Daniel Rose

The Pastor Next Door

A foundational tool for spiritual growth.

the circle

What if I told you that the most significant thing that I have learned about consistently growing in my faith is something as simple as a circle?


Introduction to Spiritual Practice

LoveWell Podcast

C.S. Lewis wrote, “Surely what a man does when he is taken off his guard is the best evidence for what sort of man he is.” Dan dives in and asks how do we prepare ourselves for being taken off guard? How do we become like Jesus and not just act like Jesus?


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The Foundation of Spiritual Practice

Photo by Meghan Holmes on Unsplash

When we start talking about spiritual practice, spiritual growth, and the like some folks begin to sweat. They think that this necessarily means that there is something we are “adding” to our salvation. Some folks have a deep and abiding worry that somehow talk about spiritual practice necessarily leads to a works based Christianity.

The reality is that the opposite is true.


An Introduction to Spiritual Practice

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

“Surely what a man does when he is taken off his guard is the best evidence for what sort of man he is.” – C.S. Lewis

Do you find that quote to be relatively true? I do.

Actually, I not only find it to be true, it cuts me deep. As I think about that line it has me wondering, “How can I become the kind of person that does well when he's taken of guard?”


LoveWell Podcast

Dan wraps up his discussion on Romans in Romans 8:18-30. He talks about the reality that we can experience glory now by becoming more like Jesus. When we #LoveWell, it’s a little taste of heaven.


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Four Gs: God is Gracious

Photo by Greg Weaver on Unsplash

Grace, she takes the blame She covers the shame Removes the stain It could be her name


LoveWell Podcast

Dan spends some time unpacking Romans 8:1-17 and its connection to a Romans 12:3-8.


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The Four Gs: God is Good

Photo by Alexis Fauvet on Unsplash

What do you need to be satisfied? What do you need to be content?


What is it?

Do you need a new car? Those clothes? That house? This gadget? That person?

What do you need to be satisfied?


The Four Gs: God is Glorious

Photo by kyo azuma on Unsplash When I was in middle school I was not what you would call, “popular.” I was a home body, I played a non-school sport, and didn't have many friends. Shockingly, middle school was really hard for me. It's not a period of time that I look on with any kind of fondness.


The Four Gs: God is Great

Photo by pixpoetry on Unsplash It was cold. The mist hung thick in the air. It was late in a game that was out of hand underneath those Friday night lights. My son, the quarterback, dropped back to pass and after he released the ball a defender crushed him. It was by all means a late hit, one of many that game.

I lost my mind.


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