan sanggup sampai kapan, namun untuk saat ini dia akan setia menunggu Tata kembali ke pelukannya saat dirinya dan Draken putus lagi.

“Lo ada urusan apa ketemuan disini sama gue?”

Kakucho masih melihat-melihat sekitar di gudang kosong yang tidak pernah dikunjunginya ini. Dan tiba-tiba satu tonjokan mendarat ke wajahnya, membuat keseimbangannya runtuh dan badannya terjatuh di tanah.

“Itu buat tidur dengan cewek orang lain”

Draken muncul dari belakang dan Kakucho langsung berdiri dan tangannya sendiri sudah melayang menghantam wajah Draken yang dihalau dengan lengannya.

“Bukan cewek lo kalau bukan lo yang jagain dia!”

Kakucho dengan tangan kanannya datang menghantam pipi lelaki jangkung di depannya, sekarang Draken yang terjatuh ke tanah.

“Heh, lo bisa tidur sama Tata tapi cowok nya?”

Pukulan Kakucho sakit tapi Draken tidak bisa menahan mengeluarkan cengiran di wajahnya, jempolnya menunjuk ke dirinya sendiri.

“Tetap selamanya orang ini”

Emosi memuncak pada diri Kakucho, dirinya sudah siap menendang Draken namun pria di depannya dengan cepat langsung berdiri. Hantaman dan tonjokan kembali berlanjut, menghujam satu sama lain. Setelah beberapa waktu, luka-luka dan memar lebam sudah menghiasi wajah dan badan mereka.

“Gimanapun akhirnya lo itu cuma selingkuhan Tata akhirnya bakal balik sama gue. Lebih baik lo nyerah”

Draken bicara di sela-sela hantamannya, yang dijawab oleh Kakucho dengan right hook di badannya. Kakucho mau saja menjawab, namun semua jawaban yang ia keluarkan hanya akan membuat dirinya terlihat mengenaskan.

Memangnya dia akan menjawab dia akan menunggu kekasih orang lain selamanya di depan pacar orang tersebut? Tidak mungkin bukan. Draken yang tidak terima, sigap menghajar Kakucho dengan kepalan tangannya sendiri membuat badan Kakucho goyang lagi namun Kakucho bisa menyeimbangkan badannya terlebih dahulu sebelum jatuh ke tanah.

Kakucho baru mau berancang-ancang lagi dan Draken yang sudah siap untuk melayangkan tinju atau tendangannya.


Satu suara teriakan dari gadis yang mereka rebutkan, membuat mereka berhenti dan menatap ke sumber suara yang berdiri di depan pintu gudang tersebut.

“Ken, Kakucho kalau kalian gak berhenti sekarang. Demi nama tuhan, aku bakal make out sama Seishu disini dan kalian gak bisa ngapa-ngapain selain nonton. Kalian mau aku ciuman dengan orang lain? Ngga kan?!”

Seru Tata dengan galak sambil menyeret lelaki dengan luka bakar di wajahnya yang seperti kehilangan nyawa untuk bernafas. Jika Tata benar-benar melakukannya, dia sudah tidak tahu nasibnya akan menjadi bagaimana di tangan dua orang di depan sana.

Kedua lelaki tersbut langsung terdiam dengan gelengan kepala serta gerutuan. Inui langsung bernafas lega, sepertinya nyawanya akan selamat untuk beberapa saat.

“Ken, kamu pulang balik sama Seishu. Kaku itu Izana ada di beberapa blok belakang, lagi belanja gamau ikut campur katanya, bentar lagi kesini jemput kamu.”

Ucap Tata lagi yang sebenarnya lebih mirip seperti perintah.

“Kamu gak mau cium aku dulu?”

Tanya Draken menghampiri Tata ingin menunjukkan lebih lagi superioritasnya terhadap Kakucho, sayang sekali reaksi dari kekasihnya malah mendorong pipinya yang mendekat.

“Enggak, kamu babak belur begitu. Sekarang kamu pulang sama Seishu”

Draken mendengus nafas dengan kasar, sebelum benar-benar keluar dari gudang tersebut dengan Inui yang diomeli oleh dirinya kenapa membocorkan rencana ini ke Tata dan hanya direspon oleh “Iya, iya” dari lawan bicaranya.

Tata dan Kakucho masih berdiri tidak bergeming disana, menatap satu sama lain sampai suara motor dinyalakan terdengar menandakan kepergian mereka.

“Kaku, maafin Ken ya. Kamu gapapa?”

Tanya Tata langsung menghampiri Kakucho sembari memegang wajahnya di tangannya. Dia merasa bersalah Kakucho harus babak belur padahal dia juga ikut andil dalam kesalahan yang mereka buat bersama di malam itu. Wajah Kakucho memerah dibawah sentuhan gadis pujaannya.

“N-nggak apa-apa”

Jawabnya padahal sial, wajah dan sekujur badannya sakit sekali dari pukulan Draken.

“Aku bohong, gaada Izana. Kamu pulang bareng aku sini, aku bersihin luka kamu dulu”

Tata menyeret tangan Kakucho keluar gudang menuju mobilnya. Mungkin apa yang dikatakan Draken benar dia hanya selingkuhan, untuk saat ini. Di hari ini, Kakucho merasa dialah pemenangnya dari pertarungan mereka kali ini, yang diperhatikan gadis yang mereka rebut.

Walau pada akhirnya dia tetap harus menelan kenyataan pahit, Tata masih berstatus menjadi pacar Draken dan apa yang dia dapatkan saat ini adalah hadiah hiburan. Namun, Kakucho bersedia menikmati momen ini hingga ke tetes akhir selagi dia masih bisa mendapatkannya.