Times of quiet and fire, of low storm
clouds and skies so blue ...
— Silas House
All it took then was for you
to reach right up, where your
fingers were swallowed whole
inside the mist of the mountain,
catching our breath on a threshold
of wonder, of love; hope
Day 23 for #AdventPoems24
inspired by 'Lark Ascending'
by Silas House
This morning broke cold –
bitter, even, and biting -
bundle up; we're bold
for Algot
and the crows are up to no good
— Ali Liebegott
Mayhem on the lawn,
again, these birds
gather in their murder,
raising such thunderous
racket at the break
of dawn, the quiet
but an hour away
Day 22 for #AdventPoems24
inspired by “Hope”
by Ali Liebegott
Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides
— Maya Angelou
Constant, in motion,
every moment of
every day, true – the way
the moon always pulls
on the ocean: that's me,
reaching for you
Day 21 for #AdventPoems24
inspired by 'Still I Rise'
by Maya Angelou
Fluttering inside, fluttering inside
— Esther Belin
There's promises
and pledges yet
to be broken -
such chattering -
we're stretching
our angled bodies
in anticipation
of release
Day 20 for #AdventPoems24
inspired by 'I Hope To God You Will Not Ask'
by Esther Belin
The river bridges and star charts and song harmonies
All in service to a simple idea:
That we can make a house called tomorrow ...
— Alberto Ríos
Listen to the singing,
the calling of harmony,
the rhythmic hammering
of nails in the boards
of the house in the town
in the years yet to come
We've sung our way
into the past, too – drew
upon shared memories
of elders, but that's a song
of yesterday — today,
we holler out hope
on behalf of tomorrow
Day 19 for #AdventPoems24
inspired by “A House Called Tomorrow”
by Alberto Ríos
A dazzling thing like day
— Elsa Gidlow
Sunglasses come
on days such as these,
the hours infused
with something
akin to the hope
we all need; a light
so bright, it cuts
through night
Day 18 for #AdventPoems24
inspired by 'Hope'
by Elsa Gidlow
Galloping, with
abandon, as if dreams
depend upon it,
the heart pumps
with possibilities,
keeping time;
And I am the writer,
saddled with memory
of moments left behind
Day 17 for #AdventPoems24
inspired by 'How To Triumph Like A Girl'
by Ada Limon
Another problem child,
wrapped around whiskey bottles
in ships sent off into the world,
the tufts of Broomsedge thrive
where others struggle to remain alive,
a seeded invader of unwanted stem
and hew, like me and you —
green as a child, then interestingly
orange as adult, fading to wilted brown
in elder age of fallow field—
and even then, fire shows its limits,
the blue-stem's fiber roots resilient
to the point of frustration
for farmers, everywhere
for Terry, in response to
And take the hope of dreams in trust
— William Stanley Braithwaite
If we must,
try, then,
for if not,
then what,
and when?
Day 16 for #AdventPoems24
inspired by 'It's A Long Way'
by William Stanley Braithwaite