Do What you Love..Love What you Do

For the Love of.....

Most of the time, when we were searching for a job, we were suggested to find a job we love.

But do we love the work we do?

Or I must ask, do we do what we love?

The majority speaker’s answer will be NO. The main motive of doing a job for all of us is to earn money and usually we do not take time to understand what we love. Instead of focusing on our passion, we keep pace with the things that others want us to do. But all of us are not happy and satisfied in doing these things. Most of us love something else to do, but we are doing some other stuff.

It is a certainty that when we are happy and satisfied with our work, we are more productive, dedicated and feel more inclined to be the best in that particular field. The best guidance for all of us is that we must always do the things that we love, and to do it without any cost. We must then do those things in a way that people start valuing our work and start paying us for that.

How to Do What You Love?

It doesn’t matter you work for an organization or the well being of your own business. You have to maintain balance among your work and your values. The very first thing one must do is to stay loyal towards the work always and try to figure out what encourages you to do the job more efficiently and correctly. Line up your work and values with a proper balance. It will be the time when you will feel magic in your career.

Through this alignment within your work and passion, you will feel free, confident, and you will influence the life of others as well. It will not be a simple task to do what you love. Here we have brought some tips that will help you focus on the things you love.

1. Select Wisely, What is Prior For You:

We all somewhere say that we want to do something, but we don’t do. Maybe that is not our priority, and we cannot take it in the first place in the to-do list. We always focus on the things which are most precious to us. We claim immediately at some moments that we want to do this, but do those things matter in our life the most, or are there any other thing we want to do?

To find out the things we love, we must make a list of our priorities. Take enough time to figure out the value of items in your life. You need to ask yourself that the things you are regularly doing are matching with your list or not. If not, then this is the time to make changes either in your deeds or in your priorities.

2. Do Small Things Towards What You Love:

It is not mandatory to find a job in the field of your choice. If you really love and want to do the things which makes you more than that what you are, you must take the initiative for that. You can also start with a single small thing every day. For instance, if you love to dance, you can join a dance class and spend some time with your beloved dance steps.

You will feel a favorable modification in your life when you will start spending a small amount of time loving things. You will also face a moment where you will find a career in the same things, and your regular practice will help you take it on you whenever you get a chance.

3. Sacrifice One Habit to maintain Another:

Sacrifice is a significant deed in humanity. If you want to focus on the things you are in love with, you have to sacrifice some other things to make time for that. Like if you spend most of your time in an office working for extra hours, you have to offer a small amount of time from the office so that you can give time to the thing you love.

The list of priorities can be of your help at this moment. You need to check that which things are giving you more joy than others and start sacrificing some unimportant stuff for that. You will find time for the things if you love to do them. So, take out some time from the busy schedule and follow what you love the most.

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