As geometry, each flake of snow takes it shape, tumbling in pattern
A place to gather words before they get lost.
As geometry, each flake of snow takes it shape, tumbling in pattern
Holler, if it's there; a bear, wandering the woods with cubs by her side
A crack in the seam, the winter chill rides a draft through memory's dream
Waves, in rhythmic sing; the cold sea's lost symphony reaches out to me
Charcoal on paper; dark smudges against the white creating contrast
Two-dimensional letters in a writing space; a poem, falling flat
for Algot
A path, then a door, then a gate inside the wood: a place to ponder
An aerial ear assault but whose fault is that? Neither bird nor bat nor natural creature sings a constant song quite like that of drone; a buzzing of an engine roaming over home
Long-legged strangers, stand there, at the edge of dawn, shadows on the lawn
Singing to the sun, the unappreciated rooster's still crowing