
It's fascinating to me how present Africa has become in my life. My former flatmate and good friend kept telling everyone about his journey to Tanzania throughout the years. It was an experience that had deeply moved him.

By the way, a simple trick to make only the first part of your post visible in your blog is to insert < ! — more — > (without the spaces) after the first paragraph.

My wish since more than a year was to drive down to Morocco during winter. In the book I read last (which was given to me as a Christmas present by a friend) the main character travels from Spain to Morocco and then through the desert, where he meets The Alchemist to the Pyramids of Egypt.

My father has also established a strong connection to some people in Kenia, and he's fascinated by their capacity to take life very seriously and also very lightly. I think this might be one of the biggest lessons for us to learn.

To take life less seriously and more seriously, and to do that at the same time, or to switch seamlessly. I don't really know how they do it, but they must.

I suppose a journey to Africa (almost regardless which country) would be a proper shock for us, grounding us in reality, making us more humble.

We have much to learn.