
A place to gather words before they get lost.

And who are they, this multiplicity? On principle: anyone allowed through The door: as many ears can be placed Close enough to hear the poet say: sing ....

— page 6, Context Collapse (A Poem Containing A History Of Poetry) by Ryan Ruby

And what of the poet with no audience to speak of, to speak to;

still, they write, as if those ears were at the door, listening for the singing, a melody into the void

Some words just scatter into nothingness; a poem is as fragile as old furniture, pieces broken on the floor


Winter thunder bellows at dusk — low harbinger of sparks and storms being born; somewhere on ice, lightning strikes

Star falling; Open your mouth to catch the night

(for an emoji poem for DS106)

Fingertips along the edge of a flake -

Fragile as it's falling

I reach my hand into the snow to find the key

to where to secrets go

as if, in wonder — three degrees below — a door opens, and in, I go

Teeth, chattering - this cold breeze battering my skin; I've lost my voice to the winter wind

Somewhere, miles away, someone else will hear me sing the song I lost to frost's morning sting

Still a flicker, hope is a small candle we hold in our heart

We live the seconds, the steady thrum of our time, then forget the arc

Tucked beneath blankets in maelstrom hibernation, an alarm bell rings

Tuned in, listening, the voice frequency sputters on about a storm

for Algot

Pebbles in water look distorted; the ocean tries to hide beauty