outdated cregox




looking for the manifesto about #capitalism?

water falls like money should flows, mosttimes

we love reciprocity!

all donations and payments enter the public ledger, which translate in how #money will work in the future: #aloze

you can contribute by visiting our referral links, which work like sponsored affiliation, such as below:

if you will to let us know when you do so, remember we never #track you.

otherwise, perhaps you brought in some cash to share, in your visit today? if so, keep reading below...


#thank you so much for your will to help capitalising cregox!

our free work is based on trust and reciprocity, and every single time we get any feedback through money it is a big signal there's something right in our work.

hopefully you'll also want to get in touch and #contact us to give some feedback as well.

i believe that as of today (check the date stamp on the top) there's still no simple unique way to send money to someone over the web, so choose one:

perhaps the easiest way for you today is transfer wise.

disclaimer although they actually make it much harder on me, because they offer way too many options and apparently no central way to deal with them. i could literally create an account and get bank information for a direct deposit in 6 different currencies but it's probably best for you to just open an account there (see below)... yes this may look like it's harder, but if you haven't done any other way before, just go and try all other options and you'll see.

here's my referral link

use it to create an account there and get a discount on your first transfer.

when you have an account, just send to cregox@ahoxus.org

for now bitcoin is the general ideal mean for me.

it's no piece of cake though, sadly. it's ideal because it's by far the lowest tax and it's as close to direct transaction as computer money will ever get.

in case you might be wondering, we use blockchain.info luxembourg.



how to use bitcoin?

revolut works fine.

using your revolut account send money to #contact: cregox@ahoxus.org

you can also send it through iban, bic, sepa and swift:


LT82 3250 0835 3533 4600

why (and what is) revolut?

activobank for old farts, using iban.

activobank is by far the best portuguese bank, for remote and online operations around bic, sepa and swift.



or #contact about other options! ;)

i'm positive we can find a good option for both. we take even paper money, coins or paypal, depending on each situation.

paypal is a last resort because it works very well for small quantities but it's just not that reliable.


disclaimer: copied from cregox.net and updated some links. others might fail or get outdated.


c+aue speaking.

a skillful former #programmer for 20 years, turned into a #wildcard person (or something on those lines).

literally living in the wild #paradise!

you can find all about me by simply searching the web for...

cregox avatar


...will work mostly with aGPLed #gpl, and free software #fsf, focused on development overviews. explaining, handholding, trouble shooting, teaching, etc.

rates: € 500.00/hour + travel + expenses. fixed fee quotes available. negotiable for non-profits.

experience: have #hacked and created software on over a dozen languages and stacks, in the past, for over 20 years. created whole commercial system solutions that remained working, untouched and unmaintained, for 15 years. helped #rms with words through email (i guess 🤣, but do ask him). got an ubuntu touch phone as primary “wannabe” computing device (current one relies on android with #termux) focusing on #gnu programs. [formal resume] (http://ahoxus.org/cregox/resume)

#contact http://ahoxus.org/~cregox obviously, cregox@ahoxus.org should work. also +351 918424479 @cregox@banana.dog moving to @cregox@talk.ahoxus.org

#draft original content still on ahoxus ~cregox