ChillDaddy Deep Dives


#Telcoin Deep Dive

TL;DR We may not have to pay Capital Gains Tax on $TEL.

Thread below, take everything with a grain of salt, either way, it should be informational to those looking into Telcoin. So my discussion on $tel last night started with talks on TA and how technical analysis is the act of taking past historical data, identifying volume and percent gains among so many other things and identifying future possible trajectories.

#LB649 Passed into law yesterday authorizing #telcoin to become the first digital asset bank in the state of Nebraska. This is unprecedented for any #cryptocurrency so far, to be spoken on in a positive light by US Senators who are proud to represent their constituents.

My personal opinion is that all past TA for $TEL is null and void now. Historical data cannot be measured against progress and newly found data. We can try to chart the future but it's all speculative anyhow. We are in new territory, and TEL is bigger than trend data.

Not only is LB649 the wildcard due to the things the #telcoin team will be able to do legally now that other #crypto could not do, there is also the V3 wallet. Picture saved from a long time ago, claim it if yours, idc. V3 will steal a huge percentage of the market from exchanges

V3 is a one stop shop for getting money in and out of crypto (ON/OFF Ramps). It is also a wallet, meaning no manipulation. Everyone remember the recent $BTC Dip? Common denominator when that happened was all the exchanges being down.

People couldn't sell their positions or even buy the dip. someone bought $tel for a penny on that dip but we couldn't because we couldn't use an exchange unless we swapped with readily available funds, likely at a loss.

Currently, my method of moving money Was/Is $XRP/ $XLM. I would buy on #coinbase into one of those, send it off elsewhere to get into what I wanted. It's a pain in the ass but works, reverse the process to get money out. New people have to do the same and they are often confused.

V3 wallet will allow you to swap into $ETH chains and #BinanceSmartChain at a whim. Picture for reference of them testing the wallet that flew around recently, pretty damn cool. Right now when I help people into crypto I have to explain so much from wallets, seeds, sending, etc.

New blood coming into crypto will have the ability to get money in/out, stake, swap. They are also partnered with plaid, and therefore #AMEX and #VENMO. This is speculative but we may even be able to pay bills with this wallet, still looking into this aspect.

So back to my capital gains theory. I've asked a lot of crypto companies why they don't allow us to purchase straight from them in their wallets. The answer was the securities issue, which is why in TW it's a 3rd party, or its an exchange where you buy.

Why is #Telcoin able to sell us $tel on their wallet without these same risks? LB649 the first bank!

My thoughts are that if $Tel is going to be used all over the world, and allowed for government use, it will need to be a stablecoin pegged to a certain rate similar to USDC or USDT with minor variances allowed. Due to LB649, #telcoin becomes a recognized bank and if they issue a stablecoin, it's fair to assume that we can call $TEL a currency. That means capital gains tax does not apply.

Telcoin is going to allow the people to be able to bank themselves. The market all over the world needs it, and we just made a huge move here in the states to kick the ball off. The government can even use $TEL to send money now, think about the fees we will save tax payers.

These are my thoughts, there's too much spinning around to grasp the full picture. I still don't know what “Project Rivendell” is but I am a LoTR fan and I know it revers to the fellowship and unity. Fill me in if you know what's up there but it's close to their chest atm.

Super bullish on #telcoin, I am looking forward to seeing everyone gain financial freedom from this one. I have walked everyone I could into #telcoin. I still believe TA will be vital as normal circumstances happen but the short of that statement is I believe whatever past predictions exist, are going to get blown out the water in a good way and we cant predict it with accuracy yet.