

The words you spoke as a promise to us

seeped in scorn and tinged with mistrust

for #MastoPrompt

Knee deep in dirt, we work to rescue the tiny tree,

fragile roots tucked under and daily watering on schedule;

for in a world where so much seems beyond our control,

this, maybe, we can do

for #MastoPrompt

Neither purple nor red, but instead, Magenta's something squished in-between

for #MastoPrompt

Barely bendable; rigid, to the point of breaking

for #MastoPrompt

I am, of course, all ears, a rabbit at rest, waiting on another of your ever-curious, forever-furious, scintillatingly-spurious pronouncements of how the world really works

for #MastoPrompt

A pad of paper, overflowing with the possible, blue lines remaining blank, a canvas of nothing soon to become something

for #MastoPrompt

A simple nod to acknowledge the words

a subtle acquiescence

for #MastoPrompt

Such small treasures — the edge of a ink on paper the first burst of sunlight the explosion of quiet ideas the unfolding of a song — bring life's pleasures

for #MastoPrompt

She dove into her closet to find the dress she adores -

an kaleidoscope of colors she'd never wear outdoors

for #MastoPrompt

Between the hammer and the nail, the judge decrees the verdict, slams the gravel, then sends him off to jail

for #MastoPrompt