

A tribe called (it) quest - built inside beats, listened best with headphones on, up too loud, ear-worm samples and word play: urban music getaway

a tanka for #mastoprompt and #ds106

Gracious thankfulness: for all who find ways to play and collaborate

for #ds106 and #clmooc

I told myself, well, it could wait - and so I did, and so it did, and now, of course, the moment's late, the thread's now lost to attention and time, and the poem I thought I might have wrote has gone and lost its mind

for #ds106

Our gathering together never gets better: words dozing in morning song

Reverse haiku #mastoprompt #smallpoems #ds106

Withered old wood, dotted with holes, the woodpecker knows its spots, this broken tree must believe in itself, its roots remain grounded in soil and dust, it must not let go until the final storm rages, the ragged breath of an Earth sighing out just one last song



... and in love, forgive, for in this forgotten, the corners of this world - where dust and debris of you and me lingers - the folds become us

in response to Sheri E's poem #ds106

Stuck between the moment of calcium and titanium, I was discovered white in the deep-night and golden in daylight, but my magic is the faint color of ocean blue when you tilt an aquamarine gemstone just right for #ds106 MetalVerse Poem

Stuck between the moment of calcium and titanium, I was discovered white in the deep-night and golden in daylight, but my magic is the faint color of ocean blue when you tilt an aquamarine gemstone just right for #ds106 MetalVerse Poem

Joke-tellers and riddle-sellers in a room full of masks can only imagine the smiles by listening for laughs

for #ds106

Every poet is a juggler of words, tossing intangibles into the air with a silent sweep of sound, dissonance and rhyme

At times, the paper's jagged edge tears the heart; each word spinning, a stanza drop, before the headspace performer reconsiders, edits, restarts

for #ds106