Chuck Dee


#rpg, #RPGaDay2020

This is fittingly the beginning of my attempt to keep up with #RPGaDay2020.

RPGaDay2020 Prompt Map

Day 1 – Beginning

There are several beginnings that I could write about, but the one that comes to the forefront is the beginning of my journey into this hobby.

I'd naturally gravitated towards fantasy and science fiction. At a family reunion at an aunt's house, I'd sit in her library and read books, and she encouraged me to, even when the rest of my family didn't understand. I've very thankful for her, because that would be a common theme throughout life. I was a big Star Wars fanatic, and devoured any kind of media that had anything to do with Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Super Heroes.

One day as I walked through the mall, I saw a diorama in a window, depicting knights, mages, and dragons besieging a castle. I was captivated, and wandered in the store. At first, it was the miniatures that caught my attention, but as I visited that store each time my family came to the mall, I started to browse the books. I saved my allowance, and bought the AD&D Players guide. I didn't realize that I was missing half the rules, and just had fun making characters and assigning the stats to my figures and imagining large battles. I suppose that's where my love for making rules and hacking came into play- anything that I didn't have the rules for I just made up, extrapolating from the rules that I did have.

There was a whole progression into the hobby after that, but I can see that this beginning had a firm hand in shaping the way that I play games, and the way that I consume rules, with an eye more towards the characters that inhabit the world and how the game is goign to be played to be the most entertaining rather than just assuming that RAW is the way that it should be played.