Loss of Hope

All things considered, it's surprisingly hard for people to actually get to kill themselves.

We have:

So yeah, I'm honestly quite fucking impressed there's no more suicides than there are already. I think that you only need to see the increased rates of suicide among certain minorities to know that what it really takes is not only actively making your life miserable, but also crushing your worth as an individual, after you offered it to the eager hands of society. It takes for society to actively reject you.

Hope springs eternal; what it takes is for someone to show you that to listen to it is futile.

We've actually cultivated powerlessness and loss of hope in animals. Remember the experiment with the dog and the electrified cage with two chambers separated by a high fence? That the dog had to climb to reach the other, un-electrified side, until they just started electrifying both sides and the dog just gave up and surrendered on the spot to the shocks?

You can see we're masters of the trade at this kind of shit. First we force someone to play our twisted game, and then we make our game a lose-lose. That, is how we cultivate loss of hope.