Wed 4th November Lock down eve and US election results day. Turned on radio early to hear the latest and then had to turn it off as couldn't bear to listen to Trump pontificating about his win and legal challenges – this was only at 7.15am and it was about to ruin my day. However it is still not a done deal whichever way. Weirdly the numbers now (just before 9pm) are different on the BBC web site versus the Guardian – better for Biden on the Guardian but maybe they're wishful thinking I had a lovely pre lockdown day in Brighton – wandering the Lanes, down the sea front in the sunshine and lunch looking out to sea. Then a little last chance saloon shopping before catching the train home. Thanks to Sarah for suggesting a couple of weeks ago and being brave enough to catch the train. House is still stalled for same ongoing reason. I have chased it via all angles, and hard as I can. Now I need to sit tight and wait a bit longer. I'm not going anywhere before the New Year I don't think. Annoying and stressful but I have no choice. Going to work tomorrow and next day. Kind of don't really want to but its usually ok once I get there. now watching Biden talking on TV. Still no outcome.