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Recursion 003

#recursion #datastructures #devstudy #balancedparenthesis #boolean

The Problem:

Write a method that accepts a string containing open or closed parenthesis and returns true if the string has a balanced set of parenthesis. Use recursion if possible.

Using the 10DIME approach to making sure I understand the problem:

Input: a string of parenthesis

Output: boolean. true if balanced, false if not balanced

Definitions: – balanced means that the string has the same amount of left brackets as right brackets – not balanced means that there is an uneven amount of brackets


  1. make string an array and remove the commas

Solving through iteration idea: 2. IF ODD: I want to split the string into characters, check if there is an odd total amount of chars, if so, return false 3. IF EVEN: I could: – iterate through, collect all left brackets, save the count – collect all right brackets, save the count – if they are the same, return true

Solving through recursion idea:

What is my repeating function?

What is happening each time the recursion is called? i

Methods: N/A

Edge Cases: – if array is empty – if array only contains one type of bracket


def is_balanced?(string) return false if string.empty? arr = string.chars.delete_if { |s| s == "," } if arr.count.odd? false else left = [] arr.each do |bracket| if bracket == "(" left << bracket arr.delete(bracket) end end left.count == arr.count ? true : false end end

p is_balanced?("") == false p is_balanced?("(") == false p is_balanced?("(,)") == true p is_balanced?("(,(,(,),)") == false p is_balanced?("(,(,(,(,(") == false p is_balanced?("(,(,(,),),)") == true

Recursion 003

#recursion #datastructures #devstudy #balancedparenthesis #boolean

The Problem:

Write a method that accepts a string containing open or closed parenthesis and returns true if the string has a balanced set of parenthesis. Use recursion.

Using the 10DIME approach to understanding the problem:

Input: a string of parenthesis

Output: boolean. true if balanced, false if not balanced

Definitions: – balanced means that the string has the same amount of left brackets as right brackets – not balanced means that there is an uneven amount of brackets


  1. make string an array and remove the commas

Planning out Iterative Function instructions: 2. IF ODD: I want to split the string into characters, check if there is an odd total amount of chars, if so, return false 3. IF EVEN: I could: – iterate through, collect all left brackets, save the count – collect all right brackets, save the count – if they are the same, return true

Planning Out Recursion Function Instructions:

  • I realized that I didn't need to remove the commas from the input string if my input just didn't have commas to begin with. The original problem did not say there would be commas so I need to think more carefully about the question next time.

1. Base case: there are zero elements left. arr.empty? 2. Function: What is the repetition required to solve this problem? compare one element to the next and if they do not match, remove both: arr.each_with_index do

`if arr[0] != arr[1] # remove both

3. Next-To-Last Case: arr[0..c-3] 4. Recursion Function: compare[0..c-3] where compare is a function that compares the first and the second item in an array. If they are not equivalent, both items are deleted.

So this is what I want to repeatedly call:

def compare(array) if array[0] != array[1] array.delete_at(0) array.delete_at(1) else (reduce size until base case is met) end end

5. What does this look like when the program is running?

Given an array of elements: arr = [x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5] 1. The first call will compare x0 != x1, let's say this is true so those elements are removed from array. So we can say that [x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5] == [x2, x3, x4, x5].push(x0,x1) where we call the recursion on [x2, x3, x4, x5] part

  1. [x2, x3, x4, x5] == [x4, x5].push(x2, x3)

  2. [x4, x5] == [].push(x4, x5)

  3. [].empty? is our base case = code finished.

Methods: N/A

Edge Cases: – if array is empty – if array only contains one type of bracket


def is_balanced?(string) return false if string.empty? arr = string.chars.delete_if { |s| s == "," } if arr.count.odd? false else left = [] arr.each do |bracket| if bracket == "(" left << bracket arr.delete(bracket) end end left.count == arr.count ? true : false end end

p is_balanced?("") == false p is_balanced?("(") == false p is_balanced?("(,)") == true p is_balanced?("(,(,(,),)") == false p is_balanced?("(,(,(,(,(") == false p is_balanced?("(,(,(,),),)") == true

recursion implementation: NOT COMPLETED

def is_balanced?(input) return false if input.empty?

input.class == Array ? input : input = input.chars

count = input.count return false if count == 1

if count == 2 if input[0] != input[1] return true else false end elsif count > 2 return false if input.uniq.size == 1 input.each_cons(2) do | first, second | if first != second input.delete_at(0) input.delete_at(1) is_balanced?(input) else is_balanced?(input.shuffle) end end end end

p is_balanced?("") == false p is_balanced?("(") == false p is_balanced?("()") == true p is_balanced?("((") == false p is_balanced?("((())") == false p is_balanced?("(((((") == false p is_balanced?("((()))") == true