
A place to gather words before they get lost.

Bundled up beneath the stars, we're blanketed, still, secluded; night chill

Hunting forest soils off the path, after the rains, where small mushrooms spawn

At what point do we remember the forgetting?

The letting of memories, sliding through doors?

I am that child, again, worried at what I left behind

for DS106

Summer's passing by, as flocks of geese far above loudly shout: good-bye

In an orchard lab, scientists tinker with genes to make an apple

With acrobatics, the savvy salmon begin the long journey home

Another stolen moment, locked in dance;

hands connected ever – forever - never in a million will this music stop beating -

two hearts, needing the other

inspired by

Her quill, dipped in ink crafted from Gall Wasp powder, swoops in arcs and heart

Forever in motion, you flow over rocks and ramble, while we, the debris, float with you, following you, trusting you to guide us back home

for #ds106 Daily Create

A little silence inside the cup of coffee; in morning, writing