The Pay-ID initiative, that Unstoppable Domains is partnered with; talked about a lot in the XRPCommunity, should be a wider topic, in the whole banking / payments industry. It is revolutionary and thinks about the Internet in the early days.
A little history about the Internet and domains show us that the first domains were available in 1983. This was only accessible to a particular group, general public registration started in 1986. The first domain ever registered was: 1.
A little list of the top 10 most expensive domain names publicly reported:
CarInsurance.com — $49.7 million
Insurance.com — $35.6 million
VacationRentals.com — $35 million
PrivateJet.com — $30.18 million
Voice.com — $30 million
Internet.com — $18 million
360.com — $17 million
Insure.com — $16 million
Fund.com — £9.99 million
Sex.com — $14 million
Interesting to see these prices, let's see if this will happen with the Pay ID's also.
So Unstoppable Domains, what do they do, what is it, why ? ? ?
Trying to figure it out yourself, great, getting the RIGHT story from Unstoppable Domains, even better ! ! !
So I have reached out and got in contact with Bradley Kam, who agreed to answer some questions.
Well, let's dive into it a little more. Let's ask Bradley all about it, so without further ado:
Can you please share a little bit of your background with us ? ? ?
Bradley Kam:
Definitely, and thanks for having me. I’m an entrepreneur from Atlanta, Georgia in the United States. I moved to San Francisco in 2012 to run a software company called Talkable. When I moved to San Francisco, I lived in a house called 20 Mission. It was a “hacker house” where early Bitcoin enthusiasts lived and organised meet-ups. Vitalik Buterin even gave a talk in our courtyard.
Blockchain ended up consuming me. I read the Satoshi Nakamoto white paper and had a hard time not thinking about it ever since. I stepped back from my role as CEO at Talkable to focus full-time on crypto towards the end of 2018 and started working on Unstoppable Domains.

A little introduction, can you share the beginning of Unstoppable Domains, how it all started, the vision and what the difference is between a traditional domain and a domain on the blockchain ? ? ?
Bradley Kam:
We are a San Francisco-based company founded in 2018 by Matthew Gould, Braden Pezeshki, Bogdan Gusiev, and myself. We’re building domains on blockchains – we’re kind of like Godaddy for the blockchain.
The problem with traditional domains is that companies are in control of them instead of users. Worse, the current web prevents users from owning their own data, content, identity, etc. There is no permissionless innovation. Our vision is to rebuild the internet in a decentralised way where anyone can pay each other, use tools, and launch a website without gatekeepers controlling us.
Traditional domains sit on centralised servers controlled by a group called ICANN. They do not support payments natively and are not censorship-resistant. Blockchain domains, on the other hand, offer major UX improvement for payments by replacing cryptocurrency addresses with human-readable names. They are controlled by their owners and stored in their wallets, giving them full custody over their domain.
Last year, Tim Draper, raised $ 4 million dollars in a new round of funding for Unstoppable Domains, that was definitely celebrated, getting investors like Boost VC, de Ethereum Foundation and the Zilliqa Foundation? Can you share a little bit about this?
Bradley Kam:
Yes! We are honoured to be backed by Draper Associates and Boost VC. They’ve been great investors and are always there to help the company. We received grants from both the Ethereum Foundation and the Zilliqa Foundation which inspired our .crypto and .zil extensions.

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“By decentralising domain names, Unstoppable Domains has the potential to spread freedom of expression around the world. Domains are recorded on the blockchain and no one else can just take control of them” Words taken from Tim Draper, can you say something about these words ? ? ?
Bradley Kam:
This is the core value proposition of assets on blockchains – they are user controlled. This is true for bitcoin, Ethereum, and for domain names. This is the most important feature of blockchain domains.
A great sentence on your website states: “Replace cryptocurrency addresses with a human readable name” that pretty much tells us a lot. Will Unstoppable Domains help with Mass Adoption ? ? ?
Bradley Kam:
We hope to make crypto payments less scary by making XRPTwin.crypto, for example, your preferred payment address rather than a long string of characters. We hope to see at least 80% of the crypto market owning and utilising domains in the next 3-5 years and we are excited for this journey to continue.

On your website, of course, I checked on domains:
XRPTwin.crypto = $80.00
XRPTwin.zil = $40.00
ferdi.crypto = $800.00
ferdi.zil = $250.00
Garlinghouse.crypto = taken
Garlinghouse.zil = taken
I would say that XRPTwin is me. What happens if somebody else takes it, are we going to get the same situation as the early days with web domains, that people will pay gigantic amounts of money for your domain, or does XRPTwin belong to me ? ? ?
Bradley Kam:
We’ve protected hundreds of thousands of domains to prevent this problem from happening. We are trying to make sure that brand owners get their domains. That’s why we are giving them for free to those brands.

Hmmm, I guess my brand is not big enough yet, did not get THAT call yet from you ;–)
What is going to be the most amazing thing this year ? ? ?
Bradley Kam:
It’s hard to pick one thing. We’ve had a lot of big things happen this year like Coinbase, Gemini Custody, and Chainlink verification. We’ve got a bit more up our sleeve, but nothing to share on that just yet ? ? ?

What has been your top day/ week / month selling domains ? ? ?
Bradley Kam:
In August 2020, after the news that sex.crypto sold on Opensea.io for $90k, we saw our largest increase in both domain sales and marketing awareness to date.

Where is it going with Unstoppable Domains ? ? ?
Bradley Kam:
To a more free, open, and user controlled internet. It’s going to take a while to get there, but we’re all going to better off because of it
Has Covid-19 been difficult for you ? ? ?
Bradley Kam:
We have grown more during Covid-19 than during any other period in the history of the business. I think Covid-19 has generally been good for the digital economy.

Thank you for answering all these question, as I know you are a very busy person. Unstoppable Domains is a hot potato at the moment and I wish you guys all the things you need to succeed.
For the Coil Subscriber the interview is not over yet. I asked Bradley some more questions, but ..... only visible for the subscriber. If you want to learn more about Coil Subscriptions, please click here
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