Health freedom works only if you accept that everyone else has it too. Removal of self from the general public, from humanity, from the greatest good for the greatest number of people elevates perception of a single ego(s) and consciousness above the ordinary, sacred humanity we are all interdependent with. Just as I enjoy clean air, water, space and health, so do others. Just as I pray for the ongoing of life and love through my own experience, so do others.

Others have a right to the longest, happiest lives possible, the old and the sick, those who live and work in close quarters with others, not just the strong who “probably would survive anyway”.

We have a right to our available choices, the narrowing of our circle of human family or expansion of its awareness. We have our freedom of choice of perceived victimization, no I won't be a victim of covid-19, no I won't be a victim of pharmaceutico-governmental corporation, no I won't be a victim of anyone's making but my own. The assurance of self-sovereignty over repeated patterns of victimization, the assured right of freedom above reliance upon “society” and proximity to others is an individualism that smacks of perceived superiority. How is your superiority conferred? Lowered vulnerability? Increased resistance? Whiteness? Convergence with a spirituality or nature wiser than humanity which pre-emptively abandons those who live in a city or play xbox? We didn't choose as wisely to not be victims, did we?

Vaccines are not tantamount to rape. You have not destroyed how the sacred creator made you by putting virus particles and mRNA in yourself. You have not played god or fucked with the illness and death nature intended, therefore deserving of horrific tumors and untold curses you've brought upon future generations. That's not how vaccines work.

Viruses are not alive, they are not our friends, this one is evolving and finding all the opportunistic holes in systems of human health. This one happened to grab us by the balls because we couldn't mount a coordinated response and prevention, the chain of infection is only as strong as the weakest link. This isn't a story about scientists impinging upon your existing freedom, this is a story about how the Machine, The Wheel of Progress driven by wealthy people, professionals, industry and progress ran the fuck over us all, refused to slow or stop because Money, More, Now, Tomorrow. This is a story about how we were forced to keep running the machine for those in power as we clamored for an ever-smaller slice of the pie while condemning our human family for being human, vulnerable to illness, vulnerable to suffering. We are equal in this vulnerability unless we are pushing the cog forwards with our stupidity and rigidity, if you perceive Lost Freedom as the ultimate rape you are complaining about an illusion on a cave wall.

You can't be less free than you already weren't. We can't return to pre-pandemia no matter how hard we cling to our precious freedom like a beaded rosary. Accepting information that only confirms one's freedom and bodily autonomy, one's pre-pandemic notions of the universe is as anti-intellectual as it is damaging. This isn't how herd immunity works, we can't be immune to something as a group, as a species, as an individual, if we don't inoculate against and respond to it rather than trying to escape it in magical thinking and assumed superiority.

How did we eliminate smallpox? Are some lives worth less than others?

How do we pay for more privilege? Must privilege equate freedom?