MW Cameron M. Bailey


It's getting to be that time of year again.

Statements of Availability from those interested in becoming the next Junior Grand Warden are due on September 1.

Prior to that, on August 1 we will be hosting a video conference to explain a bit about the requirements of the positions, and answering any questions. If you are interested in making yourself available please just contact the Grand Secretary, he will hook you up with the information for the call.

With this post, I thought that I'd pass along a few things that I wish I knew before I took the plunge.

-You can still be working and effectively serve as a Grand Lodge Elected Officer. While traditionally these posts have most often been filled by retired folks, that has been changing. Right now both of our Wardens and I are all still employed.

-You will need a very good car. When I first made myself available it was suggested to me that I needed to buy a new car. I thought that advice probably not correct, I take exceptional care of my cars. Alas, within about three months my wife and I bought a new car. You will put on tens of thousands of miles per year, both while available, and following election.

-I was also told that it would cost me 100,000 dollars between the four years as an elected Officer and the year one was available. While it is certainly correct that there are very significant costs to these positions, know that some of those costs are well within your control. Accepting invitatons for events outside of the Jurisdiction will become very expensive very fast. Keeping those things under control will cut costs substantially. My personal costs will not reach the above figure. I hesitate to post personal financial information in this forum, but if you are considering making yourself available, and would like to talk about the actual expenses I have incured, I would be happy to talk with you. Please just feel free to reach out to me.

-In my view, one needs an active and involved lady in order to pull the terms off well. The Grand Lodge Ladies work very hard assisting in the larger events held each year, and I can't imagine trying to do these things without the support and help of my lady.

All in all, I've been on this particular journey for a bit more than three years now. I've found it to be wholly positive. If you have ever considered it, I advise that you make the leap and get your Statement of Availability in prior to September 1.

#GrandLodge #GrandLodgeElectedOfficers


Cameron M. Bailey Past Grand Master The MW Grand Lodge F&AM of Washington

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