
Husband, Father and Investor. Been in Crypto since 2017.
I blog about everything and everybody that is crypto; Twitter: @xrptwin

Well, reading my Twitter today was very interesting. First thing to hit me was Brad Garlinghouse:




Very interesting. First thing running my mind: eh WHAT WHAT WHAT (read it like the SouthPark lady) ! ! !

Hmmm, anybody being in this industry since 2017 probably went like ...... OH NO ........ Not again ! ! ! Yes, the XRPCommunity, Ripple and the Crypto Industry has seen this already, and opening this up, are we in for a couple years again ? ? ?

On a side note, I followed the KIN Lawsuit, which was interesting. A little different, but the outcome was, although a loss for Kin, a HUGE win for KIN ....... yes, sounds weird, but the fine was small and no repeating lawsuit can follow, but that is not why we are here.

These Tweets by Brad Garlinghouse, Ripple CEO, definitely triggered some reactions ...... and some, I would like to post here, as they are interesting and if not seen, you saw them here:

Our own Chip had a good reaction, First thought reaction, but coming from the heart:


Well, clear language; probably Mr. Clayton will not be invited on Stephens next birthday ! ! !

Second one I saw was Justin Sun. Well known for Tron, TRX, BTT, love him or hate him, understands the situation ..... this is not Ripple/ XRP versus the SEC, this is Crypto versus the SEC; let's do it together ! ! ! That is also how CZ (Binance CEO) is thinking:




That not every Crypto CEO thinks a like ...... was shown to us by Ethereum Guru Vitalik Buterin. He did not have a lot of good words for Brad/ Ripple and / or XRP. Of course this is an action reaction tweet, but under the belt, yes definitely. Especially thinking about the past and the Vitalik / Ripple “almost employer employee partnership” he could have used better words:


I guess Eri thinks along my lines:


Have to put this one inside also. Ripples attorney came with this tweet:


SBI CEO Yoshitaka Kitao has zero doubt this is going to end well for Ripple, for the Crypto Industry. This only gives me a bigger vibe that the US based company, Ripple, will move to Japan if things are going South with the SEC ..... that I do not see happen by the way, the south going ! ! !


Denise is also about first know all the details, be friendly to each other, don't use this content to divide the industry because it is going to haunt you ! ! ! Well said Kate M. ;–)


Like her or dislike her, but Tiffany Hayden has been in this industry for a very long time and knows what she is talking about. Security scares a lot of people as it is NOT what Ripple themselves and the majority of the XRPCommunity talks about when talking about XRP. Does that mean BAD THINGS ....... not at all ! ! ! Tiff with the smart words:


and of course we have Pomp ..... Love him or hate him, but the smile in his picture (see below) probably made a couple people mad, besides the words he wrote in this tweet:


As you can see many people had their opinion ready and well people are entitled to. It is funny to see the pro Ripple / XRP versus the anti Ripple / XRP. It does something to people and that is by itself already a good thing. An important thing because this will define the market.

Once again what do I believe, I don't know. I don't know what is bad or what is good. I just want clarity; that is what is going to help this industry. If A COMPANY is ready for this it probably is Ripple. They have all the resources, all the knowledge and seem to have working on this for months if not years ! ! !

One more reactions and I want to finish with this one: Ryan Selkis. Been called a bot by the man before, but he is a word wizard with his last Twitter Thread. Let's see where we are heading with this lawsuit, if it ever hits court ...... We will see, thanks everybody for your comments on Twitter ! ! !








If you want to know what it is all about:



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Wow, totally forgot it was Monday ....... the holidays started so days are just a little different. I am late with my blog, I know, 09.20 PM right now when I am writing.

It clicked in my head this week, I am totally fine with the weight loss/ gain ...... as the coming next two weeks are going to be more festive and there might be a couple products coming close to the mouth that should NOT be there ! ! ! I am fine with it. I have not turned this age, to not enjoy the little things in life and at the moment life has negatives we just have to live with ! ! !

That said, I still was thinking about it and went out to the city to take some stairs:

I had to take the stairs every day, actually was not alone on this one, had a little buddy:

Competitive; never looked at MY back !!!

Was fun , did the stairs every day, except today, could not make it, made up for that one, by making a little video...... well I think I made up doing so :–)

This is the spread:

Looks easy, but going out every day doing the stairs is the hardest part. Still happy I got out , even 2 days in poring rain ! ! !

The rest of the week only had me doing the Push-up challenge. I have actually done more on that end; maybe because I feel guilty ....... although I did not know until today I could not do 7 days of stairs .....

I finished 100 pushups per day for seven days. I divided it by 3 sets: 33, 33, 34 and it was done deal. Push-ups are still fine. Only 10 days to go, tomorrow single digit amount of days ! ! !

Just sharing the video I took last week. Yes yes I know , push notifications from Twitter but I am fine with it, just wanted to share the experience ! ! !


Thank you for Reading/ watching the video .....



... We can beat the Market and see Green Crypto Currency ! ! !

... We can be safe ! ! !

... We can be individuals to safe the world ! ! !

... We will see an XRP that is much higher than today ! ! !

... We can smile individually ! ! !

... We can wear face masks ! ! !

... We stand together ! ! !

... We can think of a period WITHOUT COVID-19 ! ! !

... We can be happy for each other ! ! !

... We can take care of the world ! ! !

... We can do it ! ! !

... We are TOGETHER ! ! !

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Talking about mood swings, the economy, the crypto industry, politics, safety, COVID, lockdown, precious metals, the whole nine yards. It is amazing what it does to a person, to a country and its people.

Myself, have shared it before, I love Christmas, talking about the lights, the music, jigsaw puzzles, the whole decorating, the shops ...... well, the shops ......... ! ! ! ! ! They are closed in the Netherlands, mandatory closure as the Virus is still spreading. Only stores that are REALLY needed are allowed to be open: talking about pharmacies, grocery stores, food stores, the post. A lot of stores, thought to be smart, sold like bottles of wine next to the counter ...... NO, not a good reason to be open ! ! ! The rule was changed, your revenue has to be 80% groceries / food products then you can open your store. restaurants can only deliver, so tonight I am making my rounds again ! ! !

I was doing some stair running earlier today, thanks Gord, and NOBODY was around. Stores closed, yes all decorated, fancy, but not allowed to be open; sad sad sad .... Nobody around, we are talking about Saturday, the busiest day of the week in “the normal life”, but not today. Strange times, indeed, strange times

Besides that, we are having some good days with Crypto. Bitcoin, the mother of all coins has shown an impressive rally, I was live on the WhatsApp, Twitter and other Social Media, during the big run blowing the 20K out of the park ! ! ! A little ALT movement, XRP up 20% +, amazing, but we are looking for a number with at least two additional zeros.

This “little rally” was nice, but still surprises me. I really think it is amazing that still so few people know about XRP, about Bitcoin, about Crypto. I am of course talking about owning XRP, but it is also a monetary thing, I cannot look people in their wallet, I know my OWN wallet, but at least knowing about it, makes a difference. I have spoken to a lot of people regarding Crypto and they have no clue, yes we will look at it, yes we will buy ........ that is a NO; it has been like that, it will always be like that, unfortunately; I just have a lot of faith.

Been around since 2017 and yes Big Brother Bitcoin always started it, it has been, we are ready for a (little) rally. I would NOT be surprised if we see 1 dollar plus this coming Christmas / New Year. But it is all good. Let's see where it is heading ! ! !

I hope everybody is safe ..... this post was just a little rambling me. Tomorrow I will have another DIY post, people will absolutely love it. Just a little patience.


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So, two days ago a post with just pictures about breaking down the Harry Potter Castle. Yesterday, I explained why we broke it down and today I will finish the job.

The friend that is getting the Castle, wanted to pick it up tonight but that is 1 ½ hours driving, so I told her to I would send it by mail. Much easier for her, busy times, so sending it by mail, much easier.

Today was going to be sorting day. As we know, new from the store, you get packages what makes it much easier. THAT ...... would take too much time, so alternative: sorting ! ! !

Sorting by colour, so if needed for a particular picture in the book, sorting by colour is the easiest. The castle:

Predominantly has three colours: brick yellow, roof dark grey and castle grey. Many other colours but overall just a couple big amounts of one colour pieces. We had all the different pots and pans:

Well, where to begin ..... We just dumped two of the pots and started with the yellowish colour. It was actually fun to do. We put some music on and while we were sorting we were dancing to the music. We had fun and thought about how to sort all the different colours ...... We ended up doing the following:

Yellowish brown in one bag

Dark Grey with White in one bag

Light grey with green

Army Green

All the other Colours and “glassy” pieces

All the pieces with a sticker

We were killing it. So all the pots were now filled with the same colour and we were still party hard with the music; we had fun ! ! !

So, now all the colours were sorted ! ! !

All the sorting has been done ! ! !

The packaging has been done

The sending is ready, some people are going to enjoy a castle :–)

Then ........................ you go home again and what do you see:


Well, ....... a letter will be sent ...... with these three parts to finish the castle ! ! !


Lego: Wordless Wednesday Part I

Lego: Taking the Castle Down Part II

Well, yesterday I showed you the pictures, but as it is Wordless Wednesday, there is a story behind it, here is the story behind the Blog yesterday ! ! !

Yesterday, my wife got a FB memory, one year ago, what triggered somebody to write about the Lego Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle my son and I built earlier this year. A friend of ours, three kids, had a question what happened to the castle and if we could visualize 3 boys building the castle .........


Yep we did see it and yes it will happen this Christmas ! ! ! Just for the record, this question we asked Noah and he was totally fine with it ! ! ! It is like giving Lego, like clothes, a second chance ! ! !

So actually, now it was not going from opening the box and opening the first package to actually see the castle in front of you, but breaking a castle without leaving 2 pieces together.

It was a whole different experience and we had a lot of fun. It goes much quicker taking it apart. You can't take it down like a bulldozer, but have to be gentle not to break anything; not that it would be easy to do ....... Lego is strong ! ! !

It took much LESS time to take it apart than to build it. Fun with the two of us, but don't get me wrong, this is not an easy job ! ! ! Our biggest friend was this little one:

My fingers are hurting big time. Trying to get two little piece apart. Well, should have used this utensil from the start; would have saved some nails / skin. Oh well, would not change the end, this:

Beginning with one pot, and another ..... have no clue what we were thinking, but it took 5 in total.

To make it a little easier, as this is a nightmare to start with, we are color coding all the pieces. All the major colors will get their own bag. Colors that do not appear a lot, well, those will be put together. The sorting is fun. We are not ready with it yet, but we want to be ready by tomorrow.

As we haven't seen each other for a long time, it sounded great and I was ready to meet again. But instead I told her we would mail it, the driving is close to 1 ½ hours and we are still in lockdown here in the Netherlands. Let's just meet when everything is fine again.

We are very happy the castle will find a new owner and I will try to get some insights on how this building went.

As Always:


Lego: Wordless Wednesday Part I

Lego: Sorting and Shipping Part III

The Header shows a big ornament of a Red Nose Reindeer: Rudolph .... very well known and very popular. This story shows even his popularity in the Netherlands.

Christmas is becoming more commercial in the Netherlands, and specifically this year, people want to see it, breath Christmas, lights, trees, the whole nine yards. I really like Christmas this year, at least all the lights and the spirit around it; people thinking a like and that is needed ! ! !

This ornament has been in a garden for years, I even heard about it when I was living in a town “next door”. This is the garden view:

It is NOT the biggest ornament but it is SO in your face.

Why is this a blog worthy ? ? ?

Well, because it has been stolen many many times. Almost every year the Ornament gets missing ..... A person takes it away, and it is found a couple days later. Not because somebody is looking for it, but it is returned or it is found in a particular place with a little note with the address written on it.

The owners of the house, of the ornament have been living in the house for more than 20 years and are relaxed about it. They actually don't want to find out what happens because the mystery needs to stay alive. When it goes missing, they know it will be found again so no worries. The only pain about it, when it is not returned to the tree, it always has to be put in the tree again, takes time, but if that is the worse ........

A Student Joke ! ! !

That is probably what it is, but student clubs, fraternities, always claimed it is not their “joke”. Still, it looks like freshmen need to keep the mystery alive and as the owners are not wiring the tree, or putting cameras up to film it, it is easy to do, so ..... kinda a 1,2,3 thing .....

A Christmas Dis-liker WITH a Heart ! ! !

That may be a possibility also, somebody that doesn't like Christmas with all its decorations, but in the end does NOT want to take something away and keep it ..... as he doesn't like Christmas. He returns it, to not be a nasty person, so keeps it an okay mystery ....

A Disgruntled Person interested in the House ! ! !

Throughout the years a particular person has offered some money for the house showing his strong affection for the house, but the owners WON'T sell ! ! ! They love the house, are not interested in a sale, so tough luck ! ! ! Is he so unhappy, he steals the ornament to return it, not to be a criminal; well sounds as good, as bad as the other stories ......

A haunting deceased Relative that doesn't like Christmas ! ! !

This sounds a little creepier but has to be mentioned also. A relative of the family passed away; years and years ago. He liked the Sinterklaas party more that Christmas (celebrated on the fifth of December) and haunts the Christmas Tree. Won't say to much about this one , you decided on this one ......

Whatever you think the true story is, this is a little mystery and should stay like this. The owners promised me they are NOT doing it themselves, to keep the story alive. I don't care what the truth is behind the story, this is a mystery and needs to stay a mystery ! ! !


Week 8, we have been really going at it. I am really happy that this has been a challenge for weeks as this needs to be weeks and weeks and weeks. How is it going, where are we heading ? ? ?

Well, ............

Nope, I did not feel it this week and I don't have to make this a long post. I just did not feel it at all ..... I am a little down, negative with all the things that are happening and my motivation has been on an old time, 8 weeks, low.

I have seen my stairs three times last week, went to the top at least 30 times a day, had plans to do this 5 times a week though .....

Corona is on my mind ..... The numbers are going down again, more people infected, more people in the hospital, more people fighting for their lives.


also MORE people striking against the total lockdown that is starting tonight, that was just shared .... During the press conference with the prime minister people were yelling outside the prime ministers house, it was amazing. I understand that a lot of people are against it, because it will have horrible effects for them, but this “game” can only be one TOGETHER ! ! !

Let's get back to the actual content .... loosing weight ..... Well, that is / was the plan, not this week, not at all. I know weight goes through the mouth and I know what went through MY mouth. I just hope that 110 is still out of sight ....

I had a fun week challenge, drinking smoothies all day, whatever was placed on my plate, will it blend .....


Well, it did NOT blend for me, sorry about that. Did not know what day would fit the best, well, no day fit. Will do it this week, beside of course the challenge of this week ! ! !

Let's quickly say something about the push-up challenge we are having. WE still are doing the +1 push-up challenge since November 1. Wonder how my buddy did with the weekly challenge, but will see it in a bit, in his blog.

Where are we at at this moment ? ? ?

December 14 ..... 53 Push-ups in one day. Honestly, I can do this all year, did this once, still on a level at this moment I only use 2 sessions. Most of the time done before 11:00 AM, it is still okay. We are 17 days away from beating this little challenge and this one WILL be done. 1.386 push-ups completed today, if you of course have done ALL OF THEM. This week you only need to do 1.000 more, from now till December 31, and you will be done. Well, how does that sound ! ! !

So, thinking about weekly challenges ..... Gord, this week, it makes sense not to have a challenge at all. I feel empty, no weekly challenge is empty, so feels like a fit. This week it is a Mulligan story for you. That doesn't mean the Push-ups should not be done, no buddy, not at all. Just relax a little on the weekly challenge and take care of Lee, yourself and your loved ones.

Very important though:


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Many weekends I help out a friend in a restaurant, delivering meals, in order for him and his wife to continue cooking and managing the kitchen. They are doing a great job as it is not easy having the virus spreading and the restaurant is closed for people to dine in.

While I am delivering the meals, the radio is always tuned on the same station: Q-Music, the wrong hour. The wrong hour is one hour of music that everybody knows. It is a lot of euro dance, it is a lot of ......


In other words, I love it.

So, let's talk about the show and WHY I am jamming in the car when I am delivering ! ! !

I am jamming because I am deciding what is playing on the radio ...... I am amongst the ones deciding. You have to download an app and ..... those spare ribs smell SOOOO good, you have to choose between two songs:


The app shows you Dr. Alban Sing Hallelujah! and Snap The Power. Both songs are great , so I am fine with both. People listening to the show can vote for their song and when that song reaches the right side first, the finish, the song wins and will be played. When this song is playing, Dr. Alban, the next song can be voted ....







Well, Jammin' in the car ! ! !

Second song people were voting for were two Dutch Christmas songs. Why putting it in an all English Blog, because the winner is fun:


Yes, Bert and Ernie won this battle. Kinderen voor Kinderen, Children for Children is a nice song too but Bert & Ernie, gotta love these guys ! ! !



(Ernie :)

I am at the Christmas tree full of wreaths and garlands

(Ernie :)

I am at the Christmas tree full of wreaths and garlands

And I'm looking at such a shiny ball

I look very carefully, keep off with my fingers

I'm too scared that it will burst

And now you should have a look

That ball is starting to look like me

I am a Christmas ball





Now You know what Ernie and Bert sound like in the Netherlands :–)

The third song, I want to take you through the process of voting. Two songs: 2LiveCrew and Heavy D and the Boyz, were battling. I was so rooting for the second song and:



I chose:





Fun fun fun, although the music sounds better when you are surrounded by it.

So, these are just three examples of choices and this just continues for an hour and many many days they do this. Gotta love the interactive part and you hopefully hear a lot of great songs ..... if you are into this kind of music, easy listening ....

The driving is already great, but the music ..... the icing on the cake. I want to thank QMusic for enjoying this riding. Once again the delivering is already satisfactory, but the music: W I L D ! ! !


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