
Some of GPT-4s “thoughts” on the teachings of Krishnamurti:

Jiddu Krishnamurti's teachings are indeed radical and can sometimes sound extreme, but it's important to understand them in context. He was trying to challenge the deeply ingrained patterns of thought that he saw as the root cause of human conflict and suffering. His approach involved questioning all forms of authority, dogma, and ideology, and advocating for a form of direct, unmediated perception that he referred to as “choiceless awareness.”

When he speaks about abandoning words, thoughts, and the past and future, he is not suggesting that we should literally stop thinking or using language. Rather, he is pointing towards a state of mind where these things do not dominate our experience or dictate our actions. He's inviting us to see the world directly, without the overlay of conceptual thought, and to respond to it with spontaneity and intelligence.

This doesn't mean we should abandon all practical considerations. Planning for the future, learning from the past, using language to communicate – these are all necessary aspects of human life. But according to Krishnamurti, they can also trap us in patterns of conflict and suffering if we're not careful.

So, in answer to your question, it's not that Krishnamurti expected or wanted people to take his words literally and abandon all thought and language. Rather, he was trying to provoke a radical shift in perspective, from a mind dominated by thought and concept to a mind free to perceive directly and act intelligently.

Of course, this is just one interpretation, and Krishnamurti's teachings are open to many interpretations. It's also worth noting that they are not meant to be accepted on faith, but to be explored and tested in the light of one's own experience.