A little update

I haven't watched any depressing movies since my last update. I have been going to Starbucks everyday though because I didn't want to try to cook.

I wrote last time about how I wanted to die because of all the work ahead of me. The good news is the work is almost done. The only things left to get rid of are things I have zero emotional or sentimental attachment to. I took the last of that to Dorcas today!

The refrigerator and freezer are nearly completely empty which is great because I am going to clean like I have not cleaned before. But probably not today.

I'm no longer thinking about getting a roommate. I want to get comfortable first and pare down to just what matters to me.

I have been sober for thirty-seven days and I've found some folks online to chat with. There's supposed to be a get together in Raleigh and I am tempted to go even though it'll be at a bar and I'll probably be the only sober person.

It is getting easier, the sober and lonely living. I just need to take it one day at a time and rebuild my old habits, create some new ones, and focus on what I can control. Anything I can't control I need to stop trying, stop ruminating, and to find something else to occupy my mind.

This weekend there are two goth events, one on Friday and another Saturday. I am still planning to go because Code will be there. Hopefully I will hear from my official sober buddy who I am still waiting to hear from. I know she's got a lot going on in her life and I miss her and hope to hear from her again soon.