

We were at an apple orchard, gathering fruit (Cortland, Golden, Macoun, etc) as part of a annual family tradition each Autumn when I noticed a sign for the sale of Sunflowers. The paper was old, the ink faded by rain and sun. What remained of the flowers were droopy skeletons of summer's glory, a sort of cemetery of what had bloomed with no doubt magnificence just a few weeks back. I was tempted to pick one of the fallen flowers, but the sign still announced the sale of each flower for a cost of $2.50 a stem. I let the idea go, and left the ghosts of the Sunflower graveyard for the soil.

for #writeout via Daily Create

Talking poems, within the confines of city and concrete, the rough terrain where dandelions meet, the weeds shout back, in a verse of grit and grime; words find a way to survive

For #writeout

It's utter chaos in the berry-laden Mountain Ash trees today,

a yearly chattering Autumnal feeding frenzy that's now underway,

and ever time we wander near, to rake the leaves or get the mail

the winged visitors shout disapproval, then in a flock, flutter away

for #writeout

A painter's palette: imagining a canvas of changing colors

The green dress is gone, pigments fade with cold, dark nights; in morning, unclothed

A leaf must wonder where it is going, falling from branch limb to ground

When tomorrow comes, all will be different here as hues disappear

Crackle brittle brown - the soil always welcomes you with wide open arms

for #writeout

Limbs snarl, like a map that's contorted in a twisted mirror

The mangrove, gargantuan in its reach, envelopes a world

We're just travelers here, bound inside the looping shadows of a maze

for #MastoPrompt and #writeout

(me) I am root, unseen through time for most of the world's curious eyes, except by you, my tree

(ChatGPT) You are root, Hidden beneath the soil's dark heart, Yet in your presence, I find the start.

(me) I am tendrils, a connected network of information flow, where I am you, stories go

(ChatGPT) Together we weave, a tapestry grand, In the realm of stories, hand in hand.

(me) I am thread, stitching our shared past on an ancient loom, the rustling of leaves, we bloom

(ChatGPT) From the loom's timeless frame, our tale is spun, Two souls connected, together as one.

Written with ChatGPT in alternating verse a #writeout experiment

Help them move past the mirk and mire ...

— Willeena Booker

Summer rains stretch fingers into the bottoms of the riverbed,

a weathered troublemaker stirring up what's long been settled in

With eyes closed, then, we slumber along through cloudy waters, dreaming of currents and clarity

Then stuck feet find a footing, and a hand reaches from the shore -

Once more, your presence provides ballast in an otherwise unbalanced world

Covered, but with little protection, the small stream wanders on, unaware of our footfalls tapping a rhythm to the woods, singing a song like the skin of a drum

for #writeout

Nearly forever listening, we're always hearing a voice of this river, the flow below ground, the unfolding sound of erosion and reaction, the timbre of melody of friction on stone, the thoughts of a poet, nearly, but not always, written alone

— inspired by Ella's poem of Mammoth Cave #writeout

Ode to the Bend in the River

Smoothed stone, pottery and glass meet you where the bending begins

Where it's best to sit in the quiet of the movement, to just listen in,

Every ripple of river, a moment of wonder which clears its voice, and sings

— inspired by Ranger Beth via #writeout