5th November (Thursday) 1st day of lock down mark 2 Sleep was awful last night. I'd gone to bed and tossed and turned for an hour so took one of my Nytols. Read for a bit then felt tired, but I don't think I like the effect they're having. They make my body feel exhausted but my brain is still whizzing about and my arms and legs feel really heavy and weird. I don't think I'll take any more. Had to deal with frost on the car this morning going to work; it was a bit quieter with the traffic. Its been a busy day: 2 insulins 5 flu vaccinations 1 syringe driver and injection (the junior nurse made a mistake and we had to redo the driver – so that took longer) 1 blocked catheter Took blood – 3 (little) bottles and it was successful which I am still so pleased about. I ate my lunch whilst doing my admin and then didn't get away until 10 to 5. But I did drop Kathy's book off to her on way back to office and chatted for a few minutes. Got lost trying to find a house out in the sticks. The sun was lovely this morning out in the countryside, warm even, coming back into HH the cloud and mist were rolling down off the hills and blocking the sun, and suddenly it was much chillier. I'm working tomorrow and made the mistake of looking at my list of visits. I bet there's more frost too. Hoping I will sleep better.