She rolled out the towel in the moonlight

He sat at the table with the beach towels, hat on backwards, pale legs with long black hairs, ugly toenails in need of a trim, gross callouses, feet too red. His sunglasses on the bill of the cap facing backwards, she sometimes thought it was him looking at her but he was facing out the window, watching the car. Probably worried about the cooler full of ice and drinks in the back of his convertible.

He finished his icy green tea concoction and left the frisbee on the table where he had been sitting to save his spot.

Pardon, milady

Stop it, Dash.

She smiled and looked straight at him, his face slathered with suntan lotion, nose white.

Please ma'am, may I have another

He held his empty cup and shook the milky ice.

You may, she took it from him

He leaned backwards on the counter, his sunglasses hat watched her make the drink.

When she returned she set it on the counter and it hissed, he turned around, why thank you, and he performed a wide flourish, long lanky arms, tan and greasy with sunblock, the smell of it hit her.

I made it special for you

Did you, his eyes widened

I spit in it


He scooped it up and gulped, staring at her with one eye, then licked his lips before wiping it on the back of his arm.


She squinted, grinning and pleased, I knew it

They got to the beach and it was night.

We're not supposed to park here at night, the beach has hours


What if they check

It's after eight everyone is asleep

Why did you let me sleep

Why did you let me smoke


Yeah, only the lucky left

For me

He smiled at her and they hopped the speedbump.

The air was cool, his hair had been pulled out from under the hat on the drive, she snatched it from his head when they stopped and stuck it under the seat.

He got out and picked up the cooler, slung its strap over his neck and waited for her to exit the vehicle, arms full of towels and a bag and her purse.

That was a long fucking shift

He pressed the button on his keys and the car chirped.

They walked together to the beach and went a ways further, the water was warm on their ankles.

He set down the cooler and panted, she rolled out the towel in the moonlight. They sat together and he popped open a couple of beers, handing one across to her.

She cupped her hand and lit the cigarette and they passed it back and forth silently, the beach wind carrying their hair, towels and clothing fluttering.



Why do you think they do it

Because someone else did it to them

He kissed her shoulder.

She handed him the cigarette and when he took a drag she kissed his shoulder.

Can we not

He handed it back and she paused, looked from the cigarette to his face to make sure he was being serious for once.

There were tears in his eyes.

Let's not