
Husband, Father and Investor. Been in Crypto since 2017.
I blog about everything and everybody that is crypto; Twitter: @xrptwin

Last night Flare took the, much talked about, snapshot of XRP holders that hold their XRP on specific Exchanges, hard wallets and Xumm, want to mention that specifically.

In a long time I have not felt that “high” within the Crypto Industry .... It was exciting. YouTubers streaming, Telegram had Channels overflowing, Twitter was full of messages regarding the Snapshot; it was ..... being alive.

Although the Snapshot moment has been discussed a lot, we saw multiple countdowns in the Social Media Landscape, it was uplifting, but still .....


I have seen a couple very smart people talk about the Flare network, I have listened to a couple YouTubers DRILL the whole process and even had the privilege to speak a little to Hugo Philion, CEO Flare Networks. I am not here to speak about the big network: everybody can find what it actually is on Google, YouTube and/ or the different Social Media:

A new blockchain network based on the Flare Consensus Protocol – the first Turing Complete Federated Byzantine Agreement protocol


Okay, we all understand what it is now ! ! !

Ehhhhhh ? ? ?

The Flare Network is a new decentralised network bringing full smart contract utility to the XRP ecosystem.


Now, that already says a little more. To bring it one step closer to easy understandable language:

Ripple’s Partnership with Flare Finance Can Unlock DeFi Opportunities for XRP.

So we have a couple important words, and that is where I am going to leave the explanation:

1. Ripplenet
2. Smart Contracts
3. DeFi
4. ALL THE MONEY ! ! !

There is so much that can be done using the Flare Network partnership, so this should not be underestimated.

So I am puzzled about a couple things.

BUT why are people selling before the snapshot is taken ! ! !

Can we please make sure we understand the timezones ... can we please check the right moment when the snapshot is taken. WHY selling before the snapshot is taken?

1. you want XRP price to fail ? ? ?
2. you want Flare Network to fail ? ? ?
3. you don't like XRP ? ? ?
4. you don't understand it ? ? ?

Sorry, people, XRP is too big to fail and Flare is backed up by many institutions, won't happen ... the failing ! ! ! You don't like XRP, well, that is your prerogative, but respect others to like it/ invest in it ! ! ! The crypto space has room for more winners, yours, whatever coin it is, will win, but XRP will too. Not understanding it is not the right reason; you can ask people, there are a lot of people out there, Smart Cookies, they will help ! ! !

Selling right after the Snapshot moment because you will get the Spark Token

Oh please ...... Would love to write RTFM, but I am not going to do that ..... oh wait, I just did.....

You've been snapshotted does NOT mean you will get the Spark Token. The Airdrop will be next year and is going to be spread over months and months. The first part will be distributed after the network has been launched and the remainder over the next months and months and months. Talking about 2 or 3 years, so if you did NOT read the manual, this will hit you hard.

Actually, if you give a warm heart to Ripple / XRP, you don't want to see it differently. If you would receive all Spark, more people, then what we saw yesterday, would sell their XRP, for just picking up a free present ...... what about the sun, out there being the only free thing in life .......... well, many things look free. they are NOT ! ! !

I hope you are not disappointed now as it may be a little less pink than you imagined ! ! ! It's still a great deal: Smart Contracts, DeFi, RIPPLENET, oh and ATM ..........

At The Moment ....... NO NO NO, it means: All the money! ! !

So ones again, last night, European timezone, I felt it again, the togetherness, having our moment again. It may not have been what you expected of it ...... but it felt good.

How did you feel ? ? ?

Oh eh ........ one more thing ..... also interesting to see, the DM's I received from some Twitter Users ..... Why don't I see the Spark Tokens in my account ....... hmm , what was that once again with a manual .......


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Scams, it is a word that intermingles too many times with Crypto Currency. I believe we read it because:

  1. You are right in it, in Crypto, read about it 24/7, so you notice it
  2. You have been scammed yourself or somebody you know ! ! !
  3. It is a new industry, no 100% regulations yet

Whenever you are in a new industry people don't fully grasp what is going on. There are huge potentials so sometimes people are blind for the reality, only see the ups, not the downs.

The Crypto World is small, if there are a million people in total worldwide, I might already be overshooting it. Twitter is a huge information source, but it is also a walled garden. You receive messages you like, you subscribe to, you follow, so it seems that Crypto is a big part of Twitter ...... Well, it is not ! ! ! Talking about Mass Adoption ..... will still take a while.

So, talking about SCAMS, that hurt the industry immensely:

I only have to write HEY HEY HEY and everybody knows what scam I am talking about ..... Bitconnect ! ! ! I am not going to write too much about; just 2 numbers

Roughly 3 Billion Dollars

Roughly 1.5 Million People

The first number is the amount of money that was involved and the second one the amount of people that were scammed .... CASE CLOSED ! ! !

Within Crypto it of course is the “Give me 10, I give you 100 scams” that are amongst the most familiar scams. People/ accounts claiming to be a another person/ business that are giving away coins. That should already ring the alarm bells. Still these scams make thousands, tens/ hundreds of thousands of dollars before they are called out.

All the following examples are:


please don't get fooled, don't use the wallet addresses to send money/ tokens/ coins it is fake ! ! !

Elon never send this message. Pointers to look at, it is always a short window of opportunity (only 250 people) .... 250 ETH giveaway ........ eh , NO

Bill Gates ...... eh NO ! ! ! Once again window of 30 minutes in order to fly with the money ! ! !

Am I calling these people not too smart ....... NO, not at all .... It just happens. You see good in everything but it turns out you should NOT do that. I only feel bad for people that it happens. Nobody deserves to be scammed. The people like me, who have been around for a couple years should warn the new people in the crypto industry. Be there for each other and warn for scams.

Like a couple years ago, I gave away a lot of micro payments using the XRPTipbot. I gave like 200 people on Twitter like ,0123 XRP as a thank you for being there. That was the only giveaway I did, but scammers take it to a next level. The used my name, my emoticon to get the attention of other crypto interests. They posted links, malicious links, like it was me. Unbelievable but it happens, the following picture ....... IS NOT ME ! ! !

Amazing that somebody impersonated me. I understand, I have followers, but ....... really ! ! !

In a way the Whales are a sort of scams also:


Price manipulation/ Market Manipulation is illegal when talking about the Stock Market Industry. Market Manipulation is Artificial Inflation or Deflation of the Price ..... Manipulation is illegal in most cases, but it can be difficult for regulators and other authorities , like the SEC, to detect.

As there are no Crypto Regulations yet, this officially cannot be illegal ! ! !

The top 20% Bitcoin Holders hold 80% of all Bitcoin (Pareto Principle). Concentration of wealth causes the following:

  1. When large account sit and don't move, it lowers liquidity, this can cause Price Volatility.
  2. Price Volatility Increase: When large amounts of Bitcoin are moved. Selling causes downward pressure. Other people could see this as a sell moment; hence the market goes down. This will often cause a fire sale.


If you own 10.000 Bitcoin and you sell these, the price will take a hit; selling price (10.000 times 17.870,10) is a lot of money; that WILL influence the market price. So the price goes down. For a lower price the BTC Whale buys back Bitcoin and just made more Bitcoin/ more USD ! ! !

We probably will see Regulations shortly but till that time manipulations will be part of the deal. As the market is cyclical, in the end the price will go up due to supply and demand ! ! ! This is a different topic, but as you can see in all these examples, Regulations are needed ! ! !

This market is very volatile and you need be aware of this. It is full of scams, so be careful, always stay alerted and don't be scared to ask other people for help. If something sound too good to be true, it IS too good to be true ! ! !

I write it finishing all my blogs but now more than ever:


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In the past couple of weeks, I have written a couple blogs about Marmite and Vegemite. More about the first one than the second one, but the blogs need to be topped of with a video, my own challenge, eating the Marmite on camera; 3 different ways of enjoying the salty delicious spread.

I have to mention something first ! ! ! I went to the supermarket and asked for the Marmite. The man had no clue what I was talking about, so she directed me to a lady. She knew all about it, but she said they were out of it and could not order it at the moment. I was surprised and asked her why not ? ? ? Well, because of the Brexit, products from the UK are a little tougher to get here, so you probably have to try another Supermarket, they may have some jars laying around .....

So, I went to a different Supermarket and found a jar ..... I was ready for the big taste .... although I am fully aware of how it tastes and ...... I LOVE IT ! ! !

I think Patty her video was great, showing us her first “meeting” with Marmite and Vegemite. We were offered some great shots by Michael; the dislike of the spread .... hmm sounds like a I am writing about a familiar multi-asset brokerage company that provides financial and copy trading services ..... disliking the spread ! ! !

Seeing Patty with a spoon, thick layers of spread, I think she set herself up for failure. Having Peanut Butter in your mind as a “toast filler” gives you exactly ...... nothing, well the “never want to eat Marmite/ Vegemite again” feeling ! ! !

So, without further ado, here is MY video showing my three ways of eating / enjoying Marmite. I hope this finds you all well ..... and please Patty, give it another try ! ! !


Stay Safe ! ! !

A Month ago we already saw the first Christmas trees erect in gardens, Christmas lights all around, houses, businesses and in the streets. People are looking for something fun, Christmas is needed.

Today, a new press conference in the Netherlands, with our Prime Minister Mark Rutte and corona minister Hugo de Jonge to see if the rules we have at this moment, could be more lenient. At this moment, in the Netherlands, families can host three guests over 12 years old. The Netherlands wanted to hear more people were allowed to attend the Christmas dinner ? ? ?

We did NOT hear this. The prime minister was negative. The numbers were going down again, meaning more people were hospitalised per day. Ten was the magic number, we have double at the moment. Cafes, Restaurant and other eat and drink places are still not allowed to open what a big blow for a lot of these places is.

At this moment the prime minister is asking people to order their Christmas diner from a restaurant; I don't see that happen though. Financially this is difficult and not manageable.

All in all, this is not what we wanted to hear. In our house, this is not going to be the biggest issue. We are celebrating these days with the three of us, so not having the whole family over.

Vaccinating everybody is Step 2; what we are looking at, at the moment, is first vaccinations in the beginning of January 2021. It is going to take around 5 – 6 months before everybody, who wants to be vaccinated, has been vaccinated ! ! ! December was the first outlook to vaccinate but that is not reachable.

We have to be careful, we have to do it together. The virus is not spreading itself, WE are spreading it. Let's work together, let's be there together. Let's make sure that little thing you don't care enough, somebody else gets and thinks the world of. Let's HELP each other.

So what did we hear today:

  1. During Christmas, only three guests allowed
  2. Partial Lockdown still in place
  3. Bars, Restaurant and other Eating Places stay closed
  4. Possible Stricter Rules coming
  5. More money available for businesses that need it the most
  6. Money available for youth activities
  7. Vaccinate medical people and the most vulnerable people first

We will just enjoy Christmas with the close close family and we will enjoy scenes like:

Enjoy the little things in life, enjoy each other, but be safe, your health is the most important .....


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The last seven weeks Gord and myself have been in a “severe” battle getting the pounds off. Seven weeks we have been writing on Monday on our progress, whether positive or negative, and today will not be different.

Six weeks I have been posting blogs with titles including Donkey Kong, but this week, week 7, I changed the title, played with the title a little, to give a hint how this week went .....

Every single day I thought about Gord:

I love the Rock and I smelled what was cookin', but I did EVERY DAY ! ! !

Once again, every single day, I thought, yep, today is going to be my cheat day .... and on Sunday, I hoped Gord wrote about a cheat week ..... I did not remember it very well, so ...... no I cannot get away with it. I can show very nice pictures of chocolate, of pizza, of MM's, I cannot remember all the things I put in my mouth .... yes, I know, sounds weak, but it is my blog, I can write what I want ! ! !

I am weak, I was weak, but no more. I enjoyed all week, but now I feel VERY guilty. Pretty sure Mr. Scales is mad with me. I did work out a little, so I hope it is not too bad.

This Challenge is also something between my ears. I want to loose weight, as it is healthy, I want to loose weight, so I need to make it work.

Writing this Blog, letting people know about my weight, a fact, helps ! ! ! I am letting myself down if I gain weight again; I am letting Gord, the readers down if I do not loose, but letting myself down is the worse ! ! !

I dropped the word working-out, yes, that needs to be shared. We have a challenge within a challenge:


We moved into month 2, November showed us a total of 735 push-ups. If you joined us, it is an amazing thing:

735 Push-Ups

We are in December now though. Today, doing the 46 push-ups, you did a whopping 1.036 push-ups. you, no no, YOU crossed the 1.000 level, that is AWESOME...... Are we still doing it, did you do the 46 push-ups ..... It actually initiates the weekly challenge I have for Gord.

As I know he is STILL doing the push-ups, I would like him to show us, with a video, 4 different styles of Push-ups. Once again it doesn't need to be a full 47, 48 or 49, but maybe a series of 10 push-ups showing us difference:

1. maybe done on knuckles
2. wide spread of the arms, narrow spread of the arms
3. diamond
4. legs in an angle
5. MommaLeeLee on your back .....

There are many more different forms of Push-Ups, be creative, show us how it is done .... Make this part the fun part of the week. This week you have to do 343 push-ups, that is an average of 49 push-ups a day ..... show us the fun of it ! ! !

I hope Gord is giving me a DO Challenge because I feel a little bad, how bad ? ? ? well, if you are a subscriber YOU will know:

*Previous Blogs in this Challenge:*

Donkey Kong is Tired ! ! !

Donkey Kong is going to walk

Still Donkey Konging ! ! !

Donkey Kongs on the Road

Still on like Donkey Kong ? ? ?

First week, Donkey Kong ! ! !

It is on like Donkey eh..XRPGord

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A little while ago I wrote an article about Marmite and Vegemite as these are two competitive brands, tastes a little different and depending where you live, you were introduced to first. Vegemite is coming from the Australian Continent and area and Marmite is from the United Kingdom, the European Region.

I asked people to try it and it was actually Trevor to send a jar of Marmite to Patty in New York. She would try it in front of the camera and he actually also sent her some Vegemite. Well, Patty created a video with the help of Michael B, and boy oh boy,


I was highly entertained and I bet everybody is when they see the video. I will share the video at the end of this Blog, but it is, in Matt Hamiltons words: EPIC ! ! !

I was already surprised with the butter smearing. Highly effective, with a brush. The water was liquid as it was too hard to smear at first; well I guess the microwave took care of that little problem.

Just to mention, I would NOT eat it with butter as I think the Marmite is kind of the way to connect the bread with whatever you want to put on top of it.

Using a spoon to bring the Marmite on the bread, bad move, especially the amounts you put on there. There is this one shot, when your neighbour is ready to devour the Vegemite, oh boy, good luck buddy:

That is not a thin spread buddy ! ! !

Next time maybe use a knife so you can smear it thinner. Let's start with Finn, classic start. He has no clue what he was dragged into, very brave, took a bite and then hit that salty wall, that was not as expected ..... no buddy, this is not chocolate or peanut butter, this is in his own words: “BAD, this is so bad, it tastes like so disgusting”

In case you are wondering, I asked Patty if I could post pictures in this blog and she allowed me. Here you can see the little buddy did NOT really appreciate the Marmite taste.

Look at the spoon in the back ..... filled with Marmite ..... Mommy is NOT going to like that ! ! !

And Mommy did not like it ! ! !

The closing of the eyes, Patty saw her life in front of her .... at first, not too bad, but then she got the kick, the salty flavour .... epic ! ! !

Once again, I want to emphasise on the spoon, the layer of Vegemite:

I will do “a proper” tasting myself, although I know what it tastes like, so I will be fine. At least I want to show how it looks like from my end of the world ! ! !

Oh and the real lucky person in the video was the cameraman of course. Caught him though, so Michael, here we go:

Thought it was very brave of you, went for it and yes, you like it or you don't. Instant classic though, you did great. Of course a huge shout out to Trevor, without him, this would not have been possible.

Oh and eh ........ if you want to check out the video yourself:



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Earlier Posts:

Marmite or Vegemite ? ? ?

Marmite it is ! ! !

We first have to work on the pronunciation: it sounds like Sir – Preez, that is what we do in the Netherlands on the fifth of December; we send each other present in a fun way .... I have told you about Sinterklaas in a previous blog.

Tradition wise, Sinterklaas comes to the Netherlands to give presents to all the children. With a whole team of “Pieten” (Petes), he drops the presents through the chimney and surprises all the children.

Well, when you are a little older you exchange presents in a fun way. You draw a name and have to make something fun and attach a little rhyme. This is the only time in the year, you can be a little cheeky, on paper, without being ....... cheeky ! ! ! Some people are dreading this, but it can be fun and I have a fun and easy way getting the job done ! ! !

This is how to create something funny:

You need:

  1. Cardboard in many Colours
  2. Glue
  3. Scissors
  4. Cotton Wool
  5. Staple / Staples
  6. Little Present
  7. Music

You start with the black cardboard and fold it once in order to cut two rounds for the face:

Get some good scissors, not your five year olds, makes the job a little harder.

Make two circles and put a little present in one of the two circles and scotch tape it:

The little present is a chocolate letter N .....hmm wonder who this is for ! ! !

Next step use the Cotton Wool:

put glue all over and cotton wool all around the little package. You can put it on top also, but be careful not to make it too thick.....

Let's put this to the side and work on the front, the head:

Let's put a hat on it, some eyes and a mouth:

Look at that little face laughing at you. Well the hat needs a couple feathers ! ! !

Okay the front is ready, the back is ready, time to attach them together with staples. Watch the fingers, it hurts when you attach your fingers to the cardboard ! ! !

The fun thing about it, you can do what you want. I don't like it to be perfect, so I choose for imperfection, staples not at the edge, front and back not all the way the same .....just go with it and be happy like a real Bob Ross ! ! !

One thing, if you plan to make more than 1, make sure you have an indication what name is inside. If you make a couple of them , you might not remember the letter or specific item inside:

So, in the end it looks like this:

Are they perfect, NO, not whatsoever, are they fun, oh yes, they are. It is only done to bring a smile on a face. I have been doing this for years and years and years and still I make people smile. If you want to do this for Christmas, you can do this with Green Cardboard. The idea is the same, front and back, staples and that's all folks.

Enjoy all the festivities


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The XRPCommunity, it seems to be a thing that already is something standard. A lot of people have been around since the end of 2017, the beginning of 2018 and a lot of things ....... are just the way they are.

A lot of new people start investing in XRP, the word gets around and I notice a lot of new accounts on Twitter, get more followers by the day. These people, maybe knowledgeable, do miss the Crypto / Twitter Legacy years and are probably not familiar with A big BULL Run, or HODL for three years because the only colour you were dreaming was red and not fire trucks I am talking about.

We know about the partnerships, the relationships, the ins and outs, the build up towards the point were we are right now. Maybe the new people in the Community are not aware of Cinnamon and/ or COIL, so here a little intro:

Coil is a platform that provides an alternative method for creators to monetise their content online. As subscribing fans consume content, the platform uses an open API called Web Monetisation to stream micropayments to creators instantaneously ! ! !


In other words monetising content online with micropayments ! ! ! But eh .... content creators, how do I get through the big list of names; well that is where I come in; I will list a bunch of content creators to help you on your way getting to know Coil ! ! !

I can't mention everybody and yes I will forget people but I am trying. Maybe I have to issue a second part, but these are the first people that came to my mind

I do this in alphabetical order, no preferences:

AussieNinja, or Adam, a very nice guy that is training his body to do amazing things, Ninja things ..... Also owner of the website gfam.live , a site you should check out, as it is backed by crypto, so this entry has two links you need to click ! ! !

Srdan is clear in his blog, he writes what he thinks and he thinks what he writes. He writes a lot about “dram” whiskey and beer is his territory. He is also writing good things about (Zagreb,) Croatia ! ! !

BurntEnds88 is ALL ABOUT MOVIES ! ! ! He is a teacher and here on Coil he teaches us a lot about movies and series. Check it out if you like the classics and the best movies in the different genres ! ! !

Catera_jpg is all about career and music. Very knowledgeable lady that teaches you a lot. Definitely a lady to follow ! ! !

ColinOcelot what to say about Colin ...... greatest meme artist in the Coil family. If you want to see amazing record covers, if you know what a record is, then please follow this giant.

Crypto Eri, although she does not Blog enough, she is more familiar of her YouTube Channel. Amazing lady, met her via a video stream once and it was a splendid time. I am very fond of this lady ! ! !

Doctor_Change is the spreader of the positive vibe. Has great crypto blogs; the most difficult subject made easy, it is always on point. If you are into crypto ..... click the follow ! ! !

Hammertoe, an absolute friendly guy and I can say that because I met Matt in the Netherlands. Be careful starting an XRP Discussion with him, hey know what he is talking about ! ! !

Legomaracas an amazingly friendly lady that I found through Coil / Twitter because of a Lego Project, but we kept on finding similar interests. Like XRP and CSC of course ! ! !

LeslieJoyArt, the inspirational blogger. Has wise lessons and teaches a lot of lessons in life .... If you like Mandalas, don't look any further as SHE is your lady, Click, Click, Click ! ! !

Macropolo is the Gamer among the Bloggers. He teaches us how the game is played, but everything about the game also. Also, a Crypto Blogger, so if you are interested in XRP and ALL the info around it, Push that blue name ....

MichaelB is straight to the bone. Him and his wife Patty describe their lives, their family, and everything that has happened / happens. Firm XRP believer and an amazing photographer. If you like a picture of the XRP Logo: this is your man ! ! !

MommaLeeLee a Canadian lady, wife of the Lucky XRPGord and crazy for haunted hotels. A Social Worker that is part of the 100+ club of members that have been written more than 100 blogs on Coil ! ! ! Momma LeeLee

Moncho, well, three words describe this man: One More Home ! ! ! A man with a good heart that writes his story in a passionate way. Better follow this person ! ! !

NickelNDime, talking about a wizard on the guitar. You tell him what to play .... and he plays it ! ! !You absolutely want to check out his Cinnamon videos as he can teach YOU how to play the guitar ..... Follow ! ! !

PatriciaC, the brains behind the PLAN and a very VERY busy bee. Is also a lot on Cinnamon and is the Portuguese Ambassador in the Coil Family ! ! !

PattyB09952203 the wife of MichaelB, tells us exactly how it is. She is a very personal Blogger and I have known her almost for three years. SWIFT actually brought us together but that is a different story, Patty is the one to follow ! ! !

Pointsonwine is the man of the wine knowledge ! ! ! He tells us about wine origin, flavour, well, about everything. If you like wine , if you want to read about it ....... P O W ....... PointsOnWine ! ! !

RileyQ , the singer among us. She just gave birth to a beautiful son and I have NOT given her enough attention yet (Sorry Riley). She also, has given us a lot of life lessons, she is an amazing singer and she has helped me more than once in my blogs ! ! !

theminduntangled is THE TikTok Star among us. An amazingly positive person that writes a little less than a while ago, but can be found on Cinnamon a lot ! ! !

Tokyoliving123 an American living in Tokyo. LOVES cycling and writes on his own site. Amazingly written blogs, but hey, what can you expect, a university professor ! ! !

Veggiessima, Cintia is the health guru of the blogs. She shares a lot of food and drink recipes I have tried myself. Always time to smile and time to have a good workout.

Wiynwellbeing talks a lot about wellbeing and personal development. Amazing lady that is able to bring it straight to the bone and understandable. Really like the way she writes. Just try one of her blogs ....you'll be hooked ! ! !

XRP_Productions is THE content creator to go to, for the latest XRP news. Don't know how they do it, but they seem to get all the scoops. Always there at the right moment, really THE place to go to base all your investments on ........ Satire ! ! !

XRPGORD is the friendliest Canadian guy in the list, married to lucky lady MommaLeeLee ! ! ! Hard worker, always in for challenge, like to call him my friend ! ! !

Oh and eh XRPTwin, it is for others to write about this blogger. He seems to be an okay blogger though ! ! !

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I love gadgets and there are a lot of gadgets out there. Wanted to write about this already for a while, but I just had not find the right time, but here we are ! ! !

Going to a Supermarket, you never know what you are finding there:

  1. Shopping carts that are handed to you, disinfected by a shop assistant.
  2. A long queue because people have to pack and disinfect their own shopping carts.
  3. A long queue at the shopping baskets, because shopping carts are prohibited.
  4. All of the above and complete chaos.
  5. Chaos.
  6. Chaos.
  7. Chaos.

I am not sure what is the best answer, but I choose the one that safeguards safety. And there is one store in our city that has a kick *** machine. I love machines, remember this one:

Toys 4 Boys – LAMBO, SO 2017

Well, new machine, probably as useful as the “NEW” Lambo, and I have only seen it in 1 supermarket; and I bet there is more demand for it.

So, I hear you think, WHAT is this machine:

So, basically, you get your card, no baskets allowed, and you put it in the specific area where to put it and 3 steps to follow:

Put your card in the special designated “parking spot” and push it all the way through ! ! !

Put your hands in the two “arm openings” and disinfect your hands and wrists. The card will get automatic drops in the area where you hold it

Take the card out and have a smile on your face ..... which others CANNOT see, because it is covered with your face mask ......

I mean:


Somebody, just invented this machine right of the bat, when COVID-19 was introduced to the world. Maybe it was already there, but it serves its purpose.

This machine is located between the place where to get your card and the entrance ..... people are NOT forced, but they do it ...... because it is fun. Literally takes seconds, no lines, and smiling people, well that is what I imagine ....... underneath those masks. Think positive ! ! !

They even give you a little instruction on how to disinfect your hands. It is just fun. Probably too expensive to role out all over the Netherlands, and maybe beyond, but at least this little person has been entertained.

It may also attract extra business as they do see me as a returning customer, because .......... it is so much fun. And why should we not have a little fun under these circumstances. Most important:


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