there are about another ten thousand questions i wanted to ask you last night and there are about another ten thousand things i need to tell you.

according to the dream about the obituary i have about another 24 years left in my tank.

so 10,000/24=416.66666666667 a year. that's more than one thing a day, let's say around ten per week to make it easy. so if you and i work together once a week i can tell you all the things i need to tell you and ask you all the questions i need to ask you and you will have told me the ten thousand things that you also need to tell me. don't you? because i am your witness, i have the power to forgive you, to absolve you and set you free.

are you ready?

one of the things i have to tell you is that everything has a dark side, like the dark side of the moon. unless you send out a spacecraft with a camera you never get to see it and even then ...

the point is that you cannot see the dark side of yourself with your own eyes but someone can be your spacecraft and tell you what they see and take a picture of it, and then when you see the picture you recognise something and once you recognise it you can be vigilant and look for it and what it comes you go aha! a ha ha ha. i recognise you! and i don't have to be afraid of you.

and the other thing i have to tell you about is the kismet. you know about the kismet?