True Wisdom

However, true wisdom never comes to an individual until they are ready. And when they are ready, is not in the hands of any human or organization to decide. When a person is ready, truth will find them. They don’t require a search party or a mantra or a guru or a mountaintop cave. True wisdom is in the heart, sober and unencumbered, and ever waiting, and there is no power on earth that can create a barrier between this true wisdom and the individual who is properly prepared.

The only question is what is the best preparation? Is it membership in a collective organization like the Freemasons or a church or a spiritual organization? Is it reading the ancient books of knowledge? Is it going off to sweat lodges and vision quests? For every person, it is the same answer: when you reach out with authentic surrender, and you listen to your heart’s empowerment by expressing the virtues of your heart, your preparations are in process, and everything else simply provides texture, balance, challenge, and context.