Freemasonry In Time Of Pandemic
Last week I heard a Brother ask the question:
Since our Lodges aren't meeting, we aren't able to 'do' Masonry. If that goes for a year, or most of a year, why should we have to pay Lodge dues or Grand Lodge assessments?
The basic argument was that Masons aren't getting Masonry during this time, so shouldn't be asked to pay for Masonry.
The Brother's question made no sense to me. I guess that he and I have had very different experiences with Masonry these past few months.
To my mind, Masonry is everywhere right now!
Our Lodges have older and sicker members for whom the virus is of great danger. Hopefully we have all reached out to these Brothers. Doing so is certainly an expression of Masonry.
Our Lodges have Brothers who have lost their jobs and are facing great financial hardship. Washington Masonic Charities is raising money to help, and getting that help where it is needed. That is certainly a strong expression of Masonry, and something our individual Lodges can be doing right now as well.
Lodges, Districts, and Grand Lodges are holding Masonic education video conference meetings. The most interesting Masonic educational discussion I've taken part in in years was held over Zoom by our own District 8. I've always been interested in feminine Freemasonry, so thanks to the Grand Lodge of California I was able to enjoy a long presentation by a female Grand Master. This week I know that some of the Masons I'm close with are going to be attending an educational event hosted by the Grand Lodge of New York. Not a week goes by, almost not a day goes by, that doesn't have one or more of these events.
Many of us enjoy fun side degrees. The Railroad Degree, the Loggers Degree, Shipbuilders, and Pirates all seem popular in our Jurisdiction. Well, I received a side degree via Zoom too, it was great fun.
Lodges and Grand Lodges are hosting regular toasts to build fellowship and to remember our absent Brothers.
For quite literally hundreds of years very well respected Masonic scholars have pointed out that Masons aren't much into actually reading about Freemasonry. Well, we have libraries of books all available. What a great opportunity this pandemic is for us to actually read about our Fraternity, no matter what our interest in it is.
Brothers are creating Masonic blogs, videos, and podcasts at a breakneck pace.
In my opinion there is more Freemasonry available right now than at any previous time. All one must do is take a look to find it. To believe that there is no Masonry simply because we are not able to hold Stated Meetings is a badly false belief.
#Dues #VideoConference #MasonicEducation #SideDegrees #WashingtonMasonicCharities #Pandemic
Cameron M. Bailey Past Grand Master The MW Grand Lodge F&AM of Washington
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