MW Cameron M. Bailey


This list was compiled based upon the recommendations of the active users of Emeth. All are experienced Freemasons, committed to quality Masonic education. The list is subject to, and will, change and grow.

For the man considering Masonry

  1. Freemasons for Dummies by Chris Hodapp
  2. Complete Idiot's Guide To Freemasonry by S. Brent Morris
  3. A Pilgrim's Path by John J. Robinson
  4. The Man Who Would Be King by Rudyard Kipling
  5. The Mother Lodge by Rudyard Kipling

For the Entered Apprentice

  1. Chapter One, Morals And Dogma by Albert Pike
  2. Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Albert Mackey
  3. The Timaeus by Plato

For the Fellow Craft

  1. Chapter Two, Morals And Dogma by Albert Pike
  2. Heredom. Any and all editions. SRRS
  3. 1001 Arabian Nights by Richard Burton
  4. The Song of Solomon

For the new Master Mason

  1. Observing the Craft by Andrew Hammer
  2. Esoterika by Albert Pike
  3. The Craft and its Symbols by Allen Roberts
  4. Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy by Robert Brown
  5. But I Digress by James Tresner
  6. Chapter 3, Morals And Dogma by Albert Pike
  7. Contemplative Masonry by C.R. Dunning
  8. Contemplating Craft Freemasonry by Kirk MacNulty
  9. The Way of the Craftsman by Kirk MacNulty
  10. Know Thyself by Michael Schiavello
  11. Introduction To Freemasonry by HL Haywood
  12. Journey On The Level by Owen Shieh

For the seasoned Master Mason

  1. Masonic Rivalries and Literary Politics by Marsha Schuchard
  2. The Symbolism of Freemasonry by Albert Mackey
  3. The Builders by Joseph Newton
  4. Masonic Monitor by George Thornburgh
  5. Solomon's Builders by Chris Hodapp
  6. Measured Expectations by Michael Poll
  7. Hamlet's Mill by Santillana & Von Dechen
  8. Morals And Dogma by Albert Pike
  9. Laudable Pursuit by Knights of the North
  10. Whither Are We Traveling by Dwight Smith
  11. Born In Blood by John J. Robinson
  12. Restorations of Masonic Geometry and Symbology by H.P.H. Bromwell
  13. North American Freemasonry by Thomas Jackson
  14. The Freemasons by Jasper Ridley
  15. Freemasonry And The Drums Of '75
  16. The Secrets Of Freemasonry by R. Lomas
  17. The Rosslyn Hoax by Cooper

For The Mason Contemplating Office

  1. A Traditional Observance Lodge by Cliff Porter
  2. The Purple Of The Fraternity by Dan Hrinko
  3. How to Become a Masonic Lodge Officer by H.L. Haywood
  4. Macoy's Worshipful Master's Assistant by Allen Roberts
  5. Operative Freemasonry by Kirk White
  6. Island Freemasonry by Bizzack
  7. The Craft Driven Lodge by Hrinko

For All

  1. Emeth



Cameron M. Bailey Past Grand Master The MW Grand Lodge F&AM of Washington

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