
Husband, Father and Investor. Been in Crypto since 2017.
I blog about everything and everybody that is crypto; Twitter: @xrptwin

This morning I had plans to write about another DIY – Do It Yourself product, but an experience at the local Supermarket just changed my plans.

I wanted to prepare a nice lunch for my wife and son, so I went to the local Lidl, a supermarket chain that is pretty big.

*Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG* is a German international discount supermarket chain that operates over 10,000 stores across Europe and the United States. Headquartered in Neckarsulm, Baden-Württemberg, the company belongs to the Schwarz Group, who also operates the hypermarket chain Kaufland

Parent organisation: Schwarz Gruppe

Headquarters: Neckarsulm, Germany

Founder: Josef Schwarz

Founded: 1930, Germany


I like to shop there, people are usually nice ... A Lidl person pushed the mandatory shopping cart towards me, neatly disinfected.

I went inside, first fruit and vegetables and noticed quite a few people. They have a certain amount of shopping carts, so probably not too many ! ! !

I saw that people neatly had their cart, but to my surprise, people just walked away from their cart to go for a walk and get groceries in other aisles. I understand it is difficult to bring your cart everywhere, but you just have to do it. If you don't do it for yourself, your own safety, do it for others ....... At least give them the feeling you care ! ! !

Now that we're dealing with Covid-19, we have to be extra careful. It is mandatory to use a shopping cart and it is recommended to wear a face mask, not only visitors, but also the Lidl staff. They do, so that is a good thing. People wandering through the store is NOT a good thing and should be treated with zero tolerance by the supermarket.

I understand that supermarkets do not hire staff to tell people all day to stay with their cart ...... let me get back to this later .....

So, I see a Lidl staff member, I have seen before and thought was managing the store, so I go up to him. Let's call him J. to not disclose his full name.

I see this lady walking in at aisle and I tell her she needs to have a shopping cart/ stay at her shopping cart when in store. If you don't want to do it for your own safety, please do it for ours ! ! !

Well, my shopping cart is there, I just need to get something ......

Still, you need to have your shopping cart with you .....

You are right, I know, but ......

Have a good day lady, please go to your cart

............ and she walked further away from her cart ! ! ! !

I know, maybe I sometimes take this too serious, but we SHOULD or MUST take this serious. The numbers are growing and should be a warning:


We are heading towards a total lockdown as people NOT cautious enough.

So, I walk on ..... see an empty cart ..... I guess I know who is the owner of those groceries ! ! !

And while I am going around “her” cart, I see a Lidl staff member pushing the cart away ...... eh .... REALLY ? ? ?

Sir, are you the store manager here ? ? ?

No no, I am the deputy store manager here ! ! !

I understand it is difficult to manage, but I see a lot of people walking around without a cart .... There, there oh and that lady over there ..... and eh ... do you know what you just did, you pushed a cart away without an owner in front, besides and / or behind it ? ? ?

eh, well, we cannot do anything about that. If people walk around without a cart, we cannot manage that, they should not do that ....

eh...... W H A T ! ! ! ..... just a simple they should not do that ..... did he really say that to me, is that his answer ..... so:

They should not do that ? ? ?

We enforce everybody to come in with a shopping cart and that is all we can do; we cannot act like policemen and guard everybody all the time ! ! !

FALSE, I said, you have signs hanging around that people need a shopping cart in store, that is mandatory now that we have Covid-19 spreading. Are you now “totally numb” to the situation, pushing a cart away to get through, not realising there isn't any person “driving” the cart? ? ?

Well, once again we just don't have the time and I have to move on ! ! !

I'm in awe; I did not really think I would get an answer like this. Looking around, felt lost besides the milk, yogurt and whipped cream; no Gordy I am not buying any ! ! !

Around me 4 people, I am not kidding, 4 people just walking around ...... I was shocked. I asked somebody:

Sir are you the store manager ? ? ?

Yes, I am how, can I help ? ? ?

Well, I just spoke to Mr. J. the deputy store manager; noticing he pushed “a person-less cart” out of the way, there was not a lot of checks in-store regarding the use of shopping carts .....

Well, we don't hire people to check on people whether they stay behind their cart, that is their own responsibility ! ! !

I understand what you are staying, but like I told your colleague; it is your responsibility, you have signs hanging around it is mandatory to have a cart; you need to check this.

By not checking, letting people roam freely without a cart, you approve this behaviour.

I am well aware that the responsibility lies with the shoppers, besides a responsibility to each other, to point out the obligatory cart, but you, as store staff, do have a job to maintain a situation, where people are not involved walking around without a cart ... time to breath ? ? ?

Mr, why don't you go save the world somewhere else ! ! !

I was wearing a face mask, but it almost dropped ..... as the corners of my mouth dropped down to my shoes


Excuse me, can I have your name ? ? ?

At the entrance of the store, you can find it, now please move along, go safe the world ! ! !

I was appalled, but what can I do .... Well, write a tweet about it, should really tell people this is NOT the way how to deal with customer care/ service .....

Well, I am going to escalate this, as I don't think this is how you should handle stuff like this ! ! !

You can, maybe customer service ......

Wow, this man ..... This was not the first time I spoke to him, and yes, maybe he gets tired of me, and yes maybe he gets tired of the situation, but this is NOT, how you handle a situation like this ! ! !

A tweet ...... no, not this time ! ! ! I am going to write a blog about it. Besides the fact that I can write my anger away, I can also share bad management in the local supermarket; I am sure the Lidl Corporation does not stand for this kind of behaviour. It is not only rude, it is not ethical ..... we are living in a strange world, in a different world, in which we have to be careful and safeguard each others health.

Getting closer to check-out, I noticed a couple more cart-less people and sorry to say, my duty to tell these people to stay with their cart. Some of them are rude, wish me the most terrible diseases, but some apologise and tell me I am right.

They don't have to tell me that I am right. It is not right or wrong, just stay with your cart , simple is that, three simple rules:

  1. Use a cart, MANDATORY
  2. Stay with your cart ............ all the time MANDATORY
  3. Use a face mask, recommended ! ! !

and OH MY LORD ...... a man WITHOUT a cart PERIOD ! ! ! Am I really the only person worried inside the supermarket, he was heavily breathing on the “cotton shirt wearing” man in front of me .....

Why are people mad, why are people surprised we are going in total lockdown .... well, I am not surprised. If we cannot even get it right in a supermarket, .....

Today, I was happy to leave the store as I was done with the store for a while ...... I like humour in my life, but this was far from being humorous ! ! !

People really need to take this serious and unless we ALL think like that, we will still be in a tough situation.

And while I walked out I looked to the left:

I feel it is my duty to write about this, because it deals with safety. We all need to take this very serious. I am sure that Mr. J. and Mr. H. are good people, but an extra lesson in customer service wouldn't be bad. I am not here to shame on anybody, that is why I am not mentioning the two gentleman by name or show the picture in full.

We have a responsibility to one another to solve this and we need to do it together and we need to do this from the bottom up. Lidl Management expects the highest class of their staff, I would like to be treated with care ..... I did not feel it today. I look once more to the left and walked to my bike ! ! !


Source Lid logo

Source Covid

Source Shopping Cart

That was the first I said, when my wife was talking about Leek. As a child I had a bad experience with Leek, so I did not have it on my meal plan for like 80 years ! ! !

Leek, for the people that cannot visualise it at the moment:


I know, that picture does not make a party; it never did it my life. So, what is leek:

Leek is a vegetable. Like other vegetables, leeks are high in fiber and nutrients and low in calories. The dark green part of the leek contains the most vitamins and minerals. Eating a lot of vegetables, in general, lowers the risk of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer.

Well, that is promising, still leek ! ! !

I am about to change your life, if you do not like leek or never had a dish, including leek, you are going to finish in a heart beat and ask for seconds and thirds.

Leek (Banana) Oven Dish

I need to think about my health, have a young child, have shared Noah with you ladies and gents and I want to enjoy him many many more years, so I have to eat healthy ............ and Gordy is looking over my shoulder ! ! !

SO, what you need:

100 grams of ground beef

1 leek cut into rings

1 tablespoon of dairy spread

1 teaspoon of curry powder

1 teaspoon paprika powder

½ banana sliced

1 tablespoon of grated cheese (30+)

Well, that sounds a bit better than just “leek”! ! !

We will first season the ground beef with salt and pepper.

If you wondered who was cooking:

You add the sliced ​​leek rings and bake it for about four minutes. Add the dairy spread, the curry powder and the paprika powder.

You put this mixture in an oven dish and put the banana on top. We always do half with banana and the other half without because I prefer it without.

Then you can choose to sprinkle grated cheese over it.

You put this in the oven for 15 minutes until the cheese has melted.

I tell you, it is time to enjoy a dish. If you do not want to eat the ground beef, you may want to substitute with pointed pepper


Enjoy your meal, and eh .... Cintia, you should really try this :–)


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Source ALL Pictures ——) COIL


We were SOOOOO busy with a GIANT 3.000 piece Noah's Arc puzzle, but it just did not work. It was too big, I want to do it with Noah, but the progression did not go fast enough. We decided to go a little bit smaller.

This week it is Fall Holidays, so time to entertain the little man. This weekend we were at the Action store, wrote about it earlier and that is where we saw this beauty:


Not having it, is okay, not seeing it, is okay, SEEING IT, is NOT okay. Seeing this Christmas tree, the presents, oh we are so ready for some happy moments, some laughter, WITHOUT A MASK, WITHOUT A VIRUS. We just want a world with a failing economy, but no spreading disease ! ! ! Oh and that failing economy, don't want it, but that is just a fact; Corona is too, but .......oh, you know what I mean ! ! !

So, this puzzle, lots of emotions, can't you tell ? ? ? It is all good though, being inside, healthy, “solving” this puzzle, it really is all good. Well, ...... not all is good. I still have something to do this week:

This is a couple lines from XRPGord his blog, a little challenge we are doing to lose some weight ! ! ! Doing a puzzle, and climbing some stairs does not go very well, but I found something:

YES NOAH, I found another side piece ! ! !

All sillyness though, at this moment it is no Gordy Time, it is Noah time:

So we have a tree, we have windows, a lot of presents, children, Santa Claus and the sides of course. That was out first thing, the sides ..... Noah, shall we drink hot chocolate with whipped cream, now ..... eh ..... maybe let's not Gordy is watching over my shoulder again ! ! !

So, first step has been made:


Oh and Gordy:


Triggered by XRPGord's Blog, I reached out to the good man. If you have not read the Blog, please do, because it triggers:


Keep an eye out for a monthly blog on this exact topic, my weight loss journey. Doing it monthly because I think some accountability will be good for me. The journey begins now.

Signed XRPGord

These words stuck to me because I like challenges, they trigger me, so time to step in the ring with a big Canadian guy ! ! !

There is only one goal, loose weight, I have 10 pounds (5 kilos) a month, Gordy is going for 15 pounds (7.5 kilos) a month.

I seriously doubt we should put a price on this as there is no loser/ no winner.

We both win when we lose weight and we both lose when we gain weight

I need Gordy to support me and I will support Gordy in his weight battle.

Every Monday, I think it is nice to share updates as sharing means awareness. Weighing every day should not be done, in my opinion, as it obsesses and per week stimulates ...... the drops will be bigger, ....... hopefully ! ! !

Gordy can give me tasks, actually, has to give me weekly tasks and I will do the same for him. Starting big for him.

I would like to see Gordy doing 30 KM walking, crawling, running anything in this week. Proof needs to be in the next Monday Blog. This can be with any app that records distances


I use the Nike Run Club or the Health App that sits in every iPhone. Any App works, even PokemonGo for that matter, not Patty ? ? ? ...... just make it happen. If you don't do it , don't make it .....well, you have to apologise in your own blog and live with the failure until the week you are doing it .... 1 week later ;–) ..... besides the new task of course :–) ........ you can still back out haha ......

The Monday Blog will also be my outlet valve what I did that week, where it went wrong, if it did ..... probably not ...... Will share dishes as I am going green brother.

Losing weight is good in general. It is better for your health but there is also another factor: Corona ! ! !

The biggest part of the fatalities were overweight. A little/ a lot, doesn't matter, I have to lose weight as I have a son and he needs a dad for a couple more years, this was also something Gordy stated in his previous blog.

So, only thing left to share

I am starting this with the following weight:

My goal actually is showing a weight South of 100, let's go for it ! ! !

More than 13 Kilos need to be lost, but I won't shy away from 23

Let's do it, I am rooting for you Gordy ! ! !

So, Gordy, are you in for it ? ? ?

Stay Healthy


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The title says it all, eh ......... NO , it does not ! ! ! I can say something else though: I have absolutely missed almost every date or any date that is worth a little bit of celebration:

I have been with Coil more than a year, OOPS totally forgot about that ! ! !



My first Blog, I wrote it on September 17th 2019 ..... I was just a sporadic seen person on Coil, still, my first Blog was on September 17 ..... oops I did miss that on my calendar.

It wasn't until March this year when I really started to blog consistently. I like the 25th of March as that is the first day of my streak. I did not miss a day since the 25th so that would be 208 days of consecutive writings. 208 ......


Yeah 200 + 8, but what does it mean ..... ? ? ?

*208* is an Angel Number that heralds personal satisfaction on a grand scale, and it often reveals that a period of great prosperity is near at hand.

Well, that sounds promising, although probably everybody in the blockchain world would have said that about 207 also and 206. That actually has nothing to do with my blogging, but just they are Positive as ...... eh really positive about all those crypto projects, whether you talk about Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Stellar, Vechain, and so on ! ! !

So, 208, in the news ? ? ?

Source I mean ......... R E A L L Y ! ! !

Well, actually I did not miss all the dates. I got one correct. That was when I actually had written 99 Blogs and the next one was ...... yep, 100

It became part of my life, blogging, I just do it, without thinking about the numbers. I like writing, I like sharing, hence, I like Coil ! ! ! I have met the greatest people here, I got the greatest compliments on here, I got some bad ones also, but stay positive and look forward.

Through my blogging I have met a lot of nice people that I interviewed. Some very familiar names, that are well known in the crypto atmosphere. Whether they are on YouTube, CryptoTwitter, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, Part of a Blockchain Project or any other affiliation with the Blockchain Industry, it has been educational, at least for me, entertaining and a little bit responsible. Sharing information for my readers.

I love interviewing people, learning new things from others. Maybe there I can find a round number ! ! !

In total I have published 78 Crypto Interviews, ....... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, *7, 8 what is 78 ! ! ! !*

Source Once again ....... R E A L L Y ! ! !

The number 78 is also a number that pursues perfection and appreciates quality. It's ideal generally relates to a harmonious and positive family relationship. The energy represented by the number 78 constructs a concept of how things should be for the welfare of those in its sphere of influence.


Yes, very positive, but it just doesn't fit the profile ..... not sure what to do with 78 ..... I guess we will just wing it ! ! !

So, 208, 78, let's see if I can do something with that. If I want to make it 250 consecutive days, what is kind of a round number, I have to keep the streak going until November 29th, okay, okay, maybe I can mark it down ? ? ? 22 more interviews make it 100 interviews, that would be a good one. The industry is changing and still a lot of people to interview. All nice, all nice.

I cannot really find some common grounds for the numbers 208 and 78, so I just leave it like that. I just have to deal with it. The fact that I have written 208 days in a row, and I have had 78 interviews up to today. I can say one more thing tho

This blog you are reading now, is blog number 259. So when I started writing on September 17th, 2019 I would never have guessed I would have written 259 blogs on Sunday, October 18th, 2020. That may also be a nice accomplishment, but 259 ..... not really a round number again. Well, let's not get into that number.


Just start counting and list in a better way. Oh you like lists. Well, you may want to see the list of all my blogs:

Just Click HERE

I did not know that I had written that amount of blog, but I need to start counting ....


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Last weekend we started with this challenge and we are back at it. If you have missed part I, you can always click here to familiarise yourself with the project ! ! !

So we started with Pikachu. Got the big picture and we cut it from the paper and put it against the wall and started with the outlines.

Started out pretty okay, the actual POKEt MONster was on the wall and without telling, I thing you were able to tell me who it is supposed to be ! ! !

Now, getting some colour to it:

I have to give my wife a lot of credit because she did the lion part of it. I liked it but not important, NOAH likes it and that is the most important ! ! !

This was an easy one, so when the drawings get a little more difficult, this may be tougher, so once again, thinking about our two options:

  1. The DIY way, blow up a drawing, cut it, and outline it on a wall and paint it ..... See Above ! ! !
  2. Get a beamer and stream a picture on the wall and draw / paint it ! ! ! !

What if we combine those two in a bit. We create our own beamer ! ! !

So, how to do that ...... A shoe box, a magnifying glass and some tape, knife and cutting utensils. A couple pictures:

So, this is the machine. Cover on top of it ..... iPhone inside and go go go, but that is for tomorrow, as the weather is too good, we are going for a bike ride ..... Tomorrow Part III

Stay Safe

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24 hours no Social Media, that was my task yesterday. I posted my Coil Blog 12:04 AM yesterday morning and signed of. What did I mean:

  1. No Twitter ( SAY WHAT ) ! ! !

  2. No Instagram (SURE)

  3. No Facebook ( like that is hard ) ! ! !

  4. No gFam ( it is getting harder )

  5. No Coil ( Tough One ) ! ! !

  6. No Whatsapp ( going cold Turkey )

  7. No Pornhub ( kidding, is no social media, although they do a lot of social things on the site, ...... that's what I heard ) ! ! !

So tell me, did this work out ? ? ?


Waking up, phone was not filled with messages because I turned off the Push Notifications. Lovely. No Twitter Notification, don't tempt the weak .... Whatsapp, although not really a Social Media, not used, no Pushed Notifications .... It is widely used in the Netherlands, so if I was REALLY needed, they would call me .... did not happen, the world did not depend on me, .......... I guess ! ! !

After 24 hours it was not:


was all cool with it and had like 32 hours with two visits; probably has to do with the night though, but I was all cool about it ! ! !

I would recommend this to everybody. It is very relaxing and you don't feel obligated, reading all the messages that come in on your phone. Not seeing crypto prices all the time, not seeing negative Corona messages, as the total amount of infections is (slowly) rising and we are close to a second lockdown. The mud throwing in the U.S. it can continue without me reading it at the moment it is shouted on Twitter ! ! !

So, what did I miss ? ? ?

I don't think big things happened and it was just fun and relaxing having the phone not always on me. I know, I do that myself and yes, I should contain myself not reacting to every beep, message and/ or alert, but if you have your phone on you ....... you know the feeling.

I have not heard the biggest shout-outs from Swell yet, but the big news still has to come..... if it comes. Twitter was done for a bit and well, the market is red. That is pretty much what I missed. Of course, I missed a lot of great Blogs, but will pick that up later today and/ or tomorrow ! ! !

I feel refreshed, slept well and I probably will do this more often. Was very nice and if you want to reach me, there are other ways to contact me .....

Would love to get messages in a bottle or pigeon mail :–)

**STAY SAFE ! ! !

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I am ABSOLUTELY not trying to steal my friends thunder, as I think XRPGord is doing a tremendous job sharing his teeth grinding stories ! ! !

I just have to share a grinder myself and could not thought of a better stolen visual than my Canadian Buddy. Do a very bad Photoshop, MAN you cannot even call it photoshop and use it for this post ! ! !

I have NOT asked him if I could borrow this header. Yes, I have asked him if I can use A header and he allowed me too. He has NOT seen it yet, so we will see what is going to happen. If he wants me to take it down, I will gladly do so and will remove it.

This will be after 24 hours as I am going on a 24 hour no social media run. I want to see if I can do that. Will write about that later though, but this post will go out at 12:01 AM CET, Thursday Morning ! ! !


Well, I can show it with one picture. Sorry you have to see this, but the picture probably says a lot, but not enough for the classic ending of this story......

I chose a picture with some Fall leaves BUT that is not what the pictures should be focused on. It is the dog feces I am talking about; and eh ............. if you think I put those leaves there, NO, I did NOT ! ! !

Dog owners, not looking after their dog, especially what their dogs leave behind, it is GRINDING MY GEARS .. especially when you see it happen, wait for it and you see the person kinda looking around and ..... walk away without cleaning up after the dog ! ! !

No, it is not the nicest to pick up your dogs poo, but having the joy of a dog, a companion in the family, comes with the other side of the medal ..... the not so nice one .......

Many parks, beaches have special bags in a dispenser to help you out when you did not bring it yourself:


What is easier than just having these at the place where your dog can have his moment and release the pressure between his legs in the back.

Coming back to the Grinding Part, yesterday morning. I am bringing Noah to school and see this guy walking his dog. And of course, pretty close to the school, the dog was squatting down.

I was just checking out the whole scenery and well, the dog had a tough time, had shaky knees .... said a quick goodbye to Noah and went back to dog doing his stuff.... It went well for him and he was cleaning a particular part of his buddy by “sliding” over the pavement, looking very painful ! ! !

The owner looked rather indifferent, looked around, saw, I think, “no one” was looking and pulled his dog to his feet and walked away. I walked up to him and asked what kind of thought he had right now. *What do you mean and what do you want*, he snapped back, and I sketched out the painful activities his dog had just been through! ! !

No, he did not, the man lied to me plainly ! ! !

I was flabbergasted, so I had to show him the photo I had just taken. It was already there, the man replied .... Wow, what are you saying, man ! ! !

Dude, I was just watching and your dog was just pooping on the sidewalk. Right now you're walking your dog because he has to go to the toilet, you know that, I know that, so ... clean up your s*#@ ..... I mean dog's s@#$. It's not hygienic; there is a school here with a lot of children, someone can step in it and *it is just your responsibility*.

The guy looked at me and clearly thought: when are you done, so I can leave ! ! !

So what about cleaning it buddy, it is just so selfish, only enjoying the happy moments with your dog but when it comes to cleaning after your dog, you are a chicken and walk away ..... the guy obviously not amused by what I was saying, was holding back for a moment to determine his strategy, how to attack me .... with words and / or with fists ..... the last one of course is out of the equation as Corona doesn't allow two strangers being so close together ..... which I was enforcing at this moment, of course.

While he was doing so, the dog had other plans. *He was squatting down again*, had a bad meal yesterday/ this morning I reckon, and started to unload the second ..... load ....

Thank you dog, you are a saviour.

And while the man was really pissed with his dog another event took place ..... A woman passed by and said:

oh honey, can you please clean that up ..... see you at home in a minute .....

THAT did NOT just happen ! ! !

I couldn't help but smile, just looking at the dog: Good BOY ! ! !

The man, submissively nodded and grabbed a little bag from his pocket.

Oh and while you're at it, hon, don't forget the other one .....

I had to leave, this did NOT just happen ! ! !

The man looked at me, feeling defeat ...

I will clean it up, now your happy ......

It is not that I am happy, but we have to look after each other, hence look after our pets. Just clean and all is good.

Have a good day, sir ! ! !


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