Write.as Cues

Weekly encouragements to help you express yourself.

By Mayea

June 27 2020 3:30pm

Its after my clinic on the 105th day of quarantine. Here i am sitting on the same chair wearing a gown, a face mask and a face shield, pondering. Would our one-year younger selves thought that our lives are about to change in an instant?

Adversity comes in many forms. Lucky are those who have experienced this just gradually changing their lives like a creeping vine. They can slowly adjust and acclimate. But those who encounter adversities hitting them like lightning left with no choice but to live with it and endure.

Endurance is paramount to success. That I believe. Those who endure the most are those who have lived their lives to the fullest. They are the people who never give up,finding ways to continue to be better. They are the ones who adapt easily, never losing focus on their goal, reaching it until they finally thrive.

So here I am still sitting on the same chair. Today is one of the days that I continue to live, adapt, endure and thrive.

A response to the Now prompt

#now #journal # beinspired #nevergiveup

By Beginning of the End

When I play games, I prefer characters with long-range, burst, and a high AoE. It feels satisfying to kill a hoard of goblins using a single skill without receiving damage. They're master of power and control.

  • Assassin-type is also a great choice for me, being stealthy and killing without even them knowing. They're the master of trickery and deception.

  • Berserker-type can also be viable for me, with a high defense and a high attack, charging without a thought and inflicting fear, barely receiving damage. They're the master of versatility.

In roleplaying games, we specialize in classes, and focus on what we can do, more than what we cannot do. There are some, though, who tries to cover up their weakness by adjusting various stats or skills.

How about in real life? Do all humans belong to a specific class?

By choosing a specific path, one can reach its fullness, focusing on the things s/he can do, seeking help from others for the things s/he is incapable of. Those people with “class” lives out the best of their lives.

I envy those people, who have a certain, innate skill. All they have to do is to invest their skills and talents properly, focus on that path and aim for success.

Those people who has no talent in anything, and hence, no specific path are the classless people. They are not a real-life mage nor a berserker nor an assassin.

They can freely choose whatever they can be, but whatever they do, they can't be on the spotlight.

But it can't be helped. The world's fairness is just as it is. I accepted the fact, at least on the outside, that a nobody who has nothing can never be someone unless he has a certain path to go through.

A jack of all trades but a master of none, trying everything until something clicks, wasting time on the most unnecessary things, clinging to the hope to become someone, someday.

I am indeed an idiot.

A response to the Now prompt

#now #100daystooffload #NoLongerHuman

By Happy soul

It's almost 1:00 in the afternoon and I'm lying on my bed. It's cool outside today but my mind is kind of exhausted from all the thinking. I always wonder that will I ever get to live the life I want or imagined? No, I don't wish for money or posh apartment or anything. I wish for a place far away from the chaos of cities, with small green planters. A place I can call home. With a cup of coffee in my hand reading a book in my favourite corner and my doggo playing with my duppatta and running around me. What a life would that be. I believe in law of attraction and hope this becomes true one day.

A response to the Now prompt


By bangkuimaji

Now I'm counting the bottle of beer that I've been drinking on from the first of June.

The pandemic hits me like a truck. Been recently freelancing because I'm resigning from my 9 to 5 job last year. Expenses just keep coming, no government help. Luckily I just received a dozen of beer that have been paid on February, the beer is trapped in my friend house. She is too afraid to met people and after she overcome it I enjoyed my luxury a little bit.

Beer has been helping me as my dream has been shattered, at least thats what I'm thinking right now. In the middle creating portfolio and trying to submit my first art exhibition to one curator that I know the pandemic is coming. I wanted to forget 2020 right away. But in the middle of this pandemic a hopeful voice in the street is coming out against racism. The way people running on to deliberate themselves is relieving and I'm creating art portfolio by responding the situation outside.

I hope my creation is being seen out there after pandemic, I still trying to keep my art on exhibition. I don't care if it will sale or not at least I'm trying, maybe I will go back to the office but who knows or maybe I will be a successful artist out there.

In the middle of unknown feeling I put the full stop.


A response to the Now prompt

By selmakovich

Now has never made a lot of sense.

I see anger I feel anger – but is it now? Was it there all along? I see bodies in the street and corpses laying dead. In french we use the same word, dead or alive. There is outrages for statues thrown in the river. Bodies of stone over bodies of flesh. Claiming the past sounds like a weird privilege to be holding on to.

Thoughts don't come easily, maybe it is not the moment to reflect. Work seems bleak, but there are other kinds of work that can bring warmth. Work like: “how are you doing” Work like: “maybe stay here” Work like: “you are not silent if you just don't know how to speak”

A response to the Now prompt



How have you been feeling?

Feelings are hard. I barely understand how I feel. I should feel happy but I don’t think I do. I have a boyfriend and I love him so much but when not talking to him or thinking about him I don’t really feel anything. I lost feeling I think. Is that possible? I don’t even know but I do know a lot of shot had happened in my life and I guess I’ve just never really talked about it.

A response to the Now prompt

By maique

How have you been feeling?

I've been feeling sleepy. Sometimes numb, others ecstatic. But sleepy.
Locked at home for three months now, with a two-month baby.
Feelings are hard to describe. Happy, sure, very very happy. Hopeful too.

What have you been working on?

Nothing. Nothing new, at least. Being a photographer it's hard to get work done stuck at home. Editing old photos. Getting some new ones of the baby. Love shooting the baby. But nothing else.

What have you been thinking about?

The future. Work-wise. Family-wise. World-wise. What will become of this crazier-by-the-day world. What will become of my daughter in this world. What will be her role. How will we raise her to be someone who makes a difference in this world.

I guess I've been thinking about the same issues every dad thinks about, but it's our first child, so everything is new to me. Clichés, for sure, but I'm living them now.

A response to the Now prompt

By frankie

Wow, I would do a lot. I'd show my parents exactly what my interests are, the kinds of music I like, I'd message my friends more often without fear of seeming desperate or overbearing. I'd put my heart and soul into writing lyrics and music and tell everyone who thinks I'm going to put years of effort into being a lawyer that that was never something I wanted. That I'd always wanted to make music despite everyone telling me it would never work out. If I hadn't been afraid, I never would have let them believe that had worked. Music has always been my passion, and if I wasn't afraid, I wouldn't shy away from letting everyone know.

A response to the Afraid prompt

By Stylo-S

“If you want to fly, you have to give up the shit that weighs you down” – Toni Morrison

Then, I guess, if I weren't afraid, I'd fly. I would not feel this weight in my heart, these knots in my stomach, experienced everytime I think I'm about to be seen. If I weren't afraid, I'd be me, I'd stop acting, I'd be honest and truthfull. I'd be as light as a feather, cause fear is the only thing that is weighting me down. Once I free myself from fear, I will be able to feel and think freely, and even express myself. I will be the fluid that I know I am, and not the solid trapped by its own contours.

In response to the Afraid prompt

By Stylo-S

When I was younger, There were no colors, no shapes. The past stays foggy.

A response to the Haiku prompt

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